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2、助人型:渴望别人的爱或良好关系、甘愿迁就他人、以人为本、要别人觉得需要自己、常忽略自己 ;很在意别人的感情和需要,十分热心,愿意付出爱给别人,看到别人满足地接受他们的爱,才会觉得自己活得有价值。乐于付出,不懂拒绝,容易被人操控,缺少主见,喜欢被人依赖。

3、成就型:强烈好胜心,喜欢权威,常与别人比较,以成就衡量自己的价值高低,着重形象,工作狂,惧怕表达内心感受 ;希望能够得到大家的肯定。是个野心家,不断地追求有效,希望与众不同,受到别人的注目、羡慕,成为众人的焦点。不善于表达内心感受,为达目标不择手段,渴望自身成就“工作狂”。

4、自我型:情绪化,追求浪漫,惧怕被人拒绝,觉得别人不明白自己, 占有欲强,我行我素生活风格:爱讲不开心的事,易忧郁、妒忌,生活追寻感觉好;很珍惜自己的爱和情感,所以想好好地滋养它们,并用最美、最特殊的方式来表达。渴望与众不同,感情敏感,情绪化,占有欲强,常妒忌羡慕,很自我。




8、领袖型:追求权力,讲求实力,不靠他人,有正义感。要话事 说的算,喜欢做大事;是绝对的行动派,一碰到问题便马上采取行动去解决。想要独立自主,一切靠自己,依照自己的能力做事,要建设前不惜先破坏,想带领大家走向公平、正义。喜欢有很多人追随,不领先任何人,不让人轻易接近,喜欢控制大局,做事果断。



1, perfect model: Have extremely strong principle, not easy compromise, often say " should " reach " not should " , black and white and trenchant, right oneself and others ask very tall, pursuit is perfect, ceaseless improve, emotional world is fragile; The hope does every thing to the queen's taste, hope oneself or it is this world more progress. Meditate momently whether do oneself err, what also can correct others is wrong. Our common weighs this kind of person force disease. Everything asks exorbitant, right beside person demand is high also, principle strong, must abide by misgivings assist, not Wei might, dare to challenge authority.

2, help a person model: The love that yearns for others or good relationship, willing indulge other, it is with the person this, want others to feel him need, constant him oversight; Very the feeling that cares about others and need, very enthusiastic, be willing to pay love to give others, see others accepts their love contentedly, ability can feel he lives valuably. Be happy to pay, do not understand refuse, be held easily to accuse, lack one's own view, like to be depended on.

3, achievement: Intense and emulative heart, like authority, often compare with others, measure oneself value discretion in order to accomplish, emphasize form, the job is mad, be fear of expressive heart to experience; The hope can get everybody's affirmation. It is an aspirant, go after ceaselessly effective, hope extraordinary, get of others fix eyes on, envy, make the central point of everybody. Do not be good at conveying a heart to experience, to amount to a target by hook and crook, desirous oneself is accomplished " the job is mad " .

4, ego: The mood is changed, pursuit is romantic, be fear of be rejected, feel people does not understand him, have desire strong, style of life of persist one's old ways: Love says not happy thing, easy melancholy, envy, it is good that the life pursues a feeling; Cherish oneself love and affection very much, think so well alimentary they, be conveyed with the the most beautiful, most special kind. Yearn for extraordinary, feeling is sensitive, the mood is changed, have desire strong, often envy envy, very ego.

5, reason: Cool detachment views the world, dissocial, like to be far from a crowd, smoke from affection, like to ponder over an analysis, should know a lot of, but lack acts, not tall to corporeal life requirement, like cultural life, heart of not good at expression is experienced; Want hard to get more knowledge, will know an environment, face week of thing that meet with. Like to think, pursue knowledge, sensible, like to be in alone, think replace the operation.

6, doubt: Work scrupulous, do not believe others easily, much misgive, like group life, work for others with one one's heart endeavors, do not like to suffer a person to look attentively at, be content with the current situation, do not be fond of changeover new environment; Believe authority, follow authoritative guiding act, oppose authority easily again on the other hand however, disposition is full of contradiction. Their organization consciousness is very strong, need close sense, need is loved, the safeguard that be admitted and gets security. Beyond the mark and careful, everything makes worst plan, do not like to suffer a person to take seriously, doubt is much, concern is much, be content with the current situation.

7, active model: Hopeful, want new move, overtake tide, do not be fond of bear pressure, be afraid of negative sentiment; Had missed happy life, want to innovate, from amusement amusement person, had longed to compare enjoyment life, not good come to naught of the world. They like to throw the world with experience joy and exalted mood, so they always search happy, experience joy ceaselessly. Hopeful, beside not easy disclosure problem, fear to repeat, like new move, do not issue commitment easily, without class idea, negligence is authoritative, it is a center with ego, other of very few attend to is experienced.

8, cacique: Pursuit influence, actual strength of be particular about, do not rely on other, have sense of justice. Want what word issue says to calculate, like to become a major issue; It is absolutely action group, come up against a problem to take action immediately go solving. Want to paddle one's own canoe, everything relies on oneself, him according to ability works, before wanting to build, not hesitate to be destroyed first, want to guide everybody to move toward fair, justice. Like to have follow of a lot of people, not banner anybody, do not let a person be close to easily, like to control overall situation, work decisive.

9, peace: Beard flower makes a decision for long, be hard to reject other, do not know drain to annoy; Appear very gentle, do not like to have conflict with the person, not not boastful, swanky, individual character is thin. Want to get along with person harmony, escape all conflict and insecurity, hope thing can manage happy current situation. Negligence can allow his unpleasant thing, let oneself keep smooth as far as possible firm, quiet. Bear, do not love to make a decision, self-awareness is weak, easy soul gives a key to do sth (attention is not centered) , abandon easily.
