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在空太和真白两人碰壁变得不顺利的事后,七海打给真白的一通电话起到了效果。七海在毕业后剪短了标志性的马尾,继续向声优之路努力。伊织向栞奈告白,两人顺利交往了。虽然曾被栞奈甩过一次,但伊织丝毫没有放弃的单相思努力有了结果,两人从高中3年级开始交往了。美咲学姐和仁则一如既往的像是空太的好帮手。龙之介和丽塔,两人都是空太的好友的感觉,特别是龙之介不仅在游戏制作方面,在真白方面也给了空太很多支持。龙之介讨厌女人的原因也得到判明,主要归功于母亲和姐姐们……龙之介和丽塔到最后也没能交往,但是龙之介对丽塔的态度有了变化,丽塔在大学里继续攻略龙之介。太和真白在最终卷的最初20页内完成了人生大事,之后前半部主要讲述两人的热恋,但是后半部因为要分别制作游戏和连载漫画,两人的交往也就变得少了。最后,随着两人高中毕业,两人也决定分手,理由是大家都还是孩子,很难同时成全恋爱与梦想,为了应援对方的梦想,两人选择了分手…… 4年后,空太在大学毕业当日回到樱花庄,在这里和真白重逢了,真白表示比4年前更加喜欢空太,主动吻了空太。也许4年前还无法做到,但现在已经基本是大人的两人,能够一起跨越各种难题了。记载着各种回忆的樱花庄,因为老旧不堪而决定弃用。栞奈、伊织,以及在空太毕业后搬来的妹妹优子成为了最后的住人。樱花庄的故事也就到此结束了。





























One, the actor of pet girl sound of oriental cherry village?

" the pet girl of oriental cherry village " main sound actor: Loose ridge auspiciousing assist, Mao Ye is love garment, medium ferry true Li child, river of Jing Xiaohong of beauty of ferry of Gao Sen Nai, cherry, Ku by the garment

TV animation " the pet girl of oriental cherry village " adapt the homonymic light novel that from Japanese light fictionist duck annals Tian Yiyuan makes. On September 9, 2011, net of original work official announces above all " the pet girl of oriental cherry village " broadcast drama CD (CD of ド ラ マ ) the decision that influence. After this is in on April 10, 2012, " the pet girl of oriental cherry village " the information that animation turns is announced formally also, continue to use of animation sound actor the broadcast drama CD that announces before this " sentence of life of お of の of て of め of じ of は of の of ろ of し of vertebra name ま " acoustical actor battle array. TV animation on October 8, 2012 head sow, complete 24 collect.

2, the pet girl of oriental cherry village a few season?

2 season. This work is the B station hegemony of famous, no matter be of 6.2 million trace a strength, or of near 200 million broadcast a quantity, enough sees domestic animation audience is right of this work have deep love for, in the comment the area still can discover, still have till recently fill whether can ask a question have an audience the 2nd season.

3, the ending of the pet girl of oriental cherry village?

Ending is empty too the university graduates, the former member of oriental cherry village gathers afresh. Below oriental cherry tree, empty too Xiang Zhenbai professions, two people were together afresh.

" the pet girl of oriental cherry village " the divine Tian Kongtai in reads university of Shui Mingyi art accessary high school is average division 2 grade, because be in,be gone to by banish oriental cherry village, become 101 lodger of oriental cherry village.

Do all one can is chased after the ability that experienced his and really white difference, the target is to become game producer. 3 eagles benevolence the evaluation has mysterious force to be able to condense the person of oriental cherry village together too for nothing.

4, " the pet girl of oriental cherry village " ending what?

Before the show share that 7 seas are coiling finally is done not have much, but still very much existence feels.

In empty too and really white two people be rebuffed becomes ill after the event, 7 seas hit really white one electrify word to have the effect. 7 seas are cut after graduation short the horsetail of mark sex, the road that continues to actor or actress to sound tries hard. Yi is knitted to Nai confess, two people interacted smoothly. Although ever had been swung by Nai, but the love solely that Yi knits a bit to did not abandon had a result hard, two people from high school 3 grade begin association. Beautiful learns elder sister and benevolence criterion as always resembling is empty too good helper. The Jie Heli tower of dragon, two people are empty too the good friend's feeling, especially the interpose of dragon makes a field in game not only, also gave in really white respect support more very much too for nothing. The reason that the interpose of dragon is fed up with a woman also gets an ascertain, basically be attributed to mother and elder sisters... Long Zhi uprights and beautiful tower also fails to interact to finally, but the interpose of dragon had change to the manner of beautiful tower, beautiful tower continues in the university the interpose of strategy dragon. Too with what coiling finally in vain really life major issue was completed inside 20 pages at first, later before half be passionately in love that basically tells about two people, but because second half ministry wants to make game and serialize cartoon respectively, the association of two people also becomes little. Finally, graduate as two people high school, two people also decide to part company, reason is everybody still be the child, help sb to fulfill his wishes very hard at the same time love and dream, to answer the dream of aid the other side, two people chose to part company... after 4 years, empty too oriental cherry bank is returned that day in college graduate, be here and really white meet again, before expressing to compare 4 years in vain really, like more empty too, kissed actively empty too. Still perhaps cannot accomplish 4 years ago, but already basic now the two people that are adult, can span together all sorts of difficult problem. Account is worn the oriental cherry village of all sorts of memory, because old old can't bear and decide to abandan. Nai, Yi is knitted, and in empty too the little sister that moves after graduation actors or actress child became live finally person. The story of oriental cherry village also comes here ended.

5, the pet girl big ending of oriental cherry village?

" the pet girl of oriental cherry village " ending is empty too the university graduates, the former member of oriental cherry village gathers afresh. When oriental cherry tree falls, empty too Xiang Zhenbai professions, two people were together afresh.

6, the ending of pet girl novel of oriental cherry village?

Graduate in high school above all during, empty too part company with the career that chose oneself severally in vain really, after 4 years, empty too oriental cherry bank is returned that day in college graduate, be here and really white meet again, before expressing to compare 4 years in vain really, like more empty too, kissed actively empty too. Still perhaps cannot accomplish 4 years ago, but already basic now the two people that are adult, can span together all sorts of difficult problem.

Account is worn the oriental cherry village of all sorts of memory, because old old can't bear and decide to abandan. Nai, Yi is knitted, and in empty too the little sister that moves after graduation actors or actress child became live finally person. The story of oriental cherry village also comes here ended.

7, does the pet girl part of oriental cherry village introduce?

The hero calls divine Tian Kongtai to read university of Shui Mingyi art accessary high school is average division 2 grade, because be in,be gone to by banish oriental cherry village, become 101 lodger of oriental cherry village.

Vertebra name is each in vain really the gender is gentle, natural slow-witted, 3 without, have badly dependence. Did not provide for oneself completely ability, change repeatedly even washing clothings also is empty too help anthology, love to eat annual ring cake, have as disparate as the ordinary person thinking return, because be born in artistic old and well-known family, begin to study a picture from pee, to the outside unresponsive, won't laugh, lack life common sense.

Green hill 7 seas, empty too classfellow. Live in Osaka originally, because this is held,one closes on the west antrum, to can be become the falling-rising tone actors or actress and try hard give up, but excited when still be can subliminal with close on the west antrum. Maintaining in the school classy unripe attitude, very true, amiable, a bit bashful, be proud charming, ordinary and lovely. Like a tiger very much it seems that, one is had accost very lovely tiger of the function holds pillow in the arms " Hu Cilang " , other very much thing also is a tiger. Like empty too, but dare not convey bluntly come out. The dream is actor

8, the ending of pet girl green hill of oriental cherry village?

The dream that green hill actors or actress for sound goes part-work and part-study system, although fall ill to hold on even, bear all sorts of unjust, depress oneself affection, still fail finally.

The layout that empty too large half an year does meticulously, be made however the company irrigated a cold water.

This animation more resemble be two people struggling history, also be the ending of great majority person.

To later two people hold to no less than going to that lean close together each other, when what green hill blames a destiny is unjust, can tell her only too for nothing: You already very effort.

In the school, you can achieve corresponding result through trying hard to come, but in this society, it is only hard on one hand, still have all sorts of daedal factors.

The student party that sees here so people, the school may be fair finally place, can upgrade goes is.

9, the pet girl of oriental cherry village how finished?

Empty too the university graduates, the former member of oriental cherry village gathers afresh. Below oriental cherry tree, empty too Xiang Zhenbai professions, two people are together afresh.

Before the show share that 7 seas are coiling finally is done not have much, but still very much existence feels. In empty too and really white two people be rebuffed becomes ill after the event, 7 seas hit really white one electrify word to have the effect. 7 seas are cut after graduation short the horsetail of mark sex, the road that continues to actor or actress to sound tries hard.

Yi is knitted to Nai confess, two people interacted smoothly. Although ever had been swung by Nai, but the love solely that Yi knits a bit to did not abandon had a result hard, two people from high school 3 grade begin association. Beautiful learns elder sister and benevolence criterion as always resembling is empty too good helper.

The Jie Heli tower of dragon, two people are empty too the good friend's feeling, especially the interpose of dragon makes a field in game not only, also gave in really white respect support more very much too for nothing. The reason that the interpose of dragon is fed up with a woman also gets an ascertain, basically be attributed to mother and elder sisters. . . Long Zhi uprights and beautiful tower also fails to interact to finally, but the interpose of dragon had change to the manner of beautiful tower, beautiful tower continues in the university the interpose of strategy dragon.

Empty finally too and completed life major issue in vain really, before half basically tell about the be passionately in love of two people, but because second half ministry wants to make game and serialize cartoon respectively, the association of two people also becomes little. Finally, graduate as two people high school, two people also decide to part company, reason is everybody still be the child, help sb to fulfill his wishes very hard at the same time love and dream, to answer the dream of aid the other side, two people chose to part company.

After 4 years, empty too oriental cherry bank is returned that day in college graduate, be here and really white meet again, before expressing to compare 4 years in vain really, like more empty too, kissed actively empty too. Still perhaps cannot accomplish 4 years ago, but already basic now the two people that are adult, can span together all sorts of difficult problem.

Account is worn the oriental cherry village of all sorts of memory, because old old can't bear and decide to abandan. Nai, Yi is knitted, and in empty too the little sister that moves after graduation actors or actress child became live finally person. The story of oriental cherry village also comes here ended.

10, does the pet girl of oriental cherry village have a knife?

The answer is to do not have. " the pet girl of oriental cherry village " adapt the homonymic light novel that from Japanese light fictionist duck annals Tian Yiyuan makes, what this animation tells about is university of Shui Mingyi art accessary high school, additional and independent dormitory,

Oriental cherry Zhuang Qun got together a flock of do is full of that what happen between various problem student laugh daily the breath that complete theatrical work was full of joy does not have a knife so, having a knife is to point to time there is cruel heart bridge in drama paragraph meaning
