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物理量 单位 公式

名称 符号 名称 符号

质量 m 千克 kg m=ρv

温度 t 摄氏度 °C

速度 v 米/秒 m/s v=s/t

密度 p 千克/米3 kg/m3 ρ=m/v

力(重力) F 牛顿(牛) N G=mg

压强 P Pa 帕斯卡(帕) P=F/S

功 W J焦耳(焦) W=Fs

功率: P 瓦特(瓦) w P=W/t

电流: I 安培(安) A I=U/R

电压: U 伏特(伏) V U=IR

电阻: R 欧姆(欧) R=U/I

电功: W 焦耳(焦) J W=UIt

电功率: P 瓦特(瓦) w P=W/t=UI

热量: Q 焦耳(焦) J Q=cm(t-t°)

比热: c 焦/(千克°C) J/(kg°C)

真空中光速 3×108米/秒

g :9.8牛顿/千克

15°C空气中声速 340米/秒


【力 学 部 分】







(1)、F浮=F’-F (压力差)

(2)、F浮=G-F (视重力)

(3)、F浮=G (漂浮、悬浮)


7、杠杆平衡条件:F1 L1=F2 L2



10、实际滑轮:F=(G+G动)/ n (竖直方向)

11、功:W=FS=Gh (把物体举高)




15、机械效率: η=W有/W总


(1)、η=G/ nF(竖直方向)

(2)、η=G/(G+G动) (竖直方向不计摩擦)

(3)、η=f / nF (水平方向)

【热 学 部 分】




4、炉子和热机的效率: η=Q有效利用/Q燃料



【电 学 部 分】






(2)、Q=UIt=Pt=UQ电量=U2t/R (纯电阻公式)




(3)、R=R1+R2 (1)、W=UIt=Pt=UQ (普适公式)

(2)、W=I2Rt=U2t/R (纯电阻公式)




(3)、1/R=1/R1+1/R2 [ R=R1R2/(R1+R2)]








(1)、W=UIt=Pt=UQ (普适公式)

(2)、W=I2Rt=U2t/R (纯电阻公式)


(1)、P=W/t=UI (普适公式)

(2)、P=I2R=U2/R (纯电阻公式)

【常 用 物 理 量】

1、光速:C=3×108m/s (真空中)

2、声速:V=340m/s (15℃)



5、标准大气压值: 760毫米水银柱高=1.01×105Pa













(2)、1g/cm3 =103kg/m3


重力G (N) G=mg m:质量g:9.8N/kg

密度ρ (kg/m3) ρ=m/V m:质量 V:体积

合力F合(N) F合=F1+F2 方向相同

F合=F1-F2 方向相反时,F1>F2 方向相反:

浮力F浮(N) F浮=G物-G视 G视:物体在液体的重力

浮力F浮 (N) F浮=G物 此公式只适用

浮力F浮 (N) F浮=G排=m排g=ρ液gV排

杠杆的平衡条件 F1L1= F2L2

动滑轮 F= G物+G轮

压强p(Pa) P= F/S

热量Q(J) Q=cm△t

机械功W(J) W=Fs

功率P(w) P=W/t

机械效率 η= ×100%

液体压强p(Pa) P=ρgh

燃料燃烧放出的热量Q(J) Q=mq m:质量q:热值


G排:排开液体的重力m排:排开液体的质量 ρ液:液体的密度 V排:排开液体的体积 (即浸入液体中的体积)

:动力 L1:动力臂 F2:阻力 L2:阻力臂

定滑轮 F=G物

S=h F:绳子自由端受到的拉力 G物:物体的重力 S:绳子自由端移动的距离 h:物体升高的距离

S=2 h G物:物体的重力


滑轮组 F=(G物+G轮)

S=n h n:通过动滑轮绳子的段数

F:力 s:在力的方向上移动的距离 有用功W有

总功W总 W有=G物h

W总=Fs 适用滑轮组竖直放置时

W:功 t:时间

F:压力 S:受力面积




:物质的比热容 m:质量

△ t:温度的变化值

物理量(单位) 公式 备注 公式的变形

重力G (N) G=mg m:质量 g:9.8N/kg或者10N/kg

密度ρ (kg/m3) ρ=m/V m:质量 V:体积

合力F合(N) 方向相同:F合=F1+F2

方向相反:F合=F1-F2 方向相反时,F1>F2

浮力F浮 (N) F浮=G物-G视 G视:物体在液体的重力

浮力F浮 (N) F浮=G物 此公式只适用物体漂浮或悬浮

浮力F浮 (N) F浮=G排=m排g=ρ液gV排 G排:排开液体的重力 m排:排开液体的质量 ρ液:液体的密度 V排:排开液体的体积 (即浸入液体中的体积)

杠杆的平衡条件 F1L1= F2L2 F1:动力 L1:动力臂 F2:阻力 L2:阻力臂

定滑轮 F=G物

S=h F:绳子自由端受到的拉力

G物:物体的重力 S:绳子自由端移动的距离 h:物体升高的距离

动滑轮 F= (G物+G轮)

S=2 h G物:物体的重力 G轮:动滑轮的重力

滑轮组 F=(G物+G轮)

S=n h n:通过动滑轮绳子的段数

机械功W(J) W=Fs F:力 s:在力的方向上移动的距离


总功W总 W有=G物h W总=Fs 适用滑轮组竖直放置时

机械效率 η= ×100%

功率P(w) P=W/t W:功 t:时间

压强p(Pa) P= F/S F:压力 S:受力面积

液体压强p(Pa) P=ρgh ρ:液体的密度 h:深度(从液面到所求点的竖直距离)

热量Q(J) Q=cm△t c:物质的比热容 m:质量 △t:温度的变化值

燃料燃烧放出的热量Q(J) Q=mq m:质量 q:热值

串联电路:电流I(A) I=I1=I2=…… 电流处处相等

串联电路:电压U(V) U=U1+U2+…… 串联电路起分压作用

串联电路:电阻R(Ω) R=R1+R2+……

并联电路:电流I(A) I=I1+I2+…… 干路电流等于各支路电流之和(分流)

并联电路:电压U(V) U=U1=U2=……

并联电路电阻R(Ω) R= 1/R1+ 1/R2+……

欧姆定律 I= U/R 电路中的电流与电压成正比,与电阻成反比

电流定义式 I=Q/t Q:电荷量(库仑) t:时间(S)

电功W(J)W=UIt=Pt U:电压 I:电流 t:时间 P:电功率

电功率 P=UI=I2R=U2/R U:电压 I:电流 R:电阻

电磁波波速与波长、频率的关系 C=λν C:真空中的光速


Formula of physics of junior high school, commonly used physics formula and important knowledge are nodded

Formula of unit of physical quantity

Name symbolic name weighs a symbol

V of ρ of Kg M= of quality M kilogram

C of temperature T Celsius °

M/s V=s/t of second of / of speed V rice

Rice of / of density P kilogram =m/v of ρ of 3 Kg/m3

Force (gravitational) F Newton (ox) N G=mg

Pascal of P Pa of intensity of pressure (handkerchief) P=F/S

Joule of result W J (anxious) W=Fs

Power: P watt (made of baked clay) W P=W/t

Electric current: I ampere (install) A I=U/R

Voltage: U volt (volt) V U=IR

Resistor: R is ohmic (Europe) R=U/I

Electric meritorious service: W joule (anxious) J W=UIt

Electric power: P watt (made of baked clay) W P=W/t=UI

Quantity of heat: Q joule (anxious) J Q=cm(t-t ° )

Specific heat: C anxious / (kilogram ° C) J/(kg ° C)

The velocity of light in vacuum 3 × second of 108 meters of /

G: Kilogram of 9.8 Newton /

The velocity of sound in air of 15 ° C second of 340 meters of /

Collection of formula of physics of junior high school

[mechanical part]

1, speed: V=S/t

2, gravitational: G=mg

3, density: ρ =m/V

4, intensity of pressure: P=F/S

5, liquid intensity of pressure: P= ρ Gh

6, buoyancy:

(1) , F of F float = ' - F (pressure is poor)

(2) , G of F float = - F (inspects gravity)

(3) , G (of F float = floats, suspension)

(4) , Archimedes's principle: F float =G discharges platoon of GV of = ρ fluid

7, lever balances a condition: F2 L2 of F1 L1 =

8, ideal cant: F/G = H/L

9, ideal pulley: F=G/n

10, actual pulley: F = (G + G is moved) / direction of N (upend)

11, result: Gh (of = of W = FS lifts the object tall)

12, power: FV of = of P = W/t

13, the principle of result: Machine of W of W hand =

14, effective mechanism: W of W total = has + W additional

15, mechanical efficiency: η = W has / W always

16, pulley block efficiency:

(1) , direction of upend of η = G/ NF()

(2) , G of + of η = G/(G is moved) (upend direction not plan attrition)

(3) , way of standard of η = F / NF ()

[heat part]

1, absorption of heat: Q sucks = Cm(t - T of Δ of T0) = Cm

2, radiative: Q puts = Cm(t0 - T of Δ of T) = Cm

3, calorific value: Q = Q/m

4, the efficiency of furnace and heat engine: η = Q is used effectively / Q fuel

5, hot balance equation: Q puts = Q to suck

6, thermodynamic temperature: 273K of + of T = T

[electricity part]

1, voltaic intensity: N of I = Q / T

2, resistor: R= ρ L/S

3, Ohm's law: I = U/R

4, joule's law:

(1) , comfortable formula of general of Q = I2Rt)

(2) , pure resistor of U2t/R (of = of n of UQ of = of Pt of = of Q = UIt is formulary)

5, series circuit:

(1) , I2 of = of I = I1

(2) , U2 of + of U = U1

(3) , R2 of + of R = R1 (1) , comfortable formula of general of UQ (of = of Pt of = of W = UIt)

(2) , pure resistor of U2t/R (of = of W = I2Rt is formulary)

6, parallel circuits:

(1) , I2 of + of I = I1

(2) , U2 of = of U = U1

(3) , R2) of R1R2/(R1 + of = of 1/R2 [R]

(4) , billabong of I1/I2 = R2/R1(is formulary)

(5) , P1/P2 = R2/R1

The 7 resistor that decide a value:

(1) , I1/I2 = U1/U2

(2) , P1/P2 = I12/I22

(3) , P1/P2 = U12/U22

8 phone meritorious service:

(1) , comfortable formula of general of UQ (of = of Pt of = of W = UIt)

(2) , pure resistor of U2t/R (of = of W = I2Rt is formulary)

9 electric power:

(1) , comfortable formula of general of UI (of = of P = W/t)

(2) , pure resistor of U2/R (of = of P = I2R is formulary)

[commonly used physical quantity]

1, velocity of light: 3 × of C = in 108m/s (vacuum)

2, velocity of sound: ℃ of V = 340m/s (15)

3, person ear is divisional echo: ≥ 0.1s

4, gravitational acceleration: 10N/kg of ≈ of G = 9.8N/kg

5, standard atmosphere is worth: 760 millimeter mercury is tall 1.01 × of = 105Pa

6, the density of water: 1 × of ρ = 103kg/m3

7, the freezing point of water: 0 ℃

8, the boiling point of water: 100 ℃

9, the specific heat capacity of water: 4.2 × of C = 103J/(kg? ℃ )

10, yuan charge: 1.6 × of E = 10-19C

11, voltage of a dry cell: 1.5V

12, voltage of accumulator of a lead: 2V

13, the safe voltage to human body: ≤ 36V (not prep above 36V)

14, the voltage of dynamical circuit: 380V

15, domestic circuit voltage: 220V

16, unit conversion:

(1) , 1m/s = 3.6km/h

(2) , 1g/cm3 = 103kg/m3

(3) , 1kw? 3.6 × of H = 106J

Gravitational G (N) G=mg M: Quality G: 9.8N/kg

Density ρ (Kg/m3) ρ =m/V M: Quality V: Bulk

Join forces F closes (N) F adds up to =F1+F2 direction identical

F adds up to =F1-F2 when way is opposite, f1>F2 way is opposite:

Buoyancy F float (content of =G of N) F float - G inspects G: The object is in liquid is gravitational

Buoyancy F float (content of =G of N) F float this formula is only applicable

Buoyancy F float (platoon of GV of fluid of ρ of G= of platoon of =m of platoon of =G of N) F float

The balance requirement F1L1= F2L2 of lever

Content of travelling block F= G + G annulus

P of intensity of pressure (Pa) P= F/S

Q of quantity of heat (J) Q=cm △ T

Mechanical result W (J) W=Fs

Power P (W) P=W/t

× of = of mechanical efficiency η 100%

P of liquid intensity of pressure (Pa) P= ρ Gh

The Q of quantity of heat that fuel combustion gives off (J) Q=mq M: Quality Q: Calorific value

The object floats or suspension

G platoon: The platoon opens platoon of liquid gravity M: The platoon opens fluid of liquid quality ρ : Liquid density V discharges: The platoon drives liquid volume (namely the bulk in immerge liquid)

: Dynamical L1: Move F2 of the arm of force: Obstruction L2: Obstruction arm

Content of crown block F=G

S=h F: Cord freedom carries the tensile G matter that get: The gravitational S of the object: Cord freedom carries mobile distance H: The distance with elevatory object

Content of S=2 H G: The gravity of the object

G annulus: The gravity of travelling block

Pulley block F= (G content + G annulus)

S=n H N: Carry paragraph of number of travelling block cord

F: Force S: W of mobile on the direction of force distance useful work has

Total W of W of total meritorious service has =G content H

When upend of applicable pulley block of W total =Fs is placed

W: Result T: Time

F: Pressure S: Get force area

ρ : Liquid density

H: Deepness (seek a site to place from fluid face

upend is apart from)

: M of specific heat capacity: Quality

△ T: The change of temperature is worth

Physical quantity (unit) formulary remarks is out of shape formularily

Gravitational G (N) G=mg M: Quality G: 9.8N/kg or 10N/kg

Density ρ (Kg/m3) ρ =m/V M: Quality V: Bulk

Join forces F closes (N) way is same: F adds up to =F1+F2

Way is opposite: F adds up to =F1-F2 when way is opposite, f1>F2

Buoyancy F float (content of =G of N) F float - G inspects G: The object is in liquid is gravitational

Buoyancy F float (content of =G of N) F float this formulary only applicable object floats or suspension

Buoyancy F float (GV of fluid of ρ of G= of platoon of =m of platoon of =G of N) F float discharges G platoon: The platoon opens platoon of liquid gravity M: The platoon opens fluid of liquid quality ρ : Liquid density V discharges: The platoon drives liquid volume (namely the bulk in immerge liquid)

The balance requirement F1L1= F2L2 F1 of lever: Dynamical L1: Move F2 of the arm of force: Obstruction L2: Obstruction arm

Content of crown block F=G

S=h F: Cord freedom carries the pulling force that get

G content: The gravitational S of the object: Cord freedom carries mobile distance H: The distance with elevatory object

Travelling block F= (G content + G annulus)

Content of S=2 H G: The gravitational G of the object annulus: The gravity of travelling block

Pulley block F= (G content + G annulus)

S=n H N: Carry paragraph of number of travelling block cord

Mechanical result W (J) W=Fs F: Force S: In the mobile distance on the direction of force

Useful work W has

When total W of W of total meritorious service has upend of applicable pulley block of total =Fs of =G content H W to place

× of = of mechanical efficiency η 100%

Power P (W) P=W/t W: Result T: Time

P of intensity of pressure (Pa) P= F/S F: Pressure S: Get force area

P of liquid intensity of pressure (Pa) ρ of P= ρ Gh: Liquid density H: Deepness (the upend that seeks a site to place from fluid face is apart from)

Q of quantity of heat (J) Q=cm △ T C: M of specific heat capacity: Quality △ T: The change of temperature is worth

The Q of quantity of heat that fuel combustion gives off (J) Q=mq M: Quality Q: Calorific value

Series circuit: Voltaic I (A) I=I1=I2= ... electric current everywhere equal

Series circuit: Voltage U (V) U=U1+U2+ ... the cent since series circuit controls function

Series circuit: ? Qian Zuo (Ω ) R=R1+R2+ ...

Parallel circuits: ? Si Zuo (A) I=I1+I2+ ... dry road electric current is equal to the sum of electric current of each spur track (billabong)

Parallel circuits: ? Miao Geng (V) U=U1=U2= ...

R of parallel circuits resistor (Ω ) R= 1/R1+ 1/R2+ ...

The electric current in circuit of Ohm's law I= U/R and voltage become direct ratio, become inverse ratio with resistor

Electric current defines type I=Q/t Q: Charge measures (coulomb) T: Time (S)

W of electric meritorious service (J) W=UIt=Pt U: Voltage I: Voltaic T: Time P: Electric power

Electric power P=UI=I2R=U2/R U: ? Miao?I: Voltaic R: Resistor

The C of ν of relation C= λ of electromagnetic wave velocity of wave and wavelengh, frequency: True aerial velocity of light

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