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为什么杨幂那么时尚? 杨颖和杨幂谁的时尚资源更好?英文双语对照


为什么杨幂那么时尚? 杨颖和杨幂谁的时尚资源更好?英文双语对照















Yummy - 4X

作词:王韵韵 作曲:洲洋











Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy


Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy


Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy




Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy


Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy


Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy














Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy


Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy


Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy




Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy


Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy


Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy




Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy


Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy


Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy




Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy


Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy


Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy








李现、宋威龙、吴亦凡、杨采钰、杨幂、曾舜晞、张小斐、刘诗诗、angelababy、 白敬亭、邱天、王千源、祖峰、朱一龙、金靖、沈腾、王嘉尔、杨洋、赵丽颖、华晨宇、金晨、倪妮、宋茜、辛芷蕾、张彬彬、龚俊、井柏然、秦昊、杨紫、殷桃、钟楚曦、张宥浩、周依然、姚安娜、朱珠、白宇、Joyside乐队、刘浩存、马伯骞、潘粵明、许光汉、丁真、张绍刚、周冬雨。





杨幂 大幂幂





1、“杨幂”读作:yáng mì杨:释义:一是作姓氏,二是指杨树。意思是指树木茂盛,茁壮成长。幂:释义:通常指遮盖东西的巾,作为动词时是覆盖的意思。幂可以做数学名词,也是中文汉字。







外文名Yang Mi,Mini








身高166.5 cm

体重45 kg(2020年数据) 




1986年秋天,杨幂出生在北京市宣武区(已并入新的北京市西城区),父亲杨晓林是民警,母亲杨春玲是专职的家庭主妇 。因为一家三口都姓杨,也就是“杨”的3次方(数学中乘方的结果叫做幂),所以给她起名杨幂。


杨幂 大学?


北京电影学院(Beijing Film Academy),位于北京市,是北京市人民政府、中华人民共和国国家广播电视总局和中华人民共和国教育部共建的艺术高校,中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校,国际电影电视高等院校联合会(CILECT)理事学校和亚太地区电影年会执行主席,首家主持国家“863”项目的艺术院校,教育部本科教学工作水平评估优秀学校,北京市留学生教学管理先进单位,2018中国科幻大会优秀组织单位,是国家动画教育研究基地、北京影视艺术研究基地和中国儿童电影研究中心的挂牌单位。


Why is Yang Mi so fashionable?

Of Yang Mi be worthy of " fashionable queen "

Yang Mi is the female star with a fashionable extremely strong sense, as 85 the top after sheds a female role, now of her every time wear build also can calls vogue the existence of schoolbook, her wear building a style also is those who comparative is modern with tide.

She also once for many times arrived personally now in the airport of each cities, there can be medium when every time shows a body people film photograph, her wear the attention that takes a style to be able to attract us in, the central point that can make millions of people fix eyes upon exists.

Everybody knows to be able to publish the title page of a thread-bound book of fashionable magazine, it is the puissant standard that check identifies astral vogue.

Can publish the title page of a thread-bound book of on 5 big male print, it is achievement brilliant more.

And Yang MiIt is the chief female star in vole of 5 big male print. It is the Shang Zhiyuan when entering the world 8 years continuously more this magazine.

Those who walk is fashionable, loved dead Yang Mi really [send a heart] [send a heart]

Yang Ying and Yang Mi whose fashionable resource is better?

Yang Ying and Yang Mi the fashionable resource that who is Yang Mi of course is better, well-known, yang Mi rarely weighs fashionable rich advocate, major female purchases clothings to perhaps be worn build be willing to follow Yang Mi, and Yang Mi is old boss, each natural resources is very substantial, itself acting and Yang Ying also are the difference that has clearly, and Yang Ying since suffer a disastrous decline of the resource after very yellow Xiao Ming divorces, acting also is to follow Yang Mi to must be not compared, yang Mi is so fashionable resource more very

Of Yang Mi, bottle turn the star moves picture. Thank?

Attend a meeting to chivalric recreation every time, compare more evil-minded criticism to old boss from pleasant to the ear of staff member mouth, say to she does not know the disposition graffito of part of content of characters in a play even, kill her to be enraged so that within an inch of does not have haematemesis.

Does Yang Mi poplar cloth cover Yang Mi poplar cloths cover your what song I like?

Spread out all

Yummy - 4X

Write words: Compose of king charm charm: Continent ocean

A oh awkward all blames them not be as good as one's word

What returns pretty good and god-given good weather

Sweethearts formula

Dozen fold privilege to still send great gift

Optional feature need not polite

Talk about constellation to talk about cosmic mystery

Earthly gravitational force is too mystical attract I and you

Stand by you every time

Resembled leaving the earth to cannot breathe

I am badly in need of a bit oxygen

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

I say to like you

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

Say you like me

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

I see your hand is pondering

The action

Love nots allow one second time difference

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

I say to like you

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

Say you like me

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

I see the scar in your heart


I accompany you to change an equation of time

There still is the mark that she leaves in your eye

Let us meet the fate of love

Want to go in your bosom

The sky rains heavily suddenly

I think this is a destiny

Talk about constellation to talk about cosmic mystery

Earthly gravitational force is too mystical attract I and you

Stand by you every time

Resembled leaving the earth to cannot breathe

I am badly in need of a bit oxygen

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

I say to like you

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

Say you like me

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

I see your hand is pondering

The action

Love nots allow one second time difference

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

I say to like you

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

Say you like me

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

I see the scar in your heart


I accompany you to change an equation of time

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

I say to like you

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

Say you like me

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

I see your hand is pondering

The action

Love nots allow one second time difference

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

I say to like you

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

Say you like me

Yummy Yummy Yummy Yummy

I see the scar in your heart


I accompany you to change an equation of time

"Yummy " pronunciation very resemble " Yang Mi " ~

Type very painstaking, adopt

Grand ceremony of fashionable Ba Sha 2021 didn't Yang Mi attend?

Attended, it is list of honored guest of Sha of 2021 fashionable Ba below:

Plum show, of Song Wei dragon, Wu Yifan, Yang Caiyu, Yang Mi, Ceng Shun, Zhang Xiaofei, Liu Shishi, Angelababy, Bai Jingting, Qiu Tian, .

Does Yang Mi call great power power reason?

Yang Mi is called great power, should have very big concern with her figure, do not see Yang Mi so thin, actually her bosom cover cup has D cover cup.

The tit is big, the waist is fine, the leg is long, this figure is really absolutely.

The origin of Yang Mi name, why is Yang Mi called great power again?

Yang Mi cloths cover greatly

Our person enrages young lady of floret poplar power, cloth cover the name of power believes you are not unfamiliar greatly,

Because cloth cover elder sister is in,someone says is go further more on black road oneself, call great power power so

Still have a reason nevertheless, because Yang Mi's figure is very good,also may be, call her great power so

Yang Mi pronunciation?

1, " Yang Mi " read: ì of Y á Ng M poplar: Paraphrase: It is to make surname, 2 it is to point to poplar. Means points to timbered, thrive. Power: Paraphrase: Point to the towel of cover thing normally, enclothed meaning is when serving as a verb. Power can make mathematical name, also be Chinese Chinese character.

2, data of Yang Mi's individual: Was born in Beijing on September 12, 1986, producer of actress of Chinese inland movie and TV, popular happy singer, movie and TV. 2005, beijing film institute performs a department to be read. 2006, in " associate of divine carve a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " and cut a figure. Yang Mi is depended on after wear Shaoxing opera " palace Suo Xinyu " gain wide attention.

Yang Mi home town?

Yang Mi, was born in Beijing on September 12, 1986, producer of actress of Chinese inland movie and TV, popular happy singer, movie and TV.

2005, yang Mi enters Beijing film institute to perform class of department undergraduate course to be read. 2006, because go out,perform theatrical work of golden commonplace knight-errant " associate of divine carve a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct " and cut a figure. 2008, by right of ancient costume drama " Wang Zhaojun " the teleplay actress that wins audience of award of Jin Ying of TV of the 24th China to love award nominates. 2009, yang Mi is in " 80 hind Neozoic recreation stars greatly " in selection activity rather her 3 actress are judged to be jointly " 4 floret dawn " . 2011, because the main actor wears Shaoxing opera " palace Suo Xinyu " gain wide attention, obtain elect by ballot of audience of award of white yulan magnolia of division of TV of the 17th Shanghai to provide a person to enrage actress award most.

2012, yang Mi atelier holds water, and she depends on city drama " Beijing love story " acquire skill of Jin Ying TV of the 9th China in succession the section provides a person to enrage TV of the 26th actress award, China most the teleplay actress that audience of Jin Ying award loves award nominates. 2015, of the main actor " Xiaoshi is acting " series movies booking office achieved 1.8 billion RMB. 2016, the duty field theatrical work of its main actor " dear translates an official " obtain countrywide year teleplay to close inspect champion. 2017, the divine modern drama that Yang Mi acts the leading role " 3 unripe sansei 10 lis of peach blossom " gain quite tall attention; Of the same age, she still depends on science fiction piece " when going against, rescue " obtain Houston international film festival optimal heroine award. 2018, depend on ancient load " Ⅱ of embroider spring knife: Field of long Luo Zhan " obtain Beijing University to give birth to film festival most suffer an undergraduate to welcome actress award; Of the same age, she still won actress of beryl of award of good actor of TV of the 5th China award. 2021, attend evening party of Spring Festival of total stage of central broadcasting television first.

Chinese name Yang Mi

Foreign language name Yang Mi, mini

Power of alias violet sunlight, power, fox, little power, fox little power, great power

Citizenship China

Ethical the Han nationality

Birthplace Beijing

Give unripe date on September 12, 1986

Constellation is maiden

Blood type B

Height 166.5 Cm

Weight 45 Kg(2020 year data)

Institute of film of graduate school Beijing

Professional actor, singer, producer

Atelier of Yang Mi of broker company fine travel

Summer 1986, yang Mi is born in division of Beijing announce military (already merged into new Beijing on the west the city zone) , father Yang Xiaolin is a policeman, maternal Yang Chunling is full-time is housewife. Because 3 are surnamed poplar, namely " poplar " 3 square (the result of the power in maths is called power) , give a name to her so Yang Mi.

So Yang Mi's home town is Beijing.

Yang Mi university?

Yang Mi's university is Beijing film institute.

Beijing film institute (Beijing Film Academy) , be located in Beijing, it is broadcasting television of state of Beijing people government, People's Republic of China the artistic college that total bureau and Ministry of Education of People's Republic of China build in all, chinese government scholarship comes China the student studying abroad receives a school, federation of institution of higher learing of international film TV (CILECT) director school and annual meeting of Asia-Pacific area film carry out a chairman, first manage a country " 863 " the artistic school of the project, level of job of teaching of undergraduate course of Ministry of Education evaluates outstanding school, education of Beijing student studying abroad runs advanced unit, congress of 2018 China science fiction is outstanding constituent unit, it is art of movie and TV of base of research of national animation education, Beijing of research base and research center of Chinese children movie hang out one's shingle unit.

上一篇:心怡的诗句? 王心怡几岁?英文双语对照