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1.在先秦文献《世本》中涉及到有关围棋起源早早记载:“ 尧造围棋,丹朱善之”。

2. 弈秋是第一位有文字记载的围棋高手,被后人称为“棋道鼻祖”。

3.围棋术语“ 举棋不定”最早出自《左传》,用于比喻政治上的优柔寡断。(围棋在春秋战国时期已经十分流行了)


5.“建安七子”之一的 王粲,除了以诗赋名著于世外,同时又是一个围棋专家。传闻他对于围棋的盘式,着法有着过不不忘的能力。

6.唐代“ 棋待诏”的设立(一种官职),是中国围棋发展史上的一个里程碑,这种制度大大提高了棋手的社会地位,对围棋的推动起到了很大的作用,这与唐朝的帝王多爱好围棋密不可分。

7.严德甫、晏天章合撰的 《玄玄棋经》出自于元朝,其死活棋势构思精巧,着法高妙,在日本有很大的影响。

8. 清朝雍正乾隆年间的双子星座 范西屏、 施定庵皆被誉为“棋圣”,他们留下来的《 当湖十局》可谓是绝妙千古,诚为座子制时棋艺的顶峰。

9.著名棋手 陈祖德九段称得上是六十年代中国围棋的巨匠,他首次在对子条件下战胜日本九段,并创造了驰名中外的 “中国流”著有极高价值。

10. 富士通杯世界职业围棋锦标赛,是世界上最早举办的国际职业围棋比赛。该赛事于1988年创办,每年举行一次,到2011年24届后停办。

11. 座子制指的是中国古代围棋对弈形式:





12.中日韩是现代围棋的三大支柱,中国大陆围棋规则是 数子法,日本围棋规则和韩国围棋规则是 数目法,中国台湾应氏围棋规则(应氏规则)和智运围棋规则(2008世界智力运动会围棋规则)采用的是 计点制度。


14. 头衔,是部分比赛冠军的特定称呼。







15. 陈毅元帅称得上是中国围棋事业的奠基人,新中国成立以后,他为中国围棋的发展倾注了许多心血。

“ 国运盛,棋运亦盛。”是1960年他在上海接见棋手时所说的。

16. 孔祥明是中国棋坛一代女中豪杰,是中国围棋第一个女子八段棋手,与 芮乃伟、杨晖、张璇并称为女子“四大天王”。

17. 中日围棋擂台赛是由中国与日本分别各派若干名棋手,以擂台制形式举行的围棋团体赛。


18. 中国围棋名人战是中国历史悠久的一项传统围棋比赛之一,每年举办一届。


19.中国的国粹围棋进入奥运会,一直是应昌期先生的夙愿,他于1987年创办的 应氏杯世界围棋锦标赛,四年举办一次,被称为世界棋坛的“奥运会”。


1. prevenient Qin Wenxian " world this " in involve concerned go origin early account: "Monarch Yao build go, red Zhu Shanzhi " .

2.Play chess autumn is the first go superior that has literal account, be called by later generations " chess path originator " .

3. go term " hesitate " the earliest out " Zun Chuan " , use at the analogy political indecisive. (go is in period of age the Warring States already very popular)

What 4. rises go and martial union the earliest is the Ma Rong of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he is in " go is endowed with " in regard go as little ground, play go to fight when action arms, the bureau of 3 feet of " , for battle field; Chen Ju privates, two enemy quite. "

5. " build how 7 child " one of Wang Can, besides endow with famous book with the poem at the world outside, it is expert of a go at the same time. Hearsay his disk type to go, move the law been havinging the capacity that does not forget.

6. Tang Dynasty " the chess is waited for instruct " establish (a kind of official position) , it is a milepost on Chinese go phylogeny, this kind of system increased the chess player's social class greatly, to go drive had very big effect, go of this as much as Tang Chao's monarch interest is inseparable.

7. Yan Defu, Yan Tianzhang closes write " classics of black Xuan Qi " out Yu Yuanchao, situation of its anyway chess conceives choiceness, move law ingenious, there is very big effect in Japan.

8.Quiet day Yong Zhengqian grand year Fan Xibing, Shi Dingan all is known as the Gemini constellation between " chess emperor " , they stay " when the lake 10 bureaus " it may be said is perfect for all time, sincere the chess when be being made for base art peak.

Chen Zude of 9. well-known chess player says 9 paragraphs to go up is the great master of go of 60 time China, he issues conquer Japan in two pairs condition first 9 paragraphs, created celebrated China and foreign countries " China flows " have extremely high value.

10.Fuji opens championship contest of go of cup world profession, it is the contest of holds the earliest international profession go on the world. This match established 1988, hold every year, to 2011 24 hind close down.

11.Base makes those who point to is go of Chinese ancient time to play chess form:

(1) 4 base are put on preexistence chessboard, namely two black two be put in diagonally star in vain locally;

(2) archaic go regulation sets Bai Qi go ahead of the rest;

(3) regulation of archaic go regulation should return chess head;

(4) archaic go regulation did not stick eye, any one party arrive 181 child calculate triumph.

12. Sino-Japanese Han is the 3 big pillar of contemporary go, regulation of chinese mainland go is number child law, japanese go regulation and Korea go regulation are amount law, chinese Taiwan should family name go is regular (should the family name is regular) He Zhiyun go is regular (go of 2008 worlds intellective games is regular) those who use is plan point system.

The discretion of level of go of 13. chess player is used paragraph with class will distinguish, from low arrive to be high respectively: Spare class, spare paragraph, profession paragraph.

14.Honor, it is the specific appellation of partial match champion.

Title fight of China has:

Day yuan, celebrity and new personality king; (still had done emperor of chess king a draw in chess before)

The honor of Korea has:

Day yuan, new personality king, Wang Zhong king, celebrity;

7 big honor of Japan:

Chess emperor, this because of lane, celebrity, 10 paragraphs, small step emperor, throne, day yuan;

15.Chen Yi marshal says to go up is the founder of Chinese go career, after new China holds water, his development pour into for Chinese go a lot of painstaking effort.

"Guo Yuncheng, chess carry also is filled. " was 1960 what he says when Shanghai receives a chess player.

16.Kong Xiangming is Chinese chess altar the hero in generation daughter, it is Chinese go the first woman 8 paragraphs of chess players, call a woman with Rui Naiwei, Yang Hui, Zhang Xuan " 4 days of big king " .

17.Contest of Sino-Japanese go arena is appoint a certain number of renown chess players each respectively by China and Japan, make the go organization contest that the form holds with arena.

This is the earliest go dual meet that China and abroad open, also be considered as to show for you one of its most successful matches, to China even world go pattern produced very big effect.

18.Battle of Chinese go personality is one of contests of a traditional go with Chinese long history, hold every year.

Battle of the first personality was held 1988, the challenge is used to make later, by preelection this contest, contest produces a challenger to be challenged to champion of previous term or session.

The go of the quintessence of a country of 19. China enters the Olympic Games, it is the long-cherished wish of gentleman of Ying Chang period all the time, he answers at what established 1987 tounament of go of world of family name cup, hold 4 years, of altar of chess of the world that be called " the Olympic Games " .
