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小小播报员生活常识? 小小智慧树歌词?英文双语对照


小小播报员生活常识? 小小智慧树歌词?英文双语对照



作为幼儿园中班的小小播音员 可以讲一些关于天气方面的内容

比如可以说一些提醒小朋友们 天气逐渐变凉 请大家注意保暖 等 这些话语也比较简单 小朋友也能够记住


比如让小朋友们注意卫生 勤洗手 普及让幼儿知道应及时大小便 大小便应在适当的地方爱清洁等




 首播时间:每周三、周四、周五  17:00-17:30  重播时间:每周三、周四、周五  13:30-14:00  少儿频道《智慧树》节目是面向3到6周岁的学龄前儿童的一档益智类节目,以活泼生动的形式,寓科学的教育理念于生动的游戏当中,让孩子在游戏中学,在游戏中乐,在游戏中健康成长。   《智慧树》节目每周一到周六,晚上19:30首播,第二天早晨9:30重播。   





《小小智慧树》是中央电视台少儿频道的一档益智类节目,2008 年 6 月 6 日开播,每集 30 分钟,旨在寓教于乐,培养学龄前儿童的学习能力和认知能力。

《智慧树》是中央电视台少儿频道的一档益智娱乐类节目,2003 年 12 月 28 日开播,每集 30 分钟,旨在通过游戏和活动培养儿童的创造力、想象力和团队合作能力。










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Common sense of life of the small member that sow a newspaper?

1, weather forecast

The small announcer that regards nursery school as middle shift can interpret a few content about weather respect

Can say for instance a few remind children weather becomes cool to ask everybody to notice these speech such as heat preservation also compare simple child to also can remember gradually

2, about wholesome respect

Let children notice sanitation is diligent for instance wash one's hands gain ground let cheeper know to answer relieve oneself of seasonable relieve oneself should love cleanness to wait in proper place

Does small wisdom cultivate libretto?

" small wisdom is cultivated " I love " of theme song music I love your " words of song you, I love father you, I love mom you, I love birdie you, I love elephant you, I love safflower you, I love green grass you, I love friend friend you, hold in the palm hold me in the palm to love you, small toot toots I love you, small wisdom cultivates me to love you, small toot toots I love you, small wisdom cultivates me to love you, small toot toots I love you, small wisdom is cultivated

Does small wisdom cultivate time?

Head sow time: Every week 3, 17:0 of   of Zhou Si, Zhou Wu0-17:3Time of 0   rebroadcast: Every week 3, 13:3 of   of Zhou Si, Zhou Wu0-14:00 is little channel " wisdom is cultivated " the first gear beneficial that the program is the children before facing the 3 school age to 6 one full year of life wisdom kind program, with lively and vivid form, the educational concept of contain science at vivid game in the center, let the child learn in game, happy in game, in game health grows. " wisdom is cultivated " the program arrives every week Saturday, in the evening 19: 30 are sowed, the following day in the morning 9: 30 rebroadcast.   

Does small wisdom cultivate the introduction?

" small wisdom is cultivated " it is Chinese CCTV little the first gear of channel gives technically " 0, 3 years old of infants " the program that reachs its father mother to be watched jointly, sow on June 6, 2008, also be China's only first gear suits 0, the column that 3 years old of children watch, can say, CCTV-14 CCTV is little channel " small wisdom is cultivated " it is China is the biggest " in sky teach early close child center " .

Why does small wisdom tree turn wisdom into the tree?

" small wisdom is cultivated " did not become " wisdom is cultivated " , they are a CCTV little the two archives of channel are different program.

" small wisdom is cultivated " it is a CCTV little the first gear beneficial of channel wisdom kind program, left on June 6, 2008 sow, every collect 30 minutes, aim contain teachs Yu Le, develop the study ability of the children before school age and cognitive ability.

" wisdom is cultivated " it is a CCTV little the first gear of channel beneficial wisdom recreation kind program, left on December 28, 2003 sow, every collect 30 minutes, the creativity that aims to foster children through game and activity, imagination and group collaboration ability.

Although two file program aims to provide recreation and education for children, but their content and form differ somewhat, suit different age paragraph children is watched.

When does small wisdom tree act?

Zhou Yi comes Zhou Wu 7:30

" small wisdom is cultivated " it is Chinese CCTV little the first gear of channel gives technically " 0, 3 years old of infants " the program that reachs its father mother to be watched jointly, sow on June 6, 2008, also be China's only first gear suits 0, the column that 3 years old of children watch, can say, " small wisdom is cultivated " it is China is the biggest " in sky teach early close child center " .

Does small wisdom tree broadcast time?

Zhou Yi comes Zhou Wu in the morning 6 - 6: 30 broadcast. " small wisdom is cultivated " it is China is the biggest " in sky teach early close child center " , it is a CCTV little the first gear program of channel, give technically 0 - 3 years old of infants and its pa Mom are watched jointly.

Potato libretto, is small wisdom cultivated?

One two, two potato round billow, 3 4, 4 potato jump jump, 5 6, 6 potato pull shake handshandle, 7 8, 8 potato laugh

How does small wisdom tree download?

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Is potato libretto small wisdom cultivated?

Two, two potato round billow, 3 4, 4 potato jump jump, 5 6, 6 potato pull shake handshandle, 7 8, 8 potato laugh

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