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南宋建炎三年(公元1129年)秋,金兀术统兵南下,占领了建康,接着连破临安、越州、明州。宋高宗赵构一直逃到海上,才没成为金兵俘虏。金军大肆掠杀之后北撤,在途中遭到南宋名将韩世忠的阻截,发生了著名的黄天荡之战。 建炎四年,农历正月元宵节,韩世忠得知金军北撤的消息,就下令在秀州张灯结彩,大闹元宵,迷惑敌军,暗地却率8000人奔赴镇江,屯兵长江中的焦山,堵截金兵。兀术率兵在黄天荡受阻,便派人跟韩世忠约定决战日期。决战那天,韩世忠率领众将士奋勇拼杀,金兵大败。长江北岸金兵得知兀术大军被截,派船来接应。韩世忠命士兵带着铁锁的大挠钩,把金兵的小船一一钩住,掀翻在江中。决战失利,兀术无计可施,只得向韩世忠买路渡江,表示愿献出江南掠夺的全部财物,但遭到韩世忠的严词拒绝。金军被困达48天。后来兀术采用一个奸细的建议,在夜里出动大军,利用老鹳河故道,开渠15公里,并用火攻击宋军舰,才逃出。



英雄失志受人欺,刀剑无光战马疲。 得意狐狸强似虎,败翎鹦鹉不如鸡。








岳飞顽强抗金,却被宋高宗和秦桧害死,死后葬在西湖边上,墓前题字 还我河山 。
















One, essence of life faithful dedicate oneself to the service of one's motherland Yue Fei passes game to balance a gender too poor! The equipment of batman of the other side is mixed actually the equipment of our general is same, how is this TM still hit?

I feel very pretty good.

The order and degree that still has the enemy depends on the average of 4 level with our top grade, .

, but can play all the same go down.


You can see a strategy play.


, .





Etc play troops from heaven-an invincible army of mythological line later period day general all is treasure outfit.

The difference between grade of the member that so early days should reduce our each one as far as possible.

. . .

2, does novel Yue Fei pass Li Yuefei junior fellow apprentice?

Yue Fei is Zhou Dong close door child to hold a foster son concurrently, so Yue Fei has senior fellow apprentice only, without junior fellow apprentice.

1, Great Master elder brother: Lu Jun justice

2, 2 senior fellow apprentice: Lin Chong

3, 3 senior fellow apprentice: Shi Wengong

4, not nominative senior fellow apprentice: Wu Song

3, does Yue Fei send episode?

The battle that Huang Tian swings

The Southern Song Dynasty is built phlogistic 3 years (the Christian era 1129) autumn, jin Wu falls south arms of method gather into one, occupational build health, defeat repeatedly then face how, jump over city, bright city. Compose of Song Gaozong Zhao escapes all the time maritime, just did not become golden arms prisoner of war. Jin Jun is swept past wantonly after killing, north is removed, suffer Han Shizhong of famous general of the Southern Song Dynasty during transit tackle, produced the battle that famous Huang Tian swings. Build phlogistic 4 years, festival of lanterns of the first month of the lunar year of the traditional Chinese calendar, han Shizhong is informed the message that golden army north removes, give orders to be in beautiful city decorate with lanterns and streamers, be troubled by Yuanxiao greatly, puzzle enemy, lead 8000 people silently to hurry off to Zhenjiang however, station troops the Jiao Shan in the Yangtse River, intercept Jin Bing. Arms of rate of stand upright art swings suffocate suffocate in Huang Tian, send a person to follow date of decisive battle of Han Shizhong agreement. Decisive battle that day, han Shizhong leads many officers and soldiers to go all out courageously kill, golden arms defeat utterly. Arms of gold of bank of north of the Yangtse River is informed main forces of stand upright art by cut, clique boat comes reinforce. Soldier of Han Shizhong life is taking the big long-handed hook that iron locks up, the boat Jin Bing one by one hook, throw in the river. Decisive battle suffers a defeat, stand upright art at the end of one's wits, be obliged to buy Lu Dujiang to Han Shizhong, express to wish to give Changjiang Delta predatory all property, but the in stern words that suffers Han Shizhong refuses. Jin Jun is amounted to 48 days tiredly. Stand upright art adopts the proposal of a spy later, dispatch in night main forces, use method of reason of old marabou river, leave canal 15 kilometers, atttack warship of the Song Dynasty with fire, just escape.

4, has been Yue Fei passed sentence?


The hero breaks annals to suffer person bully, sword does not have smooth steed exhausted. Tiger of complacent fox better than, parrot defeating plume is inferior to chicken.


To irrigate of your shade Yuan, place all previous person much, worldly-wise.


Dirt of 30 scholarly honour and official ranks and earth, 8000 lis of Luyun and month. Not aimlessly, white teenager head, mournful for nothing!


At the ruler like such a few jackal people cruelty compresses the people of Northen Song Dynasty below, in seek to live on under pathless circumstance, can gang ground rises undertake revolt.

5, does Yue Fei spread a story?

Yue Fei fights gold tenaciously, be killed dead by Song Gaozong and Chinese juniper of the Qin Dynasty however, the bury after dying is on west lake edge, the inscribe before the grave still my land.

6, is what Yue Fei passes Yue Fei of storytelling complete works dead?

Yue Fei is our country fights golden gold famous general, because Chinese juniper of the Qin Dynasty of treacherous court official is killed,of Yue Fei is dead to death, at that time golden arms gold will most be afraid of Yue Fei, so golden person waits for a person with respect to collude achieve Chinese juniper, design circumvent high mountain to fly, life of made generation famous general puts in Acheron 's charge, be very regrettablly, although Yue Fei died, but his thing that fight gold is acting however acting according to legend, yue Fei's illustrious name stays in people heart forever, of dishy.

7, a what kind of person is Yue Fei passes Yue Fei?

Take Xiao Daozhi's person seriously. Although Yue Fei abhors golden country is right Song Chao's aggression, animosity Jin Jun is wanton and killing oneself innocent brethren, the enlist when wishing to stand fights gold, but the old mother that there still is an old in his home, this becomes him to cast army

The person with martial extremely high talent. Yue Fei from a child is intelligent, from small be full of interest to a book of tactics, perusal " age of different family name " , " Sun Wu strategics " , most the bold and powerful ability that begin even if relies on oneself accumulates milistary exploit step by step.

Very the person of deal with concrete matters relating to work, when the country lives or die, other official goes after his unlike to live extravagantly, it is homely fare all the time. Him Yue Fei lives tough life, but do not hamper he experts to his follower however

8, does Yue Fei spread children story?

" mother-in-law pricks a word " : More than 800 years before, in the home of a farmer of Yue Jiazhuang of county of shade of Henan province soup, gave birth to a little boy. His parents thinks: It a what name have to the child is good to a what name have to the child? Be in at this moment, a flock of wild goose pass from the sky, parents says gladly: "Good, call Yue Fei. Wish I like this group of wild goose, fly Gao Youyuan. Fly Gao Youyuan..

This name came down surely.

9, say Yue Fei passes an author?

" Yue Fei is passed " written Yue Fei essence of life faithful dedicate oneself to the service of one's motherland, the heroic lofty quality that lofty ideal did not propose a toast. Author Deng An Ming.

10, is Yue Fei passed into book time?

Yue Fei is passed into the book to be in clear Chao Qianlong year, the author is Qian Cai of clear acting writer.

Yue Fei is passed the name says Yue Quanchuan, with Yue Fei the subject matter of lifetime regards creation as the element, behaved farther-in-law essence faithful patriotic spirit.

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