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成都到广西旅游攻略? 广西到西藏旅游需要多少天?英文双语对照


成都到广西旅游攻略? 广西到西藏旅游需要多少天?英文双语对照



1. 飞机:成都有多条航线直飞广西的主要城市,如南宁、桂林、柳州等。可以选择在这些城市中游玩,例如南宁的青秀山、桂林的漓江、柳州的莲花山等。

2. 自驾游:成都到广西的路程比较远,但是途中可以经过许多美景,例如四川的九寨沟、黄龙、峨眉山等,重庆的武隆天生三桥、彩虹桥等。到了广西后,可以选择去桂林的漓江、阳朔的西街、北海的银滩、南宁的青秀山等旅游胜地。


1. 行程规划:如果时间比较紧,可以选择坐飞机,时间比较充裕的话可以选择自驾游,路上也可以适当停留玩玩。

2. 餐饮:广西的美食非常有特色,例如桂林米粉、柳州螺蛳粉、北海的海鲜等,建议尝试。

3. 住宿:广西的住宿条件比较好,可以选择在市区或者景区内的酒店住宿。

4. 注意事项:旅游时要注意安全,保管好自己的财物和重要文件,尊重当地的风俗习惯和文化,遵守当地的规定和法律。

















1 我不清楚去巴马旅游跟团的具体费用,请问您想了解哪个季节的价格?2 跟团旅游的价格相对于自由行会稍微贵一些,因为需要支付导游和旅行社的服务费用,加上巴马的交通和住宿费用也不低,所以大概在几千元左右。3 如果您不想跟团旅游,也可以自己安排行程并预订住宿和交通,这样可能会更经济实惠一些,但需要自己做出更多的策划和安排。





然后吃中午饭,下午去北川新县城看一下风貌。傍晚可以前往安昌镇,去寻龙山公园游玩, 27日晚上就住在寻龙山酒店,里面有别墅,还可以泡温泉,放松下。28日白天就可以爬山,欣赏寻龙山公园的美景。下午就可以打道回府了。


快递从成都到拉萨市区内,最快也需要3天,不超过4天时间收件 。。。




Does Chengdu travel to Guangxi strategy?

It is Chengdu below the travel strategy to Guangxi:

1.Plane: Chengdu has the main city of Guangxi of many course non-stop flight to, wait like Nanning, Guilin, Liuzhou. Can choose to play in these urban middle reaches, for example the lotus hill of the Li river of the Qing Xiushan of Nanning, Guilin, Liuzhou.

2.Drive oneself swim: Chengdu is compared to the distance of Guangxi far, but a lot of beautiful scenery can be passed in road, for example hill of eyebrow of the channel of 9 stockaded village of Sichuan, Huang Long, high mountain, the Wu Longtian of Chongqing gives birth to 3 bridges, rainbow bridge to wait. Arrived after Guangxi, of the Li river that can choose to go to Guilin, Yang Shuo on the west the travel resort such as the Qing Xiushan of the silver-colored beach of street, the North sea, Nanning.

It is a few proposals below:

1.Journey program: If time is closer, can choose by air, can choose to be driven oneself if time is more abundant swim, also can stay appropriately on the road play.

2.Meal: The cate of Guangxi has distinguishing feature very much, for example the seafood of pink of spiral shell of Guilin ground rice, Liuzhou, the North sea, proposal attempt.

3.Accommodation: The accommodation condition of Guangxi is better, can choose to be in the urban district or the hotel inside scene area lodges.

4.Note: Safety should notice when travel, it is important to had kept oneself property is mixed file, respect custom habit of place and culture, abide by local regulation and law.

Hope above information can be helped somewhat to your journey.

How many days does Guangxi need to Tibetan travel?

Guangxi needs the at least 15 time of the day to Tibetan travel. Because two ground be apart is further, need longer viatic time. Inside these 15 days, can plan the city such as course way Chongqing, Chengdu, appreciate the scenery of different district and culture on the way. In Tibet, can visit the famous tourist attraction such as fault of wood of Lhasa, accept, Mount Everest, experience downy and peculiar natural scene and humanitarian breath. In addition, because change of downy area climate is bigger, still need proper adjustment and breathing space to get used to downy environment. The place on put together is narrated, journey of 15 days can make a tourist sufficient experience Guangxi arrives Tibetan local customs, the journey that leaves profundity writes down .

Does Chengdu travel 13 days to Kuerle how many money?

The travel way that because individual consumption level and place choose,Chengdu forces travel expenses of 13 days to library Er and different. Generally speaking, the price that swims with the group can compare free travel a few taller, because it included the charge such as traffic, accommodation and entrance ticket. According to my inquiry and understanding, the price that Chengdu swims 13 days with the group to Kuerle reachs 8000 yuan in 5000 yuan about between, particular value can be mixed according to standard of travel circuitry, accommodation the hotel of a choice and differ somewhat. If be free travel, airline ticket and room charge need you oneself to assume. Hope this information is helped somewhat to you!

Chengdu do to desert river 15 days of special trains travel charge how many?

Chengdu is a few grade to the cost component of desert river special train, soft keep down spreads 4380 yuan, 4180 yuan are spread on soft sleeper, lie forcedly upper berth 3480 yuan, 3780 yuan are spread in lying forcedly, hard keep down spreads 4080 yuan, this is this year on August 19 the quote of travel agent, the time of travel special train is 15 days, explore day pool - walk into elfland to grow Bai Shan,

Drunk beautiful prairie - llano of Hu Lunbei Er,

China most north is carried - village of desert river arctic,

Exclusive seek by inquiry " between the world " ground of find a view.

Accommodation of cate, light excessive, close service!

Does Chengdu arrive Guangxi how many kilometer?

1222 kilometers, the Chengdu distance to Guangxi is 1222 kilometers left and right sides, drive to drive a travel to arrive oneself Guangxi, what need time about 16 hours, fat fee makes an appointment with 760 yuan, pass by expends 590 yuan, aggregate 1350 yuan.

Does Chengdu travel 3 days to Changsha how much is charge?

Chengdu to Changsha 3 days of telephone bills should be in probably 2001 people. Ticket and accommodation are in 1400 the left and right sides. Remain 800 use at eating to eat.

Does Guangxi Ba Ma travel 8 days charge how many money?

1 I am not clear go the specific charge that Ba Ma travel follows a group, do you want to which seasonal value know excuse me? The price of 2 travel following a group guilds at freedom relatively a little a few more expensive, because need to pay the service of tourist guide and travel agent fee, the traffic that increases Ba Ma and accommodation fare are not low also, control in thousands of yuan probably so. 3 if you do not want to follow a group,travel, he arrange the route and also can engage accommodation and liaison man, such may more economy is a few more substantial, but need oneself to make more plans and arrangement.

Does Chengdu travel to the United States how many money?

If you go to the United States if travelling, the word of the charge of visa is controlled in 2000 money about. You yourself can arrive you the public security bureau there is dealt with.

Does Chengdu arrive is boreal plain travel driven 2 days oneself swim?

Set out from Chengdu 27 days in the morning, into continous high speed goes to boreal plain on, go visitting boreal plain old town first, hold a memorial ceremony for issues the 512 people that die.

The lunch in eating next, go to boreal plain new town visitting one ahull appearance afternoon. The dusk can head for An Changzhen, go seeking play of dragon hill park, live in hotel of the hill that search dragon 27 days night, there is villa inside, OK still bubble hot spring, loosen below. Can climb 28 days day, appreciation searchs the beautiful scenery of dragon hill park. Can hit a your home afternoon.

How many days does Chengdu flow to Lhasa content?

Express arrives from Chengdu inside Lhasa urban district, also need the most quickly 3 days, do not close between more than 4 climate. . .

 Have 2030 kilometers left and right sides to Lhasa city from Chengdu, with classics be very far, but present high speed road very develop, faster still.

If express arrives from Chengdu inside Lhasa urban district, below normal circumstance, also need time the most quickly 3 days, won't exceed 4 days of time.
