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回 育英是一个很好的学校。1,因为育英高中拥有一流的师资力量和丰富的教学资源,可以提供高质量的教育教学环境,有助于培养学生的综合素质和学术能力。2,育英注重学生的个性化发展,提供多种科目和课外活动选择,可以满足学生的兴趣和需求,帮助他们全面发展。3,育英的学风严谨,培养学生的自律和严谨的学术态度,有利于他们未来的学习和发展。综上所述,育英是一个优秀的学校。































育英学校不是一般的大,很气派的一个学校小学 初中 高中在一个校园里非常漂亮花园式的学校很多人从小学一直上到高中毕业!

有羽毛球馆 游泳馆 篮球场两个 体育场两个(一大一小)花园 果园 动物园 假山 …… 当时听人家老师说这个学校时就说:我们的成绩不一定是最好的,但是出来的学生都很有素质。更注重素质教育,三天两头的有活动,像科技节 艺术节 体育节一弄就是一个月而且有很多社团~前两天刚弄完中德交流(乐团)活动多比较轻松,像艺术节什么的,学生们就像过节了似的~比较注重快乐吧!当然,最吸引人的是不用小升初~






Chinese Jinan Yo flower the Yo of the middle school flower spirit?

According to Shan Zhenshui, bell of clever gas institute. Be located at Jinan this beautiful the Yo of old city flower the middle school is founded on June 19, 1913, build since school, developed more than 60 thousand eligible person with ability for party and country early or late, the school holds to right managerial way, with " start all measures, model a student sound moral quality " for the tenet, hold to " get the world person of outstanding ability and teach " belief, form stage by stage " civilized behavior + eligible + innovation " managerial mode, establish in teachers and students " I enter Yo flower I am flourish with Yo flower, I give Yo Ying Yoying to be flourish with me " belief, foster " constantly strive to become stronger, never character is defeated " Yo flower spirit, school education level rises ceaselessly, educational education quality is in a level from beginning to end in whole town, won the wide recognition of social all circles. President of the first to be appointed to an office is Confucius 75 generation Sun Kongxiang stalks or branch.

Does Yo flower school learn how to be compared in He Yoying?

Environment of Yo officer hardware is good, mass organizations activity the comparison of what is neat. Environment of the education in Yo is good, still have the renown number of a demonstrative school. See you feel what is more important.

The Gao Sanhe of Yo flower middle school is other grade is departure, in boreal campus, quieter, and what what summerly sky moves is informal leave, need not worry too heat does not go down. Be in charge of severely at ordinary times (do not father to pass pedagogic take a refresher course for certain of course) , but spring outing is very open instead, cypress slope goes to Gao Yixi two days, live guesthouse; Second year in high school goes happy cereal, whole course is free. After lunch is improved a lot of. School spirit is pretty good, before paragraph time school accident somebody borrows machine defile, the student is initiative refute a rumor, cohesive affinity is pretty good. The teacher is quite conscientious also, experimental class is flow, create competitive motive force, the line on university of experimental class key is led 100% . Exercise won't stay a lot of, did not copy the insignificant exercise of book and so on. Only drawback is campus small.

Is Yo flower good?

Hui Yoying is a very good school. 1, the education natural resources that because Yo flower high school has top-ranking division,abounds, can provide the educational education environment of high quality, conduce to the integrated quality that trains a student and academic ability. 2, yo flower pays attention to personalized development of the student, offer a variety of course and extracurricular activity alternative, can satisfy the student's interest and requirement, help them develop in the round. 3, the style of study of Yo flower is rigorous, develop the student's self-discipline and rigorous academic attitude, be helpful for the study that they did not come to and development. The place on put together is narrated, yo flower is an outstanding school.

Yo does experience share Yo knowledge?

Yo knowledge is as follows

Addition of round the clock of time of 1. child Morpheus is not gotten little at 12 hours. Remember, enough sleep is the safeguard of child health.

Outdoors motion having oxygen can increase 2. immune force of the child, fluctuation midday all not less than outdoors activities of 40 minutes, best can land of bring into contact with, of course haze mist weather wants exception.

If install 3. wants the child, 3 minutes of be hungry and cold. Must not eat too much to the child, those who wear is too thick, the change that should follow environmental temperature changes to the child the dress.

4. is medicine 3 minutes poison, should believe dietetic have curative effect truly.

5. can try the four seasons to wash a face to the child with cold water, can increase its cold-resistant capacity, reduce a cold.

6. feed respect, initial stage is with the mother breast or acting milkings are given priority to, increase later in 56 months complementary feed, such ability satisfy the need of body development

7. is make infant can nurturance dines smoothly habit, proposal parent notices will complementary during feeding time to adjust adult to dine or after dining. Adult dines have behavior guiding effect to the child; Feed complementary when feeding, food is chewed at the same time in adult mouth, even if be chewing gum only.

 8. darling before one one full year of life as far as possible the food that edible little candy does not have salt; Although darling a week after year old, also answer to avoid to add salt and candy when making food for darling as far as possible; Examine food label without fail, check you to buy alimental to contain salt is measured or contain candy amount; Flavor and condiment are used in cookbook, or citric, lime and tomato mud replace salt.


Is Yo person of outstanding ability phrasal?

Teach Yo person, heroic lofty quality. Talent beautiful woman,

Predecessor of Yo flower school?

       Beijing Yo flower a collect elementary school that the school is director of council of education of Beijing Haidian area, junior high school, high school always is made for 9 years of an organic whole, school of 12 years of an organic whole, it is high school of area of school of experiment of U.N. Educational project, China natant school, Haidian demonstrative school.

       On November 7, 1948, the school establishs, directly under of Central Committee of Communist Party of China is when Yo flower elementary school, the Party Central Committee is followed one case after ingoing Beijing. 1953, middle school ministry and elementary school department are separate, middle school ministry is show Beijing Yo flower middle school, with face each other of Yo flower school. 1970, yo flower school establishs middle school department afresh. 2005, be awarded first " demonstrative school of Haidian area high school " title. 2018, classics Haidian area teachs appoint approval, yo flower school is in open of campus of violet gold Chang'an " class of cheeper of have as an attached institution " .

Does He Yoying school learn what to difference there is in Yo flower?

Two schools are a root, the part learns to the street is separated on the west and become independent because of the journey of 10 thousand life among in 1958, the;2000 in weighing Yo year elementary school ministry begins to establish middle school department, weigh Yo school.

The midwifery in Yo is normal, take an examination of in control route of minute of midwifery of school of tall; Yo extensive, opposite for receive cent low.

The management in Yo is rigorous, administration of officer of Yo of student standard; is agile, the student is rambling.

Quality of the education in Yo good, equipment is modern, education of student branch of learning grows school yard of school of fast; Yo is old, the student is dispersive, education concept is much to.

Division of Yo middle school is professional strong, process of learning of student of school of Yo of much; of relevant unit connection is relatively whole, actual strength is propped up.

Space of two school development is very large, teachers and students flows, competition is intense.

Cattail city Yo flower elementary school and Wen Zhou Yo flower school which good?

I now is tall one, be in from Pu Zhou Yo flower is small learn from good examples a few years.

There is contrast when be being read previously, do not have a feeling.

Gradually enter a higher school changes the school, feeling still be Yo flower when much better the forehead... quality should be ~ of very good drop

Urban key does not know how, but go Yo flower should be not poor also.

The teacher that too won't big ~ has taught the likelihood me or Dou Ting are in charge of the pressure that the child forms.

The Yo of Beijing Haidian flower school of middle school, Yo flower which good?

Yo flower school is not general big, very the high school of junior high school of elementary school of a school of air is very beautiful in a campus a lot of people learn the school of garden type to go up to graduate to high school all the time as a child!

Have field of basketball of badminton house natatorium two stadium two (one big one small) rockery of garden garden zoo... when listening to someone teacher to say this school at that time, say: Our achievement is not best certainly, but the student that come out has quality very much. Pay attention to quality education more, almost everyday have an activity, section of sports of artistic like section of science and technology moral integrity is done even if a month and before having ~ of a lot of mass organizations two days of heart in just was being done communicate (philharmonic society) the activity is compared more relaxed, resemble artistic moral integrity of what, students resembled celebrating a festival like ~ pays attention to joy quite! Of course, the most absorbing is need not litres small first ~

Achievement did not learn from good examples in Yo flower, but difference also is not very big, if anyhow thinks relaxed dot goes Yo school, but the student that class of experiment of Yo school junior high school provokes elementary school to be in Yo flower school to go up only, a future life is not enrolled outside.

No matter the word that if try hard,learns you is in that school the metropolis is outstanding, have nothing to do with with the school

The introduction of Yo flower elementary school?

Xi'an Yo flower elementary school is the full-time elementary school that education of a collect, experiment, scientific research is an organic whole. Its predecessor is the elementary school of Yan'an child care that is born in warlike time, already had history of nearly 50 years. Solidarity of school leading group is keen-witted and capable, administer scientific standard, campus beauty is neat, have 33 education class, 2078 students instruct a worker 94 times

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