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蚂蚁宠物怎么关闭? 蚂蚁宠物保险怎么退保?英文双语对照


蚂蚁宠物怎么关闭? 蚂蚁宠物保险怎么退保?英文双语对照





























蚂蚁宠物医保是比较靠谱的。1. 因为蚂蚁宠物医保是由阿里巴巴旗下的蚂蚁金服推出的,具有强大的背景和技术支持,所以可以提供更专业和优质的服务。2. 蚂蚁宠物医保覆盖了包括诊疗费用、住院费用、手术费用等多种费用,并且有较高的赔付比例,可以保障宠物主人的经济利益和宠物的健康安全。3. 此外,蚂蚁宠物医保还为宠物提供了各种健康管理、饮食咨询、健康档案等服务,可以全面照顾宠物的健康,提升宠物品质生活的可持续性。


黄猄蚁,Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius, 1775),蚁科织叶蚁属的一种蚂蚁,又名黄柑蚁、红树蚁,广泛分布与我国南方。黄猄蚁是树栖蚁种,会利用幼虫吐丝卷起鲜活树叶筑成“蚁包”栖息,大群落的黄猄蚁普遍有多个副巢。黄猄蚁生性凶猛,擅长捕食各种昆虫,因此常在农业生产上被用于生物防治。







蚂蚁的寿命比较长,个别蚂蚁的寿命长得惊人,有的工蚁可活7天, 蚁后寿命可长达20年。但一只离群的蚂蚁只能活几天。这是由于蚁群内部明确分工和各负其责、相互依存的群体结构所致。这是其繁荣的基本因素





One, how is ant pet shut?

Of ant pet shut a method:

1, open a Fu Bao in the mobile phone above all, search ant pet.

2, it is next in the page that open, click enter pet Id.

3, click caller to examine pet Id attributive.

4, it is finally in the window that open, click shut examine pet Id attributive can.

2, how is ant pet insurance retreated protect?


Pass dial telephone of insurance company customer service or play site bar to the line, refer retreat keep application.


To insurance company the specification is retreated the account that keep and retreat keep time, by insurance company the requirement is referred retreat keep data.


After insurance company protects application to undertake examine and verify to retreating, issue retreat keep batch of sheet, receive redound upon sheet at the same time.


Retreat protect a person to hold retreat keep batch of sheet and id card, receive the insurance premium that should retreat through appointing channel.

3, is ant pet sure to submit an expense account how many?

Ant pet submits an expense account safely the safeguard limits that amount plans because of differring with limitation different, cover the safeguard of a variety of accident circumstances such as disease, accident, diagnosis and treatment, operation, medicines and chemical reagents.

The client can choose suitable insurance plan according to oneself pet state and demand, highest and insurable the forehead is spent achieve 10 thousand yuan of RMBs. But specific submit an expense account amount needs to be decided according to circumstance of real reason compensate, need to offer the material such as detail of charge of relevant medical records, diagnostic proof, cure to undertake examine and verify, the part that accords with guarantee slip limits and limitation will give submit an expense account.

4, is ant pet safe and useful?

Useful, the safeguard of danger of pet medical treatment that ant is sure to go up is more comprehensive still, besides can submit an expense account outside medical treatment charge, still can offer pet to bathe, the service such as bug of fosterage, drive, it is an insurance of pretty good pet medical treatment. Ant insurance is the insurance platform that pays Bao Qi to fall, have below the banner danger of medical treatment of a pet is called pay treasure pet medical treatment danger, have 4 version, shovel excrement official by everybody love.

5, how does ant pet close automatic add cost?

Shut the concrete step that automatic add expends ant pet to be as follows:

1. opens a Fu Bao APP, enter " my " page, find " ant forest " click enter.

2. is in ant forest page, click right of next horn " my energy " pushbutton.

3. is in " my energy " in the page, click top right corner " subscription " pushbutton.

4. is in " ant pet " in subscription page, find " automatic add is expended " switch, shut it can.

After shutting automatic add to expend, before ant pet expires, won't deduct the cost that expend add again automatically. If need again automatic add expends open, need to be entered according to afore-mentioned measure only " ant pet " subscription page, will " automatic add is expended " switch is opened can.

6, is ant pet cure protected rely on chart?

Ant pet cure is protected rely on chart quite. 1. Be being protected because of ant pet cure is by Alibaba subordinate ant gold is taken those who roll out, have powerful setting and technical support, can offer so more major and excellent service. 2. Ant pet cure is protected enclothed include a variety of charge such as charge of charge of diagnosis and treatment, be in hospital, operation expenses, and have taller compensate pay proportion, the health of the economic benefit that can guarantee pet host and pet is safe. 3. In addition, pet cure protected ant to still offer all sorts of health management, food to seek advice for pet, the service such as healthy archives, what can take care of pet in the round is healthy, promote pet character the life but durative.

7, what does ant call pet?

Yellow is formic, oecophylla Smaragdina (Fabricius, 1775) , formic division knits a kind of ant that Xie Yi belongs to, name yellow mandarin orange mangrove is formic, formic, distributing extensively as southern as our country. Yellow is formic it is a tree dwell is formic kind, can use larval spin to furl fresh the leaf is built " formic bag " habitat, the yellow of big community is formic have many pairs of nest generally. Yellow formic natural disposition is feral, be good at preying all sorts of insects, because this often is on agricultural production,be used at biological control.

Yellow formic posture is lightsome, prey solidarity, raise a hotspot quite much, accordingly they had become the promising young person of bound of Chinese pet ant, of many home bestow favor on formic player to had begun to raise yellow formic as view and admire pet.

8, how does ant forest get pet?

Want to obtain the animal in ant forest, need attends [protective ground make one's rounds is protected] play a way, through collect neat the animal of 4 place spells a graph to just can be obtained

As a result of every time the protective ground of open is different, place correspondence is OK the animal with neat collect spells a graph to also differ, protect the land in the fine pond of this second open for example, can change obtain sheldrake of hare of fox of Asiatic wild ass of cat of black neck crane, desert, Tibet, Tibet, downy rat, bare to wait for an animal.

Protect in make one's rounds when collect is neat the animal that 4 place spell a plan, can click " instantly call " , send this animal make one's rounds to protect a forest, can appear in ant forest page this animal, notice every animal make one's rounds is protected have 7 days of term of validity, end hind needs new market to send its make one's rounds together to protect.

9, how long can be pet ant raised?

The life of ant is longer, the life of individual ant grows breathtakingly, some worker can live 7 days, formic hind life can be as long as 20 years. But leave only group ant can live a few days only. As a result of,this is formic group of in-house and clear division of labor and each its are in charge of, the group structure be caused by of mutual depend on sb or sth for existence. This is the main factor that its flourish

10, what pet eats ant best?

Lizard eats ant, but the lizard that eats ant generally speaking is carnivorous sex and the lizard with very small type of build or figure. The breed of lizard is very much, among them most breed likes to eat the meat, ant is one of their food. Nevertheless generally speaking, only small-sized lizard can regard staple food as ant, although large lizard encounters ant to also can eat, but ant is not their main food.

Additional, still itself of one part lizard does not eat meat, however of abstain from eating meal. They won't eat ant.

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