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成渝环线旅游景点? 成都到青海甘肃大环线自驾游攻略?英文双语对照


成渝环线旅游景点? 成都到青海甘肃大环线自驾游攻略?英文双语对照











1. 行车路线:


2. 路途景点:

- 西昌:尝试当地的美食,如毛血旺、泡椒鸡爪等。

- 泸沽湖:游览湖区、尝试当地特色美食,如酥油茶、烤全鱼等。

- 香格里拉:游览著名的虎跳峡和普达措国家公园。

- 玉树:游览塔尔寺,感受藏族文化。

- 青海湖:欣赏青海湖美景,尝试当地特色美食,如青稞酒、牦牛肉。

- 张掖:游览丹霞地貌、峡谷和石窟。

- 敦煌:参观莫高窟和敦煌研究院。

- 嘉峪关:游览长城和嘉峪关城墙。

- 兰州:品尝当地美食,如兰州拉面、羊肉泡馍等。

3. 自驾注意事项:

- 路况复杂,需要掌握驾驶技巧和安全知识。

- 准备好必要的行车工具和备胎。

- 带好足够的食品和水,以备不时之需。

- 遵守当地交通规则,注意安全驾驶。

- 准备好足够的现金和银行卡,以备不时之需。




1. 衣物:

- 舒适的衣物:根据季节选择衣物,建议带上轻便、舒适的衣物,包括T恤、长袖衬衫、外套、长裤等。

- 防寒服装:根据季节和海拔高度的变化,准备保暖衣物,如羽绒服、毛衣、抓绒衣等。

- 雨具:带上一把便携式雨伞或防水外套,以备不时之需。

2. 鞋子:

- 舒适的步行鞋:由于大环线沿途有许多徒步和漫步的机会,建议带一双舒适的步行鞋或登山鞋。

3. 个人用品:

- 防晒用品:带上太阳镜、帽子、防晒霜等,以应对强烈的阳光辐射。

- 个人清洁用品:包括牙刷、牙膏、洗发水、沐浴露等。

- 化妆品和个人护理用品:根据个人需要携带化妆品、面霜、唇膏等。

- 充电器和电源适配器:确保手机、相机等电子设备的充电设备与当地电源兼容。

- 随身物品:钱包、身份证、护照、行程单以及其他重要文件和保险证件。

4. 医药用品:

- 常用药品:如感冒药、创口贴、止痛药等。

- 晕车药:如果您容易晕车,可以准备晕车药。

- 高原反应药品:由于大环线中有一些海拔较高的景点,建议携带高原反应药品,如红景天片、维生素C等。

5. 其他:

- 摄影设备:如果您喜欢摄影,不要忘记携带相机、镜头、存储卡和备用电池等设备。

- 地图和指南:携带相关的地图、旅游指南或导航设备,以便更好地了解路线和景点信息。

- 食品和水:带上一些干粮和水,在路上补充能量和保持水分。









(1) G93成渝环线高速公路,宜宾往泸州方向626km+850m处(南溪隧道出口处),限速值80km/h。

(2) G93成渝环线高速公路,泸州往宜宾方向612km+900m处(二陡岩隧道入口路段处),限速值100km/h





1. **第一天:解放碑步行街和洪崖洞**

- 上午:首先,您可以先去解放碑步行街,这是重庆最繁华的商业区,有许多购物中心和餐厅。

- 下午:参观洪崖洞,这是重庆最著名的地标之一,是一个建在悬崖边上的大型建筑群,有着独特的山城特色。

2. **第二天:磁器口古镇和白公馆**

- 上午:前往磁器口古镇,这是一个保存完好的古镇,有许多老式的建筑和店铺,您可以在这里品尝到重庆的特色小吃。

- 下午:参观白公馆,这是一个历史悠久的建筑群,曾经是国民党政府的官邸。

3. **第三天:长江索道和南山一棵树**

- 上午:乘坐长江索道,从空中俯瞰长江和重庆的城市风光。

- 下午:前往南山一棵树,这是一个可以俯瞰重庆全景的观景台。

4. **第四天:武隆天生三桥和龙水峡地缝**

- 上午:前往武隆天生三桥,这是一个壮观的自然景观,是电影《变形金刚4》的拍摄地。

- 下午:前往龙水峡地缝,这是一个深达数百米的峡谷,有许多独特的地貌和景观。





Into tourist attraction of travel of change link line?

Chengdu travels on the way to Chongqing the tourist attraction recommends:

"3 ancient " brigade ancient memorial archway -- inside Long Chang county, fort of ancient stockaded village -- grand prosperous county is southwest 18 kilometers, ancient Yu Hu -- grand prosperous county on the west 2 kilometers.

Magnify 1000 memorial hall, inside river urban district.

Cave of green eyebrow hill, endowment in county on the west 17 kilometers.

Happy to dedicate oneself to the service of one's motherland temple, happy to the county east 26 kilometers.

North of county of An Yue carved stone, An Yue 25 kilometers.

Pan Zhencheng of a unit of dry measure for grain of this fork lake, Jian Yang on the west 29 kilometers.

Is Chengdu driven oneself to line of big ring of Qinghai Gansu Province swim strategy?

Chengdu is driven oneself to line of big ring of Qinghai Gansu Province swimming is very significant journey, it is strategy and tourist attraction recommend below:

1.Course of drive a vehicle:

Chengdu - Xi Chang - Lu buy lake - sweet case lira - Yu Shu - Qinghai lake - piece assist - Dunhuang - fine valley closes - Lanzhou

2.Journey tourist attraction:

- Xi Chang: Try local cate, if chicken of any of several hot spice plants of Mao Xiewang, bubble is ungual,wait.

- Lu buy lake: Visit cate of characteristic of place of lake area, attempt, like ghee tea, bake complete fish to wait.

- sweet case lira: Visit famous tiger to jump gorge and general amount to arrange state park.

- Yu Shu: Visit tower Er temple, experience Tibetian culture.

- Qinghai lake: Admire Qinghai lake beautiful scenery, try local characteristic cate, be like flesh of highland barley wine, yak.

- piece assist: Visit red glow landforms, gorge and rock cave.

- Dunhuang: Hole of visiting Mo Gao and Dunhuang academy.

- fine valley closes: Visit the Great Wall closes a city wall with fine valley.

- Lanzhou: Sample local cate, if Lanzhou pulls steamed bun of bubble of face, hotpot,wait.

3.Drive a note oneself:

- road condition is complex, need control drives skill and safe knowledge.

- prepare tool of necessary drive a vehicle and spare wheel.

- the food with very ample area and water, in order to have untimely needs.

- abide by local traffic regulation, notice safety drives.

- prepare enough ready money and bank card, in order to have untimely needs.

Hope above strategy and tourist attraction are recommended help somewhat to you, wish you journey is happy!

Is travel of line of big ring of Qinghai Gansu Province necessary article detailed list?

Line of travel big ring is a beautiful and grand course, passed through Qinghai and Gansu Province the numerous tourist attraction of two province. It is the detailed list of a few common and necessary article that line of big ring of Qinghai Gansu Province travels below:


- comfortable clothings: Choose clothing and other articles of daily use according to season, the proposal takes light, comfortable clothing and other articles of daily use, include shirt of the T-shirt, long sleeve, coat, trousers to wait.

- outfit of insulated cold wear: According to the change of season and height above sea level, plan heat preservation clothing and other articles of daily use, if eider down is taken, sweater, catch sweat shirt to wait.

- rain gear: Take a portable umbrella or waterproof coat, in order to have untimely needs.


- walk cozily shoe: Because big ring line has on the way a lot of pedestrian the opportunity with ramble, the proposal takes a pair to walk cozily shoe or climbing boot.

3.Individual things:

- prevent bask in things: The sunglass on the belt, cap, prevent bask in frost to wait, in order to answer intense in relief ray radiation.

- individual cleanness things: Include dew of tooth brush, toothpaste, shampoo, bath to wait.

- cosmetic and individual nurse things: According to the individual need carries cosmetic, cream, lipstick to wait.

- charger and power source adapter: Ensure of the electronic equipment such as mobile phone, camera charge equipment and local power source are compatible.

- vade mecum tastes: Sheet of purse, Id, passport, journey and other and important file and insurance certificate.

4.Medical things:

- commonly used medicines and chemical reagents: Stick like patulin, cut, anodyne.

- carsick medicine: If you are easy carsick, can prepare carsick medicine.

- downy reaction medicines and chemical reagents: Because there is a tourist attraction in big ring line, the proposal carries downy reaction drug, be like red red-spotted stonecrop piece, vitamin C.


- photography equipment: If you like photography, do not forget carry camera, camera lens, memory gets stuck and reserve the equipment such as batteries.

- map and guideline: Carry directory of relevant map, travel or navigational aid, so that know course and tourist attraction news better.

- food and water: Carry on a few solid food and water, complementary on the road capabilities and retain moisture.

This is a basic detailed account only, you can need travel of sue for peace to plan to adjust according to your with acquisition. Additional, remember examining the special requirement of weather forecast and destination before the journey, so that prepare better. In wishing you in Qinghai Gansu Province big ring line travels, play happily!

Does Chengdu arrive Guizhou link line how many kilometer?

Chengdu arrives Guizhou link line is 800 kilometers, chengdu goes to Guizhou also is blame Chang Yuan, link line is 800 kilometers, if be to drive what need 8 hours ability to arrive so oneself

Line of big ring of Qinghai Gansu Province how many kilometer?

Line of big ring of Qinghai Gansu Province is ring circles Qinghai and Gansu Province the circuitry of a highway of two province, make an appointment with 2000 kilometers endlong. Specific course of development may be built because of road and be changed and change somewhat, but control in 2000 kilometers roughly. This circuitry passed basin of Qinghai lake, Qi Lianshan, Chai Damu, a surname to connect and other places of corridor of westing of mountain range, river, the scenery is pretty, it is travel lover and one of popular line that draw the person that swim oneself.

Does high speed of line of the link that become change collect fees?

High speed of line of the link that become change wants to collect fees. Current, high speed of our country inland does not collect fees besides Hainan high speed, actually cost of Hainan high speed is to be added on oil price, also collect fees, all want to collect fees accordingly. High speed of line of the link that become change built formally on September 12, 2013, went to the lavatory to go out into change area masses greatly row, for economy development laid solid foundation. But operation wants cost, for this, high speed of line of the link that become change wants to collect fees

Into speed limit of high speed of change link line?

(Line of link of 1) G93 Cheng Yu freeway, appropriate guest is in toward 626km+850m of Lu city direction (exit of Na Xi channel) , speed limit is worth 80km/h.

(Line of link of 2) G93 Cheng Yu freeway, lu city is in toward 612km+900m of appropriate guest direction (a section of a highway of entrance of channel of 2 steep cliff is in) , speed limit is worth 100km/h

Into start of railroad of expensive link line?

Become railroad of expensive high speed by Chengdu east stand to Guiyang east station, full-length 648 kilometre, set 24 stations, the top speed of the design is 250 kilometre / hour.

Is travel of Chongqing link line optimal course?

Chongqing is a of China big city, have rich history and culture, and unique geographical feature. It is a commendatory Chongqing link line below travel course:

1.** the first day: Emancipatory tablet shopping mall and ** of big cliff hole

- in the morning: Above all, you can liberate tablet shopping mall first, this is the shopping centre with the most flourishing Chongqing, have a lot of shopping centers and dining room.

- afternoon: See big cliff hole, this is one of ground label with the famousest Chongqing, it is a large structure that is built on cliff edge group, having unique hill city distinguishing feature.

2.** the following day: Magnetism implement buccal Guzhen and white residence **

- in the morning: Head for magnetism implement buccal ancient guard, this is one saves whole ancient town, have a lot of vintage buildings and store, the characteristic that you can taste savor Chongqing here is fastfood.

- afternoon: Visit white residence, this is the building with a long history group, once was the official mansions of Kuomintang government.

3.** the 3rd day: Cableway of the Yangtse River and Nashanyi tree **

- in the morning: Take cableway of the Yangtse River, look down at from inside sky the urban scene of the Yangtse River and Chongqing.

- afternoon: Head for Nashanyi tree, this is one can look down at Chongqing watchs scene station panoramicly.

4.** the 4th day: Wu Longtian gives birth to 3 bridges and ground of dragon water gorge to seam **

- in the morning: Head for Wu Longtian to give birth to 3 bridges, this is a grand natural landscape, it is the film " be out of shape King Kong 4 " film the ground.

- afternoon: Toward Long Shuixia the ground is seamed before, this is a gorge that is as deep as hundreds meters, have a lot of distinctive landforms and landscape.

This is a course of recommended link line travel only, real travel course may need to undertake adjustment according to your interest and time. In viatic process, remember experiencing the cate of Chongqing and culture adequately.

High speed of line of Chengdu travel link?

Chengdu the 3rd freeway that circle a city (line of link of Chengdu economy area freeway) masterstroke, of churchyard of result cattail river into elegant high speed, along clockwise round, river of cattail of by way of, Qiong Lai, big city, esteem a city, bamboo of Fang of Jiang Yan, Peng Zhou, assorted, continous, De Yangjing is in relief area, medium river, Jin Tang, Jian Yang, Ren Shou, Peng, close at start.

下一篇:in the rain 还是on the rain? rain rain rain原唱歌词?英文双语对照