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要玩的话里面应该也装了mm,所以你只需游戏就行了。找一个移动硬盘,现在MM支持硬盘格式为NTFS和FAT32。不过为保险起见还是把硬盘刷为FAT32(免得你到时候不会改格式,其实改也不难)。根目录建立文件夹gamez,把下来的游戏解压后直接放入这个文件夹。把硬盘接到PS3上,开机用MM刷新游戏就出来了。另外FAT32格式不支持大于4G文件,可以用split 4G分割文件。


破解分版本,不过既然2014都能玩版本应该很高了。要玩的话里面应该也装了mm,所以你只需下载游戏就行了。找一个移动硬盘,现在MM支持硬盘格式为NTFS和FAT32。不过为保险起见还是把硬盘刷为FAT32(免得你到时候不会改格式,其实改也不难)。根目录建立文件夹gamez,把下载下来的游戏解压后直接放入这个文件夹。把硬盘接到PS3上,开机用MM刷新游戏就出来了。另外FAT32格式不支持大于4G文件,可以用split 4G分割文件。先说这么多,还有不会再问我。也可以去多 玩 论 坛 和


,那里可以下载游戏。多 玩上有教程,但不都是最新的,要选择性的看




确认您的PS3已连接到互联网。您的PS3必须有互联网连接才能访问PlayStation Store。

进入 "设置">"网络设置 "将您的PS3连接到Wi-Fi,或使用以太网电缆将PS3连接到路由器以获得更快、更可靠的连接。

打开您的PS3电源,用您的控制器滚动到 "PlayStation网络"。

向下滚动并选择 "PlayStation商店"。

选择 "登录",然后输入您的PSN登录凭证。您必须有一个PSN账户才能下载免费和付费游戏。如果您没有现有的PSN账户,请按照以下步骤进行注册。

滚动到PlayStation Store左侧边栏的 "游戏"。这将显示PlayStation Store提供的特色游戏的列表。


如果您从其他零售商处购买了PS3游戏并希望将其下载到您的主机上,请从PlayStation Store的左侧边栏选择 "兑换代码"。您的PS3将引导您输入代码并下载游戏。


选择 "添加到购物车",然后选择 "查看购物车"。

选择 "继续结账",然后选择 "确认购买"。游戏的费用将从你的PSN钱包中扣除,你会收到一封确认邮件,其中有关于你的购买细节。

如果你的PSN账户缺乏购买游戏的资金,在确认屏幕上选择 "添加资金"。然后,按照屏幕上的指示,用信用卡或PSN卡向你的PSN账户添加资金。

指明你希望将游戏保存在PS3上的位置。您可以将游戏直接保存在您的PS3内存中,或保存在外部媒体中。然后,PlayStation Store将开始在您的PS3上安装游戏。

等待您的游戏完成下载。当下载完成后,您的游戏将在PS3的 "游戏 "菜单下出现。




关于这个问题,1. 通过PlayStation Store下载游戏

第一种方法是通过PlayStation Store下载游戏。您可以在PlayStation 3的主菜单上找到PlayStation Store。在PlayStation Store中,您可以浏览和搜索各种游戏并购买它们。下载游戏前,您需要创建一个PlayStation Network账户并将其与您的PS3系统相连。

2. 通过游戏光盘安装游戏









One, how does game of PS3 broken solution upgrade game version?

Must get, you are the game that defeat solution, defeating solution game to have a few is to cannot upgrade of newest version, it is beyond question only, major game is the edition that can not replace game, your should be E34.53 system is defeated forcedly. Playing is OK play, cannot upgrade namely game version

2, does Ps3 game download?

Can download.

You must want a mobile hard disk, game of a PS3 normally a few G, when making fun of downstream, leave computer first in, solution pressing, put into mobile hard disk, next hard disk is inserted on PS3, open game government implement, with respect to OK.

3, how does edition of Ps3 broken solution issue game Ps3 to defeat solution edition to guide game?

Broken solution distributes version, since,do not pass 2014 can play version very should tall.

Mm also should be installed inside the sentence that should play, so you needed game to go only. Look for a mobile hard disk, MM supports hard disk format to be NTFS and FAT32 now. Be insurance for the purpose of nevertheless or brush hard disk for FAT32 (lest you won't change a pattern to moment, it is not difficult also to change actually) . Root catalog builds folder Gamez, this folder is put directly after pressing the game solution that come down. Receive hard disk on PS3, switched on the mobile phone to come out with MM refresh game. Additionally FAT32 format does not support be more than 4G file, can break up a file with Split 4G.

4, how is game installed after Ps3 defeats solution?

Broken solution distributes version, since,do not pass 2014 can play version very should tall. Mm also should be installed inside the sentence that should play, so you need to downloaded game to go only. Look for a mobile hard disk, MM supports hard disk format to be NTFS and FAT32 now. Be insurance for the purpose of nevertheless or brush hard disk for FAT32 (lest you won't change a pattern to moment, it is not difficult also to change actually) . Root catalog builds folder Gamez, the game that comes down download puts this folder directly after solution pressing. Receive hard disk on PS3, switched on the mobile phone to come out with MM refresh game. Additionally FAT32 format does not support be more than 4G file, can break up a file with Split 4G. Say so much first, still have won't ask me again. Also can play more forum and


, game can download over there. Play more have a tutorial, but not be newest, want to look optionally

5, how does Ps3 game download?

There is resource on the net, it is a net commonly dish resource, download is saved after finding!

6, how does Ps3 download game?

The PS3 that affirms you already received Internet repeatedly. Your PS3 must have Internet to join ability visits PlayStation Store.

Enter " to install ">" network to install " to join your PS3 Wi-Fi, or cable of use aether net joins PS3 road by implement in order to acquire faster, more reliable link.

Open your PS3 power source, use your controller to roll to "PlayStation network " .

Roll downward and choose "PlayStation shop " .

Choice " logs onto " , input your PSN to log onto a proof next. You must have ability of account of a PSN to download to be mixed freely game paying fee. If you do not have existing PSN account, undertake registered according to the following measure please.

Scroll arrives the " game " of fence of PlayStation Store left side. This will show the list of the characteristic play that PlayStation Store offers.

The navigation of the controller that uses you board the game that browse, or input search word will seek specific play.

If you are in from other shopkeeper on the lead plane that bought PS3 game and hopes to download its you, choose " to change code " from the left side fence of PlayStation Store please. Your PS3 will guide you to input code and download game.

Choose any game to concern the more information of this game in order to examine, if description, price and place need storage space. Some PS3 game is free.

Choice " adds shopping car " , choose " to examine shopping car " next.

Choice " continues settle accounts " , choose " to affirm next buy " . The charge of game will be deducted from inside your PSN purse, you can receive to affirm mail, concern among them buy detail at yours.

If your PSN account lacks the fund that buys game, in affirm to " chooses to add capital " on screen. Next, according to the directive on screen, add fund to your PSN account with credit card or PSN card.

Demonstrate the position that you hope to defend pastime existence PS3 to go up. You can maintain game presence directly in your PS3 memory, or in saving outer ministry media. Next, playStation Store will begin to install game on your PS3.

The game that awaits you finishs download. After download is finished, your game will appear below the menu of " game " in PS3.

7, how does PS3 download game?

1 you must want a mobile hard disk, game of a PS3 normally a few G, when making fun of downstream, leave computer first in, solution pressing, put into mobile hard disk, next hard disk is inserted on PS3, open game government implement, with respect to OK the folder that 2 your need build to call GAMEZ in mobile hard disk, receive next good BXXXXX folder to be put in with respect to OK 3 of course, also can pass in PS3 continuously with Ftp, there is a tutorial on the net, but space of hard disk of the buy inside PS3 is limited after all ah ~~~~

8, how does PS3 download game?

About this problem, 1. Download game through PlayStation Store

The first kind of method is to pass PlayStation Store to download game. You can find PlayStation Store on the entree sheet in PlayStation 3. In PlayStation Store, you can be browsed and search all sorts of game and buy them. Before downloading game, you need to found account of a PlayStation Network to be linked together its and your PS3 system.

2.Install game through game CD

The 2nd kind of method is to pass game CD to install game. You can insert game CD the directive that goes up according to screen in PS3 system to install game. After installation is finished, you can start game from inside entree sheet and begin game.

Ask an attention, download game need is frequent and stable network join, and need enough storage space will store game. If your network joins,store the space is not worth, may bring about download failure or game to cannot be installed.

9, does Ps3 game where download?

The bus plays ~ with how is the net of 115 dish ~ download speed is to depend on your net fast ~ does not have method ~ I also am the ~ speed 600K~ that falls from these two places

10, how does Switch download the game that defeat solution?

Switch cannot download the game that defeat solution.

Switch is the plane of family expenses sport that holds the post of research and development of heaven game company, it is normal, professional sport plane, cannot download the game that defeat solution. A lot of players are to pursue temporarily fast, achieve the goal that plays game freely through defeating solution, but can let game backwater not only so not before, and also be a kind of blow to game business, so proposal player buys an authorised edition, did not lose the good chance that experiences good game for small profit of small as the head of a fly.
