魔兽世界中有许多小宠物可以收集。这些小宠物可以陪伴玩家冒险,也可以参与战斗。以下是一些魔兽世界小宠物收集攻略:1. 完成任务:在魔兽世界中,有一些特定的任务会奖励玩家小宠物。玩家可以通过完成这些任务来获得小宠物。2. 战斗挑战:在魔兽世界中的一些战斗挑战中,玩家可以击败特定的怪物来获得小宠物。这些小宠物通常有一定的掉落率,需要玩家多次挑战才能获得。3. 收集成就:魔兽世界中有许多宠物相关的成就,玩家可以通过完成这些成就来获得小宠物。例如,完成特定数量的宠物战斗胜利、收集一定数量的宠物品种等。4. 赛事活动:魔兽世界中会不定期举办一些特殊的赛事活动,玩家可以通过参加这些活动来获得独特的小宠物奖励。5. 交易与收购:玩家可以通过交易或者从其他玩家那里购买小宠物。有时候其他玩家可能拥有很稀有的小宠物,可以通过与他们进行交易或者购买来获得。6. 商店购买:魔兽世界的官方商店中也有一些小宠物可以购买。玩家可以通过在商店中使用真实货币购买小宠物。7. 成就奖励:在魔兽世界中,一些成就会奖励玩家特定的小宠物。玩家可以通过完成相关的成就来获得这些特殊的小宠物。收集魔兽世界小宠物需要时间和耐心,有时候也需要一定的运气。玩家可以通过多方面的努力来增加自己的小宠物收集数量。
我选的是小恐龙(赞达拉袭胫者)+角鹰兽+阿努比萨斯人偶的组合 中途到菲拉斯一定要抓一只精灵龙,非常好用。
(11-13级左右) 因为野外大部分都是野兽+小动物+水系,比较好对付。各个版本其实都差不多,上个版本的毕业装大概能用到升级等级的一半前吧,比如100升110的话,100装备用到105差不多,然后任务装就可以替换上版本装了,任务每个地图最后奖励一定不错,假如动态等级的话,可以留到满级再交任务,除非有前置任务没办法就不能取巧了- - ,然后开始刷PT5人本,因为5H有装等要求,大概凑够5PT装就可以进了,也可以AH买世界掉落高装等装绑和专业制造物品,然后开始刷5H,因为团本大概还要几周,所以加个开荒公会一起吧,有人一起排本毛装备也容易,另外刷本的同时也不要忘了世界任务和阵营声望,毕竟又是肝项链的节奏,阵营声望奖励看需求吧,基本解锁了也没你身上的好了,坐骑宠物玩具什么的倒是可以收集,大概就这样吧
1. 多打怪:怪是最重要的来源之一,而且有概率掉落会掉落魔兽宠物,以及一些宠物的升级材料。2. 兑换:一些游戏自带的商店会提供兑换宠物的选项,可以用成就点数、金币或者其他游戏币兑换宠物。3. 节日活动 :很多游戏都将节日活动与宠物收集结合,可以通过参与中获得各种宠物。4. 特定地区:许多游戏都会设计特定区域(特定副本)来实现宠物收集,在此可以获取特定宠物。5. 抽卡:一些在线游戏,主要是大型3D回合制 MMORPG 游戏会提供抽卡机会,在参加活动、完成任务等方式中可以获得彩色卡牌以及游戏内宠物。6. 交易:在线游戏中,玩家之间可以通过金币或其他游戏币来交易宠物,有时也可以把真实世界货币换成游戏币,再换宠物。
Above all, should have a 25 class " civet demon is bestowed favor on " , this so-called " always motive " practice is bestowed favor on necessary. Next, can go Pandaliya. OK, next you can go 4 wind cereal, the civet demon that uses you is bestowed favor on go 4 wind cereal, along the map of the eastern side, a lot of places are a brood of a brood little pet, go down to hit, practice arrives your hand is jerky.
1, want to upgrade demon animal small favor, want to optimize equipment above all, increase property, can carry the mission that finish next, attack kill an eccentric person and attend carbon to gain experience, still can participate in PVP battle to get additional award.
2, in addition, the proposal joins a consortium, share consortium activity and group copy, in order to obtain more experience and equipment.
3, the good method that challenging advanced carbon and Boss also is frequent promotion grade.
Demon has a lot of little pet to be able to be collected in animal world. These little pet can accompany player adventure, also can participate in a battle. It is little pet of world of animal of a few demon collects a strategy below: 1. The task that finish: In demon animal world, a few specific tasks can reward player little pet. The player can obtain little pet through finishing these jobs. 2. Battle challenge: In the challenge of a few battles in demon animal world, the player can beat specific an eccentric person to obtain little pet. These little pet have normally drop certainly rate, need player challenges ability to obtain for many times. 3. Collect achievement: Demon has the success related a lot of pet in animal world, the player can obtain little pet through achieving these success. For example, the pet battle victory that achieves specific amount, collect a certain quantity of pet breed to wait. 4. Match activity: The meeting in demon animal world is nonsked conduct a few special match activities, the player can win individual little pet award through entering these activities. 5. Trade with buy: The player can be passed trade or from little pet is bought over there other player. Occasionally other player may have very rare little pet, can be obtained through do business with them or be being bought. 6. The shop buys: The government of demon animal world also has a few little pet to be able to be bought in the shop. The player can buy little pet through real money is being used in the shop. 7. Achievement award: In demon animal world, a few achievement can reward the player's specific little pet. The player can obtain these special little pet through achieving relevant success. Collect little pet of demon animal world to need time and patience, also need certain lot occasionally. The player can pass the effort of many sided to increase his little pet to collect an amount.
1. is used advocate haggard endowment, nurturance pats the good convention of claw to passerby.
Him 2. is hit when blaming, choose the green clothes of fierce tiger prefix, very long the place that did not update can consider AH right amount buy, NPC has what unusual sale takes power to also can consider to buy, cloth armour also the question is not big.
3. alliance square course chooses to finish become ursine to hold the post of Wu and black coast to kill strange task to take a ship to go to wet ground directly, pull a body to go next western wild. Later according to bare backbone hill - the dim light of night is pressed down - bramble cereal (part) - Alaxi (part) - flashy Campagna (part) - the line of desolate ground is clear the task. Dead mine / the jail is allied / Nuomoruigen can be brushed twice appropriately, 35+ if have appropriate team,can brush redness of skin to upgrade. Sad wail / razor marsh all is jumped over, dark abyss / razor upland / Maladu does the job only at most. The hand that the viatic skin pants of the task and group striker drop Nuomoruigen uses punish sb to teach him a lesson implement it is to be able to use the thing of 60, must do. If you decided to brush redness of skin to upgrade, need not use buy the pony of 40.
If 4. issues carbon, as far as possible not group bandits, because you mix experienced grade level,wicked equipment is conflict. If must group, you want come to an agreement or understanding force skin, give him nimble skin.
5. uses mining during this + those who decorticate is double collect, the skin can make a point to paper skin division can excessive the outfit that wear, strong volume goes. Fishing can drill later, emergency treatment and cooking are best and bad nevertheless to lose too far.
On grade of 6. experienced class can blame gigantic chelonian ring, bear incidentally the task of crystal of skull of demon club, doomsday, Xin Maluo, address stopwatch is done, head of farewell of full grade of so as to save goes making these toys.
If 7. has the division that make a skin to be able to become green young dragon protects armour / the armet of wolf head / savage chatelaine / boot of dim light of night, immediately collect stuff goes doing, it is to want to occupy you later permanent knapsack of each grid.
It is OK also that the equipment of 8. high spirit is hit stay, eat activation / run road when change.
Task of 9.5 class profession should choose the cuirass of that cure, this grandma installs you to be able to be worn all the time you have T1. And the difference of haggard Pi Jia and abyssal barkeeper is not too much, this plaything you 60 class are OK sheet brushs.
10. arrived 50 class, can wash decorticate. If want to should rebuke later T, learn to add evil spirit. Hit ground, project of go to school. Learn to add demon to be able to brush black Shi Shenyuan to make money, learn a project to be able to brush articles of tribute to make money. Of course the secret silver-colored badge that you have Qian Ke to do a glitter with learning to cast really is written down.
Of my choosing is small dinosaur (assist amounts to the person that pull a leg) + horny eagle animal + the assorted midway of person idol goes to Anubisasi Feilasi must catch dragon of a demon, first-rate with.
(11-13 class is controlled) because field much is a beast + puppy + water system, better make do.Each version actually about the same, the graduation outfit of last version can be used probably upgrade before the half of grade, for instance 100 litres of words of 110, 100 equipment are used 105 about the same, hold the post of Wu outfit to be able to be replaced next on version was installed, every map rewards the job finally scarcely is wrong, if the word of dynamic grade, can leave full grade to make the task again, unless have before buy task does not have method cannot joker - - , begin to brush PT5 person next this, because 5H has the demand such as outfit, probably outfit of collect enough 5PT can be entered, OK also AH buys the world to drop the outfit such as tall outfit is bound and major produces goods, begin to brush 5H next, because of the group this probably even a few weeks, add a consortium of open up wasteland one case so, it is easy also that somebody discharges this wool to equip together, brush additionally this while also did not forget world task and prestige of a group of people of same interest, it is the rhythm of liver necklace after all, award of prestige of a group of people of same interest sees demand, radical solution was locked up what also do not have your body to go up became good, sit ride pet toy to be able to be collected of what however, probably such
1.Many dozens blame: It is one of the mainest source quite, and probability drops can drop demon animal pet, and of a few pet upgrade material. 2. Change: A few game can offer the option that converts pet from the shop of the belt, can use achievement check the number, gold coin money of other perhaps sport changes pet. 3. Festal activity: A lot of game collect festal activity and pet union, can pass all sorts of pet are obtained in participating in. 4. Specific area: A lot of game can design location (specific carbon) will realize pet collect, can get specific pet here. 5. Take card: A few online game, basically be large 3D bout makes MMORPG game can offer the opportunity that take card, color can be obtained to block the pet inside card and game in playing the way such as the activity, task that finish. 6. Trade: In online game, gold coin can be passed between the player or other sport money will trade pet, also can trade real universal money into play money sometimes, change pet again.
The priest upgrades the strategy can sum up for 3 the key nods: It is the endowment that the choice suits, good to master glorious task, reasonable use professional mastery of a skill or technique. Above all, the endowment that the choice suits is very important, a nice natural gift can raise a priest the viability in game and output capacity. Proposal novice chooses divine natural gift, treat and restore ability what can increase oneself so, make the priest acts more important role in the group. Next, glorious task can offer much experience value, equipment and gold coin, need priest is finished in time. Finally, reasonable the battle efficiency that uses professional skill to be able to raise a priest, for instance remedial method can restore life to be worth for teammate, divine nova is OK the group harms the enemy. Anyhow, task of the ode of choice fine day, glory that finish, use professional mastery of a skill or technique, this 3 o'clock is the key that the priest upgrades.
You should choose the pet of blue character as far as possible.
I am dragon 3 of experienced at the beginning pet kind the snake of Aonikexiya, wild animals, darling that fastens with the flight.
Dragon kind it is to belong to be restrained by person entity, but field of pet of basic person entity is done not have, and receive flight harm decrease
Before using belt of 25 class pet to brush, want to return area of a few low level above all, in ensuring new 1 class pet is fighting, be killed by the second. For instance, 25 class pet can be ground press 10 class rival, the 1 class pet that wants you only can act to live in this battle, can gain rich and generous experience.
Additional, every rounds of battle can obtain experience to depend on war foe amount is not amount of 25 class pet with yours, the experience value that domesticate bestows favor on a Great Master to offer compares feral pet again tall. In field battle, if can capture pet successfully, acquisition experience also can rise a bit. Basically, delanuo cereal of month of a shadow feral little pet can give 25 class pet of a 1 class 725 a little bit experience, and conquer domesticate bestows favor on Great Master Ashenlei to be able to provide 4350 dot experience.