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黑醋,即老陈醋,属食用醋类,一般是指以粮食谷物为原料,经过长时间自然酿造而生成的颜色很深的原醋。具有助消化、 增食欲、活血化瘀、降低血压和胆固醇的作用。每天早上喝一杯黑醋,可以提升人体的新陈代谢,达到瘦身的功效,有人甚至治疗了便秘的毛病,黑醋可用水调稀之后饮用,效果极佳。

洋葱,去皮洗净切碎(也可以切块)放醋中浸泡,具有抗血管硬化和降低血脂功能。但醋对胃有刺激作用, 患有胃病的人要慎用 。一般市场上买到的调味用的食醋,都是将原醋稀释后,再加入其他些许添加剂而制成的醋。还有一些醋,如白醋等,直接就是勾兑的,不能称之为酿造醋。


1. 不论是市面上购买的酿造醋、发酵醋或自行用米醋泡渍的水果醋、健康醋浓度都达到4.5°~6°以上,绝对不可直接饮用;

2. 体质属于虚冷、手脚冰冷的人不适合饮用柠檬醋,可以吃醋蒜头、醋姜、醋洋葱促进食欲、增强体力。反之,属于燥热体质的人适合饮用苹果醋、梅子醋等水果醋使身体维持平衡状态;




Clear vinegar is raw material with rice, classics liquefaction, saccharify, alcohol ferments, acetic acid ferments, hind ripe wait for working procedure to refine and become, embedded 18 kinds of microelement with all sorts of amino acid and indispensible human body, and do not contain any preservative. This product is in the craft of later period, the course is strung together sweet make its mouthfeel downy, acid is sweet have both, continous is sweet dainty, effect of be eaten together with rice or bread, cold and dressed with sause is best.

Mature vinegar, choose high grade red broomcorn, acid is sweet tastily, the aftertaste is full-bodied, long store not corrupt, it is good to jump over Chu Yue, and a variety of human body such as portion of embedded and rich protein, amino acid, candy and vitamin B cannot complex nutrition composition, not only be cook dish flavor beautiful is tasted, still have aid digestion, open the action of taste, complementary with Chinese traditional medicine, apply of to be taken orally, medicable hypertension, cerebral blood-vessel is sclerotic, rheumatism reachs the disease such as bone hyperplasia, curative effect is admirable.

Because brew,feed vinegar make raw material and craft condition differ, gust each different, without uniform classified method.

If press the technological process that make vinegar to divide, can divide for brew vinegar and artificial synthesis vinegar. Brew vinegar can divide the vinegar that it is rice again (make with the raw material such as commissariat) , sweet-and-sour (with broken bits of maltose, candy kind raw material is made) . What rice vinegar basis machines a method is different, can divide again wait to fume vinegar, sweet vinegar, bran vinegar. Artificial synthesis vinegar can divide the vinegar that it is color and white vinegar again (white vinegar can be divided again for common white vinegar and vinegar concentrate) . Vinegar is beautiful with brew vinegar, it is beautiful with rice vinegar again among them.

If press classification of material handling method, commissariat raw material does not boil gelatinization processing through evaporate, use directly make vinegar, call raw material vinegar; The vinegar that make is brewed after through evaporate the gelatinization that boil is handled, call clinker vinegar.

If press,make vinegar use saccharification music classification, have the branch of vinegar of bran music vinegar, old law music.

If press acetic acid to ferment means is classified, solid state ferments vinegar, liquid state ferments vinegar and solid are rare ferment acetic cent.

If press the color classification that feeds vinegar, have the branch of heavy colour vinegar, light vinegar, white vinegar.

If press gust classification, the acetic fragrance of mature vinegar is thicker; Fume vinegar to have special anxious sweet smell; Sweet vinegar adds flavor of sex of the medicinal material in having, plant to wait.

Artificial synthesis vinegar also weighs vinegar concentrate, use dilute of edible glacial acetic acid and become. Its vinegar flavour is very big, but without fragrance. Glacial acetic acid has to human body corrode action certainly, dilute should undertake when using, stipulate content of glacial acetic acid cannot exceed 3-4% commonly. This kind of vinegar does not contain all sorts of nutriment in feeding vinegar, because of this not easy mildewy metamorphism; But because of nonnutritively action, can flavor only, so, if do not have special need, still feed vinegar in order to eat had better.

Black vinegar, namely old mature vinegar, belong to edible vinegar kind, it is to show with commissariat cereal is raw material commonly, the course is long natural brew and the former vinegar with generated very deep facial expression. Peptic, add appetite, invigorate the circulation of blood to change the Yu, effect that reduces blood pressure and cholesterol. Drink a cup of black vinegar every morning, what can promote human body is metabolic, achieve the effect of thin body, somebody treated costive illness even, black vinegar can use water after mix is rare drinkable, the effect is admirable.

Onion, flay is abluent and mincing (OK also stripping and slicing) in putting vinegar, immerse, have fight blood-vessel sclerosis and reduce hematic fat function. But vinegar has stimulative effect to the stomach, the person that has stomach trouble wants careful with. Buy on common market flavor use feed vinegar, it is dilute of will former vinegar hind, rejoin is other and trifling additive and the vinegar that makes. Still have a few vinegar, wait like white vinegar, tick off add namely directly, cannot say for brew vinegar.

White vinegar: Brew white vinegar is with edible alcohol is raw material, classics acetic acid ferments and become. Making up white vinegar basically is with edible glacial acetic acid is made up for raw material. Its characteristic is acidity not tall, acidity is feeble, do not volatilize acid content is opposite for low, color is light, do not change the color of inflection flavour object.

1.It is chroma of the brew vinegar that buys on market, fruit vinegar that ferments vinegar or proper motion use floodwater on low-lying land of rice vinegar bubble, healthy vinegar no matter achieve 4. 6 ° of 5 ° ~ above, absolutely cannot direct and drinkable;

2.The constitution belongs to empty the person of iciness of cold, hands or feet does not suit drinkable and citric vinegar, can onion of ginger of jealous the head of garlic, vinegar, vinegar is appetitive, enhance physical power. Conversely, belong to hot and dry constitutional person suits the fruit vinegar such as drinkable apple vinegar, plum vinegar to make the body maintains balance position;

The person that function of ulcer of 3. low blood pressure, allergic to vinegar, enteron, intestines and stomach owes beautiful is unfavorable drink vinegar;

4. avoids one big early or hollow drinkable, appropriate is drinkable after eat;
