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为了猫咪健康,从把它接到家后,就给它做各种预防疾病的事情,例如给猫咪打疫苗、驱虫等,对于驱虫有很多猫友有着很多疑问,多大开始驱虫、多久驱虫一次、驱虫用什么药等关于猫咪驱虫的问题,老猫奴整理了关于猫咪驱虫的哪些事情,希望能解开还在为驱虫疑惑的猫友们。 认识猫咪体内/外的虫子在给猫咪驱虫之前,我们首先要知道到底有哪些寄生虫危害着猫咪,所说的外驱和内驱分别有哪些寄生虫。 外寄生虫主要有:蠕形螨、疥螨、耳痒螨、跳蚤、虱子等。 内寄生虫主要有:蛔虫、绦虫、球虫、钩虫、滴虫、贾第鞭毛虫、焦虫、心丝虫等。 外寄生虫的危害 蠕形螨: 猫蠕形螨病,病变多发生在眼、唇、耳和前腿内侧的无毛处,局部有1-5个较小、周围界限分明的红斑状的病变,不痒,该病有时可以致死动物,严重时,身体大面积脱毛,水肿,出现红斑、皮脂滋出和脓性皮炎,病畜瘙痒,时常可以发现外表淋巴结的病变。 疥螨:疥螨多发在猫咪的外耳道,感染后会逐渐出现剧烈的瘙痒,脱毛,皮肤发红的病症,随着病情加重,疥螨会在猫咪皮肤角质层表面打洞,使猫咪的皮肤出现密集的小丘疹,红斑和皮屑,慢慢会结成很厚的痂。 耳痒螨:猫耳痒螨寄生于猫耳的皮内所引起的一种寄生虫病。 症状,病猫烦躁不安、摇头、奇痒、常用爪抓搔痒处,耳发炎、出现血肿或出现过敏反应,有渗出液流出,在外耳道可见厚棕黑色痂皮。 跳蚤:一种常见的体外寄生虫,由于跳蚤的叮咬、吸血,同时分泌毒素,影响血凝,造成奇痒,干扰睡眠和休息,使猫咪烦躁不安,时间长了会影响猫咪体质。 虱子:一种寄生在猫咪皮肤上的寄生虫,会引起皮肤发炎、脱毛猫咪因瘙痒而烦躁不安。 内寄生虫的危害 蛔虫:最常见的体内寄生虫,感染上的猫咪会变的消瘦、腹围增大,并出现发育迟缓、呕吐等症状,严重时会呼吸困难,也会导致幼猫因营养不良而死亡。 绦虫:猫咪感染最常见,得了绦虫病的猫咪,会在粪便中找到排出的脱落节片,一般外观多为黄白色,形如芝麻粒大,症状表现为食欲下降、腹泻和便秘交替出现,体重也随之下降。 球虫:猫球虫病是一种常见的由等孢球虫引起的一种寄生虫传染病,对于幼龄猫能够导致严重的腹泻、便血甚至脱水等,以至影响健康、生长发育,严重的可造成死亡。猫球虫病的潜伏期通常在三到七天内,这是因归属孢子虫的原虫而引起的猫咪排出黏血便的一种疾病。患病猫咪表现厌食、消瘦、贫血等症状。部分猫咪病发后约二十天左右可自愈。 钩虫:猫咪常见的体内寄生虫,症状主要是贫血、消化紊乱、营养不良等。 滴虫:猫咪得滴虫后的主要表现是拉稀,并且末端带血(鲜红色的)、带粘液,食欲减退,有的伴有呕吐,迅速消瘦。这种情形可以初步判定是滴虫,但是小猫不排除猫瘟的可能,这时请马上带猫咪去医院做猫瘟检测和粪便化验。 贾第鞭毛虫:猫咪能吃能喝、精神也不错,可就是长不胖,还时不时的闹肚子,吃点要就好几天,过几天又开始拉稀。 焦虫:初期,猫咪精神状况无明显变化,仅有倦怠、不活泼,或稍有减食等症状,常被人忽视。进入急性期后,其高热可达40℃以上,精神沉郁,食欲废绝,消瘦,行走不稳、易倒,此外,还有可视黏膜苍白,贫血,或突然虚脱症状。 心丝虫:猫咪心丝虫病症状症状咳嗽、乏力、精神沉郁、体重减轻,同时猫咪也会出现受惊、晕厥、腹泻,病情加重也会因感染而死。 如何给猫咪驱虫,用什么药认识了解了这些体内/外寄生虫后,就好对症下药了,然后在分享一下体内/外常用的一些猫咪药品。 猫咪外驱用药 福来恩滴剂(Frontline Plus for cats),用于治疗和预防跳蚤感染、虱子,猫咪至少需要8周大才可以使用。 福来恩喷剂(Frontline Plus for cats),可以有效预防治疗跳蚤、虱子、耳痒螨、蠕形螨,福来恩喷剂比滴剂最大的优势在于它可以使用于2个月以下的猫咪,说白了就是只要猫咪大于2天就可以用这个了。 爱沃克(Advocate,又名拜耳外驱药),用于治疗跳蚤、跳蚤幼虫、耳螨、疥螨、蠕形螨、虱子、未成熟和成熟阶段的蛔虫、钩虫和成年鞭虫和肺虫。猫咪至少需要9周大才可以使用这个产品,爱沃克有2种包装,针对猫咪的体重不同,分别是4公斤以下猫咪用的,4公斤以上猫咪使用。 大宠爱(Revolution),主要用于治疗和预防猫咪的耳螨、心丝虫、跳蚤,猫咪至少需要8周大,才可以使用这个产品,大宠爱针对猫咪的驱虫药共有3种,2.5公斤2个月以上幼猫使用的,2.6-7.5公斤2个月以上猫咪用的,6.8公斤以上,2个月以上猫咪使用的,猫友们根据自己猫咪体重来选择。 外驱用药-滴剂使用方法滴剂与喷剂使用方法不同,首先将滴剂滴入猫咪颈后肩胛骨之间的位置,把这里的毛拨开,露出皮肤,然后将滴剂直接滴在 皮肤上。滴上药之后不要马上松手,因为滴剂是通过药水渗透进入皮脂腺作用于全身除虫的,光滴在毛发上没有效果,应保持拨开被毛的动作,让药水慢慢渗入皮肤后在合拢被毛盖住用药的地方就可以了。滴剂不可全身随处滴,应用上面同样的方法在猫咪后背沿脊椎几个点用药,这些部位舔食不到,不会造成安全隐患。 注意:不需要按摩用药部位,不要用在破损的皮肤上,使用前后的72小时内,不要给猫咪洗澡。 外驱用药-喷剂使用方法抓住猫咪后颈背处,将全身喷湿,不要忘记脸部以及尾巴部分。为避免药剂直接喷于脸部,先将喷剂喷于柔软的布上,再轻抹猫的脸部。 猫咪内驱用药拜耳的猫内驱药:可消灭8种以上处于任何发展阶段的绦虫、蛔虫和蠕虫肠道体内寄生虫。拜耳内驱药一般需要禁食4小时,用药后1小时方可进食,一定要参照使用说明用药。 由于每个品牌的用量可能有所不同,一定严格按照驱虫药上的使用说明用药,用量多少一般是根据猫咪的体重,不要喂药过量。 注意:为保证药效,在给猫咪接种疫苗期间,最好避免做驱虫,驱虫和疫苗最少应间隔一周左右。 驱虫药的不良反应由于猫咪的体质不同,有的猫咪胃肠功能比较好,对于驱虫药并没有明显的反应。胃肠功能弱的猫咪,吃了驱虫药之后,可能会出现轻微的呕吐、腹泻、精神不足、食欲不佳的症状。这是常见的现象,一般会持续一到两天就会有所改善。主人要多多观察猫咪的状况,如果持续时间过长或者症状比较严重,应及时治疗。 多久给猫咪驱虫一次幼猫,在6周、12周龄的时候,各服用一次驱虫药。 成猫,6月龄的成猫,每3-6个月驱虫一次。成年猫驱虫间隔可以根据猫咪生活环境而定,如果是散养的,经常能够到室外溜达的猫,或者与多只猫共同生活的猫,最好每3-6个月驱虫一次。家养的猫可根据情况而定,如不给猫咪吃生肉、生鸡蛋类的食物,以猫粮为主的话,可6-12个月驱虫一次。


For feline Mi health, from receive it after the home, do all sorts of businesses that prevent a disease to it, hit bug of vaccinal, drive to wait to feline Mi for example, to drive bug friend of a lot of cats is having a lot of doubt, how old begin drive bug, how long drive bug, drive bug uses what medicine to wait about problem of feline Mi helminthic, grimalkin slave was arranged about feline Mi helminthic what thing, hope can unlock returns the feline friend in doubt of the bug that it is drive people. Inside body of understanding cat Mi / the insect outside is in before bug of feline Mi drive, we should know after all what to helminth is endangering feline Mi above all, what say outside drive and inside drive has what helminth respectively. Helminth basically has outside: Squirm form mite, scabies mite, ear urticant mite, flea, pedicular wait. Helminth basically has inside: Filaria of bug of ascarid, tapeworm, ball, caterpillar of hookworm, trichomonad, Gu Dibian, anxious bug, heart. Outside the mite of harm squirm form of helminth: Mite of feline squirm form is ill, the part do not have wool that pathological changes produces in eye, lip, ear and foreleg inside more, local have 1-5 lesser, all round the pathological changes of the erythema shape with trenchant bounds, not urticant, this disease can send dead animal sometimes, serious when, body large area is depilated, oedema, occurrence erythema, Pi Zhizi goes out and purulent sex dermatitis, sao of sick domestic animal is urticant, can discover the pathological changes of outside lymph node constantly. Scabies mite: Scabies mite sends the external auditory meatus in feline Mi more, acuteness Sao can appear to itch gradually after infection, depilate, the disease with aglow skin, as illness accentuation, scabies mite can be in burrow of surface of layer of cutin of feline Mi skin, make the skin of feline Mi appears concentrated small papula, erythema and scurfy, can form very thick scab slowly. Ear urticant mite: A kind of verminosis that feline ear itchs mite parasitism causes within the skin of feline ear. Symptom, sick cat is irritating, shake one's head, strange urticant, commonly used claw catchs itching to be in, ear agnail, occurrence haematoma or occurrence allergy reaction, oozy current goes out, skin of scab of thick palm black is seen in external auditory meatus. Flea: The helminth outside a kind of common system, the bite as a result of flea, suck blood, secrete toxin at the same time, influence blood coagulates, cause strange urticant, interference Morpheus and rest, make feline Mi irritating, time grew to be able to affect feline Mi constitution. Pedicular: A kind of parasitism is in the helminth on feline Mi skin, can cause skin inflammation, because urticant and Sao is irritating,depilate feline Mi. Inside the harm ascarid of helminth: The commonnest endoparasite, the angular, abdominal circumference that the feline Mi on infection can change increases, appear the symptom such as stunt, vomiting, serious when can breathe difficulty, because of,also can bring about young cat hidebound and death. Tapeworm: Feline Mi infection is the commonnest, got the feline Mi of tapeworm disease, can fall off in what eduction finds in excrement and urine proglottis, general exterior is yellow white more, form if sesame seed bead is big, semiotic expression drops for appetite, diarrhoea and constipation appear alternately, weight also drops subsequently. Ball bug: Disease of feline ball bug is infection of a kind of common a kind of helminth that causes by bug of ball waiting for Bao, to young age cat can bring about serious diarrhoea, n/med having blood in one's stool even dehydration, health of down to influence, grow development, serious can cause death. Of disease of feline ball bug preclinical be in normally 3 to 7 days inside, this is the sticky blood of feline Mi eduction that causes because of the protozoon of attributive spore bug a kind of disease. Sicken cat Mi behaves the symptom such as anorexia, angular, anaemia. 20 days or so are made an appointment with after disease of partial cat Mi is sent but self-healing. Hookworm: The endoparasite with feline common Mi, the symptom basically is anaemic, digest disorder, hidebound etc. Trichomonad: The main show after feline Mi gets trichomonad is have loose bowels, and extreme carries blood (vermeil) , the belt is mucous, anorexia, some companion have vomiting, rapid and angular. This kind of case is OK and initial deciding is trichomonad, but the possibility that the kitten does not eliminate feline acute communicable diseases, take feline Mi to go to a hospital doing feline acute communicable diseases to detect immediately please at this moment with assay of excrement and urine. Merchant flagellate: Feline Mi can eat can drink, mind is good also, can grow namely not fat, still from time to time make gut, eat a dot to want with respect to several days, pass a few days to begin have loose bowels again. Anxious bug: Earlier, state of feline Mi spirit does not have apparent change, only and listless, dead, or have a bit decrease feed wait for a symptom, often be ignored. After entering acute period, its high fever can amount to 40 ℃ above, mental depressed, appetite is abandoned absolutely, angular, walk to fall flabbily, easily, in addition, still have can inspect mucous membrane cadaverous, anaemic, or sudden collapse symptom. Heart filaria: Depressed of cough of symptom of symptom of filariasis of feline Mi heart, lack of power, spirit, lose weight, at the same time feline Mi also can appear be frighted, faint, diarrhoea, because affect,illness accentuation also is met and die. How to give feline Mi drive bug, with what medicine understanding knew these put oneself in another's position inside / outside after helminth, good suit the remedy to the case, sharing one private parts next inside / outside medicines and chemical reagents of commonly used Mi of a few cats. The drive outside feline Mi comes with medical blessing favour drop agent (Frontline Plus For Cats) , use at treat and preventing flea infection, pedicular, feline Mi needs 8 weeks of great gift to be able to be used at least. Agent of Fu Laien gush (Frontline Plus For Cats) , OK and effective precaution treats mite of form of urticant mite of flea, pedicular, ear, squirm, the dominant position with the largest than drop agent dose of Fu Laien gush depends on it can be being used at the feline Mi under 2 months, spoken parts in an opera is to want feline Mi to be more than 2 days to be able to use this only. Aiwoke (Advocate, the name does obeisance to) of medicine of the drive outside ear, use at treating form of mite of larva of flea, flea, ear, scabies mite, squirm it is mite, pedicular, mature to be mixed crudely the ascarid of level, hookworm and grown whipworm and lobar bug. Feline Mi needs 9 weeks of great gift to be able to use this product at least, aiwoke has 2 kinds to pack, the weight that is aimed at feline Mi is different, respectively Mi of 4 kilograms of the following cats is used, mi of cat of 4 kilograms of above is used. Dote on greatly (Revolution) , basically use at filaria of cure and the ear mite that prevent feline Mi, heart, flea, feline Mi needs 8 weeks at least big, ability can use this product, dote on the anthelmintic that is aimed at feline Mi shares 3 kinds greatly, young cat uses 2.5 kilograms of 2 months above, 2.6-7.5 kilogram Mi of cat of 2 months above uses, 6.8 kilograms of above, mi of cat of 2 months above uses, the cat is friendly people according to oneself feline Mi weight chooses. Drive uses drug outside - use method of agent of drop of drop agent use method and gush agent is different, enter drop agent drop the place between the bladebone after feline Mi neck above all, open the Mao Bo here, show the skin, drip drop agent to go up in the skin directly next. The let go on the horse does not want after the medicine on drop, because drop agent is,enter sebaceous glands action fully through liquid medicine ooze at systemic worm, smooth drop does not have the effect on hair, should maintain poke by the movement of wool, yield liquid medicine folding after infiltration skin slowly the place that is lived to use drug by Mao Gai is OK. Drop agent cannot systemic everywhere drips, same method is above application after feline Mi back edge is vertebral a few the dot uses drug, these place lap do not arrive, won't cause safe hidden trouble. Attention: Do not need to massage the place that use drug, do not use on the skin of damaged, inside 72 hours of use around, do not bathe to feline Mi. Drive uses drug outside - place of the nape after gush agent uses a method to capture feline Mi, systemic gush wet, do not forget facial ministry and tail section. To prevent drug direct gush at facial ministry, get on gush agent gush at soft cloth first, wipe facial ministry of the cat again gently. The drive inside feline Mi does obeisance to medicine of the drive inside the cat of ear with medicine: The tapeworm that can eliminate 8 kinds of above to be in any development phase, ascarid and endoparasite of vermian bowel path. Do obeisance to medicine of the drive inside ear general need is abstinence 4 hours, 1 hour of Fangke after using drug take food, must consult service instruction uses drug. Because the dosage of every brand may differ somewhat, the service instruction that goes up strictly according to anthelmintic certainly uses drug, more or less is dosage the weight according to feline Mi commonly, do not feed medical excessive. Attention: To assure medical effect, during giving feline Mi vaccination, had better avoid to do drive bug, drive bug and vaccine are least should left and right sides of removed a week. The harmful response of anthelmintic differs as a result of the constitution of feline Mi, functions of some bowel of feline Mi stomach are better, do not have apparent response to anthelmintic. The feline Mi with gastric bowel weak function, after eating anthelmintic, may appear inadequacy of slight vomiting, diarrhoea, spirit, appetite not the symptom of beautiful. This is common phenomenon, general meeting arrives two days to be able to be improved somewhat continuously. Host wants the state of Mi of great observation cat, if duration passes,grow or the symptom is more serious, answer to be treated in time. How long to give bug of feline Mi drive young cat, in 6 week, 12 week age when, each take anthelmintic. Into the cat, june age into the cat, every 3-6 lunar drive bug. Interval of bug of grown cat drive is OK according to feline Mi surroundings and calm, if be to come loose,raise, often can arrive outdoor the cat of go for a walk, the cat that perhaps lives jointly with many cat, best every 3-6 lunar drive bug. The cat that the home raises can be decided according to the circumstance, if do not give feline Mi to eat raw meat, unripe egg kind food, if be being given priority to with feline food, but 6-12 lunar drive bug.

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