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健身男模比赛规则? 欧美健身男模有哪些?英文双语对照


健身男模比赛规则? 欧美健身男模有哪些?英文双语对照






1.格雷格 普利特他是全球第一健身模特,作为一个世界名模,他还是一名好莱坞的演员,拍摄超过一百本健身杂志封面。


3.ULISSES JR他是一位美国人,是美国很知名健身模特,拥有最完美的身材比例。大家都知道美国人经常吃高热量的食物,所以作为一个美国知名的健身模特。





吴岳骏,微博:@Derek-大骏 作为一个极有潜力的田径运动员,吴岳骏的职业生涯刚刚开始就因为受伤结束了。





男模英文名是man model,中国古代也有类似的职业,比如明代时的小官,清代的相公,象姑,南北朝的刘宋最后的小皇帝叫刘子业,他的妹妹山阴公主有一天和他讲,你妻妾成群,而我只有一个驸马,这可不公平。于是,他哥哥给她找了三十个美男子,称为面首。











男模要符合法国 44 码,同时,所有模特也需要提供有效的医疗证明,以示其身体状态适合工作,并会在工作期间为模特提供专业心理辅导或治疗师







Is game of gymnastical male model regular?

Strong and handsome association of executive China of method of match of man fitness model is newest and authorized " law of regulation of competition of strong and handsome fitness, judgment " ;        

Constitution is well-balanced health and charming visual style;

The first round wear tight gymnastics blame of vest, neat leg is tight knickers of the gymnastics that be the same as color, not under 25cm, jacket should obscure partly chest muscle and inclined square flesh, suit of idle of the 2nd have holidays by turns is revealed. The upper part of the body wears recreational suit, show the upper part of the body and abdominal muscle, the private parts wears recreational pants, smooth foot does not wear a shoe.

What does Euramerican fitness male model have?

Interest of general of case of 1. case thunder is special he is the whole world model of the first fitness, regard a world as the famous model, he still is the actor of a Hollywood, film cover of magazine of more than 100 fitness.

2. pulls Zaer Angeluofu he is a body building member, also be strong and handsome private coach at the same time. Lazaer is hit once basketball athlete, play basketball hit 10 years. In accidental opportunity makes his bring into contact with strong and handsome, become the 2nd his profession from now on, it is strong and handsome. It makes the one part that he lives now, this also is a when he makes Euramerican fitness male model main reason.

3.ULISSES JR he is an American, it is the United States model of very famous fitness, have the most perfect figure proportion. Everybody knows American often eats tall caloric food, regard an United States as famous gymnastical model so.

His itself is a completist, master the knowledge of training and dietary respect, try to apply made the healthy diet that accords with oneself keep a figure, it is rare healthy diet model gymnastical male model.

Are male model figure and gymnastical figure distinguished?

Male model figure and gymnastical figure are distinguished somewhat on certain level. What male model figure points to normally is the figure kind that the male place that holds the position of model in vogue and ad industry seeks. Male model figure asks body body is slender normally, height is taller, muscle line requirement is beautiful and scale is harmonious, bodily form deflection is gangling model. This kind of figure pays attention to the detail of the aesthetic feeling of line and muscle line, it is to show the effect of dress and the aesthetic view that reflect fashionable trade. Gymnastical figure criterion more the development of side overweight health and respect of integrated physical ability. Of the hale, hefty, force of body of gymnastical figure pursuit and endurance level rise. Gymnastical figure more the muscle with strong apt group, pay attention to sarcous flexibility and force, it is to rise fitness is mixed keep healthy. Although male model figure and gymnastical figure have a few distinction, but the part that also is put in a few likeness, need relatively inferior system for instance adipose content in order to highlight muscle line, emphasize pair of bodies model and take exercise, pay attention to health and aesthetic on the concept. Disparate industry also is met to the demand of the figure and aesthetic view somewhat difference, because this male model figure and gymnastical figure are met,the in some way presents different bussiness trip.

Who is the gymnastical male model in Keep?

Wu Yuejun, small gain: @ Derek- old fine horse serves as extremely potential track man, professional career of Wu Yuejun just began to because get hurt,end.

 He picks up an university on book take an examination ofing, be in the school, with train the good figure that give all the year round, wu Yuejun begins to make model, get very quickly the favour of many athletic brands.

Table of male model article?

The: of propagandist article table of male model? not 3000, as long as 1888.

Male model another namer?

Name of male model English is Man Model, chinese ancient time also has similar profession, for instance the young officer when bright generation, the appearance of clear generation is public, elephantine aunt, the Liu Song of the Northern and Southern Dynasties' last small emperor calls Liu Zi course of study, princess of his shade of little sister hill is told with him one day, you wife concubine group, and I have an emperor's son-in-law only, this but inequitable. Then, his elder brother looked for 30 Apollo to her, call face head.

Nevertheless this princess is not satisfied apparently, still occupied him uncle by force 7 days 7 night, of course, this pair of sibling give Liu Song's state power finally defeat light.

Like face head likewise still have Wu Zetian, the famousest is piece of Zhang Changzong of easy the sum's brother. Nevertheless these two fail die a natural death, by the Zhang Jian of coup kill.

After Song Chao, face head gradually be unpopular, because of Cheng Zhu Li learns to begin to exert an influence, tang Chao's woman is OK and equestrian can become an officer, wu Zetian, after Wei, princess of peace and tranquility, the woman also has the heart of an emperor, to Song Chao darling foot-binding, do not have powerful to wrap hold something under the arm, those who grow is again handsome publish history record hard also.

Male model ana?

The left and right sides wears delicate dress, the footstep is lightsome, like the scenery line that brights together; Hold one's head high hold out a bosom, firm and persistent and cheesy, having the charm of a suit self-confidence; Affectionate money, tender and fervent, all show the high breath of man; Vigor 4 shoot, free and easy and free, delivering youthful energy and passion. This is the charm that male model brings, let a person cannot be defied.

Fine where to promote to there is male model? Where male model is good do?

Jia Xingnan model is too much client group is little bad to do, I suggest you go Buddhist nun of Ma of tung countryside A looks, allegedly over there male model goes to work everyday rate is very high.

Because whole tung countryside has A Mani bar to have male model only, and over there evening show is very how old the business is very much.

Spending is high

Standard of Gucci male model?

Male model wants 44 to accord with France, in the meantime, all model also need to offer valid medical treatment proof, suit the job in order to show its body state, can be model to offer major to psychology coachs or treat division during the job

How to make male model?

Male model industry is competitive with technical profession, before making male model need has made the following preparation:

1. has healthy body: As female model same, the body is the significant sth used to one's own advantage of male model. Have healthy, good-looking body, can enhance the competition ability in male model market. A lot of male models are loved by people place, because they have healthy type of build or figure,be, the figure of athlete type. Accordingly, the motion, fitness, position that keeps healthy should be paid attention to before making male model.

2. study takes beautiful skill: Make a successful male model, must learn to take beautiful skill basically, if walk expression of affection of pose, control, bearing. Male model needs to win self-confidence and self-confident heart more than female model, in order to cater to commercial demand. Because this male model need is in,the relevant orgnaization study such as school of model school, gym, drama reachs training.

3. shapes individual image: Male model industry is an individual figure distinctive and need ceaseless fictile industry. Build the image that accords with occupation standard, have very self-confident to oneself individual distinguishing feature
