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第九条 上海财经大学面向全国招生,根据国家政策要求,着力促进区域、城乡入学机会公平,优化学校生源结构,统筹考虑各省考生人数和生源质量、各专业就业情况等因素,确定分省分专业招生计划。学校在各省(区、市)招生的批次、专业、人数及有关报考要求由各省级招生机构向社会公布。


第四章 招生类型及录取规则

第十条 上海财经大学普通类型招生安排在本科第一批(合并批次的省份为本科批次),考生可进行填报。


第十一条 录取规则

1. 上海财经大学根据各省(区、市)的生源情况和招生计划确定调档比例,按照平行志愿投档的批次,调档比例原则上不超过在各省公布计划的105%。按照顺序志愿投档的批次,调档比例原则上不超过在各省公布计划的120%。



4. 进档考生专业(类)录取时根据投档成绩和专业志愿,由高分至低分顺序录取并分配专业,各专业志愿之间不设级差。分数相同时按单科成绩数学、外语、语文的成绩排序录取。

5. 商务英语专业只招选考英语的考生;其它专业(类)选考语种无限制。

6. 按照顺序志愿投档的批次,在第一志愿考生生源不足的情况下,将按照考生投档分数由高到低择优录取非第一志愿考生,直至完成来源计划。若符合条件的非第一志愿考生生源仍不足,将征集志愿。按照平行志愿投档的批次,未完成的计划也将征集志愿。征集志愿仍不足则将剩余计划调剂到其他生源质量好的省份完成招生计划。

7. 录取时,往届生和应届生一视同仁;我校所有招生专业无男女生比例限制。




Recruit students of college of Shanghai finance and economics admits the job to suffer Ministry of Education to unite a leadership, save in each (area, city) this school recruit students is begun to admit the job below organization of recruit students committee.

University of finance and economics of the 9th Shanghai faces countrywide recruit students, according to national policy requirement, exert oneself promotes fairness of opportunity of area, urban and rural enter a school, optimize structure of school source of student, consider to save the element such as circumstance of obtain employment of examinee number and quality of source of student, each major each as a whole, affirmatory cent saves minute of professional recruit students to plan. The school is saved in each (area, city) the batch of recruit students, professional, number and about enter oneself for an examination ask by each orgnaization of provincial recruit students is announced to the society.

The school plans recruit students number 1% plan as obligate, basically use at adjusting each district all is taken an examination of on of line source of student lopsided reach solve those who be the same as fractional examinee to admit.

Type of recruit students of the 4th chapter and admit regulation

Arrangement of common type recruit students is in university of finance and economics of the 10th Shanghai undergraduate course the first batch (the province of amalgamative batch is undergraduate course batch) ,

Recommend unripe, comprehensive assessment is admitted, the college is special plan, tall the requirement that the recruit students of group of movement of horizontal art group, Gao Shuiping admits the job to concern special kind recruit students to work by Ministry of Education and in those days recruit students general rules is carried out. Class of Xinjiang of class of preparatory of special plan, minority, outback Tibet class, inland, overseas Chinese reachs the country to be carried out what the recruit students job of student of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan presses Ministry of Education about the regulation.

Eleventh admit regulation

1.Basis of university of Shanghai finance and economics is saved each (area, city) circumstance of source of student and recruit students plan move archives scale certainly, according to parallel volunteer the batch that sends archives, in principle of the scale that move archives does not exceed 105% what announce a plan in each province. According to order volunteer the batch that sends archives, in principle of the scale that move archives does not exceed 120% what announce a plan in each province.

2. the university entrance exam reforms province (the 14 provinces urban district such as Shanghai, Zhejiang) examinee, of the student anthology take an examination of course to must accord with my school relevant requirement. The Nei Monggol Autonomous Region presses a mark first principle (the mark is clear) undertake admitting.

The in principle when university of 3. Shanghai finance and economics is carrying file recognizes Ministry of Education and each province (area, city) the policy sex that educational director branch sets adds cent. The basis when major is admitted sets related Ministry of Education, the range that add cent is top for 20 minutes. The recruit students item that all the university entrance exam add minute of project and cent value to all must not be used at my school uneasiness to discharge the recruit students that divide a province to plan.

4.The examinee that receive grade is professional (kind) when admitting, according to delivering file achievement is mixed professional and volunteer, be admitted orderly to small fraction by high component and allocate major, each major is volunteer between do not set class difference. Fractional photograph presses the achievement sort of maths of only branch grade, foreign language, Chinese to admit at the same time.

5.Major of business affairs English is enrolled only choose the examinee that takes an examination of English; Other is professional (kind) anthology study a language absoluteness.

6.According to order volunteer the batch that sends archives, in source of student of the first volunteer examinee insufficient circumstance falls, will drop archives mark according to examinee by arrive high low enroll only outstanding people be not the first volunteer examinee, till complete origin plan. If accord with conditional blame,source of student of the first volunteer examinee still is not worth, will collect volunteer. According to parallel volunteer the batch that sends archives, half-baked plan also will be collected volunteer. Collect volunteer the province with still be not worth a will surplus plan to regulate quality of other source of student good finishs recruit students to plan.

7.When admitting, toward be born and this year's unripe treat equally without discrimination; Major of all recruit students does not have my school limitation of scale of male woman student.

8. check-up standard presses print and distribute of federation of disabled of Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Health, China " job of check-up of recruit students of common colleges and universities coachs opinion " with general office of general office of Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Health " about body of enter a school of student of recruit students of common colleges and universities the examination cancels second liver project to detect, the additional provision that reachs my school to press requirement formulate is carried out.

9. According to the parallel and volunteer examinee that move archives, if professional obedience is adjusted and check-up is unlimited, my school all will give admit

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