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1. 火车选择:成都到西宁的火车通常有多种选择,包括直达和中转车次。您可以选择根据个人时间和预算来决定乘坐哪种类型的火车。请提前查询火车时刻表并购票。

2. 行程规划:行程的具体安排可以根据您的兴趣和时间来制定。在西宁周边有许多著名的景点,如青海湖、塔尔寺、茶卡盐湖等。您可以考虑将行程分配给这些景点,并为每个景点安排足够的时间。

3. 高原反应:西宁位于高海拔地区,您可能会面临高原反应的风险。在旅行前适当了解高原反应的症状和预防方法,并采取相应的预防措施,如慢慢适应海拔、保持充足的休息和饮水等。

4. 气候和装备:西宁气候凉爽,变化多端,夏季温度适宜,但早晚温差较大,请适当增加衣物厚度。根据实际情况,您可能还需要准备防晒霜、太阳镜、保暖衣物和舒适的鞋子等。

5. 当地特色:西宁有丰富的藏族文化和美食。您可以品尝当地的美味小吃和藏餐,也可以了解藏族人民的传统艺术和手工艺品。




1. 火车选择:成都到西宁有多种火车类型可供选择,包括动车组、直达和特快列车。根据您的预算和时间安排,您可以选择最适合您的火车类型。一般来说,动车组和直达列车的速度较快,大约需要12-15小时;特快列车则较为经济,但行程时间较长,大约需要20-25小时。

2. 提前购票:为了避免旅行旺季火车票紧张,建议您提前购买火车票。您可以通过12306官网、手机APP或火车站售票窗口进行购票。

3. 行程安排:成都到西宁的火车行程较长,建议您在火车上休息充足,以便抵达西宁后精力充沛地开始您的旅行。您可以带上一些娱乐设备,如书籍、平板电脑等,以消磨时间。

4. 西宁景点推荐:西宁是一个历史悠久的城市,有许多著名的旅游景点。以下是一些建议您游览的景点:

- 塔尔寺:位于西宁市湟中县,是藏传佛教格鲁派的重要寺庙,有着丰富的历史和文化。

- 青海湖:位于西宁市以西约100公里的地方,是中国最大的内陆湖泊,风景优美。

- 鸟岛:位于青海湖的西北部,是一个观鸟胜地,每年春季都有大量候鸟在此栖息。

- 卓尔山:位于祁连山脉的东侧,是一座风景秀丽的山峰,也是徒步和登山的好去处。

5. 住宿选择:在西宁,您可以根据预算和需求选择各种类型的住宿,从经济型酒店到高档星级酒店都有。建议您在抵达西宁前预订好住宿,以确保有足够的选择。




线路1: G109 常州西路 - 东路 - 延安中路 - 银川中路(约876公里,大约需要11小时40分钟)

线路2: G22 青藏高速 - G109 常州西路 - 东路 - 延安中路 - 银川中路(约803公里,大约需要10小时40分钟)



推荐旅行线路:成都- 西宁 - 塔尔寺 - 青海湖 - 茶卡盐湖 - 德令哈 - 大柴旦 - 敦煌 - 雅丹魔鬼城 - 鸣沙山&月牙泉 - 莫高窟 - 瓜洲 - 嘉峪关 - 丹霞地貌 - 张掖 - 祁连山 - 门源 -西宁- 成都















1. 游览青海湖:青海湖是中国最大的咸水湖,景色宜人,周围还有草原和雪山。您可以租一辆自行车或者划船游览湖面,还可以在湖边野餐和观赏美丽的日落。

2. 参观塔尔寺:塔尔寺是青海省最重要的藏传佛教寺庙之一。在这里,您和孩子可以学习佛教文化,并欣赏到壮观的建筑和宏伟的佛像。

3. 到青海民俗博物馆:这个博物馆展示了青海地区的传统文化和民俗。您和孩子可以了解藏族、回族等少数民族的历史、文化和生活方式。

4. 探索贵德的宝塔寺:宝塔寺位于贵德县,是西宁周边最景色迷人的景点之一。您可以攀登塔顶,俯瞰整个贵德县的美景。

5. 前往青海省博物馆:在这个博物馆,您和孩子可以了解青海的自然和人文历史,同时还可以参观展示青海湖的令人惊叹的模型。

6. 游览北市区:在西宁市的北部,有很多公园和广场供您和孩子放松和游玩。您可以去北山公园,欣赏到美丽的花园和湖泊。

7. 尝试当地美食:青海菜肴以牛羊肉和酸奶为主,还有一些特色的面食和点心。您可以带孩子一起品尝当地美食,体验不同的风味。

8. 参观民族村:西宁周边有一些民族村落,如东峻藏族村、茶卡盐湖等。您可以带孩子去这些村落,了解当地少数民族的文化和生活方式。









4. 吴忠市


5. 固原市


6. 西宁市




1. 交通方式:可以选择飞机、高铁或长途汽车等交通工具。目前,成都有直飞顺德的航班,也有前往顺德的高铁线路。您可以根据自己的时间和预算选择适合的交通方式。

2. 机票/高铁预订:如果选择飞机或高铁,建议提前预订机票或车票,以确保行程顺利。您可以通过航空公司官网、携程、去哪儿等平台进行预订。

3. 住宿安排:在顺德,您可以选择不同档次的酒店或民宿作为住宿。推荐在市中心或者景区附近预订酒店,以方便出行和游览景点。

4. 顺德特色美食:顺德是中国著名的美食之地,您可以品尝到众多正宗的广东菜和顺德美食。例如,流行的菜品有砂锅粥、顺德牛肉丸、虾爆鳝糊等。

5. 游览景点:顺德有许多旅游景点值得一游。其中著名的景点包括顺德清晖园、陈村太平天国遗址、大良镇等。您可以根据自己的兴趣选择合适的景点进行参观。

6. 当地文化体验:在顺德,您还可以体验当地的文化活动和传统手工艺品。例如,在顺德的古镇上漫步、参观传统工艺馆等。

7. 顺德购物:顺德是一个购物的好地方,您可以购买到各种特色商品和当地特产。而且,顺德还有一些大型商场和购物中心,提供多样化的购物选择。

8. 注意事项:在旅行过程中,请注意安全和个人财物的保管。还要尊重当地的风俗习惯,不干扰当地居民的生活。










Does Chengdu travel to Xining train strategy?

Chengdu travels to the train of Xining is a kind of very popular means, it is a brief strategy below:

1.Train choice: Chengdu has multiple choice normally to the train of Xining, include to arrive directly with change trains number. You can choose to decide to take which sort according to individual time and budget model the train. Inquire train schedule ahead of schedule please and buy a ticket.

2.Journey program: The specific arrangement of the journey can be made according to your interest and time. There are a lot of famous tourist attractions in Xining periphery, if temple of Er of Qinghai lake, tower, tea blocks saline,wait. You can consider to give these the tourist attraction journey allocation, arrange enough time for every tourist attraction.

3.Downy reaction: Xining is located in area of high height above sea level, you may face the risk of downy reaction. Understand the symptom of downy reaction and preventive appropriately before the journey, adopt corresponding precautionary measures, if suit slowly,the altitude, rest that keeps enough is mixed water etc.

4.Climate and equipment: Xining climate is cool, metabolic multiterminal, summertime temperature is appropriate, but difference in temperature of morning and evening is bigger, increase clothings ply appropriately please. According to actual condition, you still may need to prepare to prevent bask in clothings of frost, sunglass, heat preservation and comfortable shoe to wait.

5.Local characteristic: Xining has rich Tibetian culture and cate. You can sample of place delicate and fastfood with Tibetan eat, the traditional art that also can understand Tibetian people and handicraft are tasted.

Ask an attention, above is an overview only, specific scheduling and demand are made even according to the circumstance of your oneself. Good program had better be made before the journey, book good train ticket and room, center of information of travel of much advisory place in order to get more detailed with accurate information. Wish you journey is happy!

Does Chengdu travel by train to Xining strategy?

Arrive from Chengdu Xining, you can choose the train to regard main traffic as means. It is the travel strategy of a few proposals below:

1.Train choice: Chengdu has a variety of train types to be able to offer an alternative to Xining, include motor-car group, nonstop with red ball. According to your budget and timeline, you can choose to suit your train type most. Generally speaking, motor-car group and the rate that arrive directly at train are rapidder, need 12-15 hour about; Red ball criterion relatively economy, but travel time is longer, need 20-25 hour about.

2.Buy a ticket ahead of schedule: To avoid insecurity of train ticket of viatic busy season, suggest you buy a train ticket ahead of schedule. You can pass APP of 12306 officials net, mobile phone or railway station wicket the mouth undertakes buying a ticket.

3.Scheduling: Chengdu arrives the train travel of Xining is longer, suggest you rest on the train enough, so that arrive at,energetic ground begins your trip after Xining. You can take facility of on a few recreation, wait like computer of book, flat, with killtime.

4.Xining tourist attraction recommends: Xining is the city with a long history, have a lot of famous travel tourist attractions. It is a few proposals below your excursive tourist attraction:

- tower Er temple: The county in be located in Xining city Huang, it is the important cloister that Cang Chuanfo teachs Gelupa, having rich history and culture.

- Qinghai lake: Be located in Xining city with the place of 100 kilometers is being arranged on the west, it is China the biggest inland is laky, the scenery is beautiful.

- bird island: Be located in the northwest ministry of Qinghai lake, it is a resort that watch a bird, annual spring has a large number of migrant to perch here.

- Zhuo Ershan: Be located in a surname to connect a mountain chain east side, it is the mountain peak with a pretty scenery, also be pedestrian the good place with mountain-climbing.

5.Accommodation choice: In Xining, you can choose the accommodation of all sorts of types according to budget and demand, have to hotel of high-grade star class from economy hotel. Suggest you book good room before arriving at Xining, have enough choice in order to ensure.

Hope above strategy can arrive to your Chengdu the brigade of Xining train is helped somewhat! Wish you journey is happy!

Does Xining drive a strategy oneself to Yinchuan?

Arrive from Xining Yinchuan, you can draw traffic line oneself under the choice:

Circuit 1: G109 Changzhou on the west road - east road - the road in Yan'an - the road in Yinchuan (about 876 kilometers, need 11 hours 40 minutes about)

Circuit 2: G22 blueness hides high speed - G109 Changzhou on the west road - east road - the road in Yan'an - the road in Yinchuan (about 803 kilometers, need 10 hours 40 minutes about)

These two circuitry are main road, 1 course distance grows way of its central line a bit, but circuit the distance of 2 courses is shorter. You can be mixed according to your be fond of effective way besides the circuitry that the choice suits. Be in a travel before, suggest you use navigation tool or map application plans first-rate course, situation of careful liaison man and road besides change. Remember doing good trechometer to delimit ahead of schedule, ensure your car in order, safety first of drive a vehicle.

Does Chengdu travel to Xining optimal course?

Recommend viatic circuitry: Chengdu - Xining - tower Er temple - Qinghai lake - tea card saline - heart make breath out - big Chai Dan - Dunhuang - city of elegant red devil - cry spring of crescent moon of Sha Shan & - Mo Gao hole - melon continent - fine valley closes - Dan Xia

Is Xining travel prevented bask in a strategy?

Xining is drier, when travelling, should take it is good to protected wet sparge to do protect wet.

Xining is basked in quite, the journey should be taken prevent the sunbonnet that dry the clothes to wait prevent bask in appliance.

Xining travel season divides weak busy season, if you think the oily cauliflower of lake of sea of keep watch over the ripening crops, can choose to was headed for July so, july is flower of Qinghai lake cole blooms period.

Xining is located in northwest area, minority is much, we should respect the habits and customs of minority brethren adequately when travel.

Strategy of winter Xining travel?

Winter is the busy season of a travel of Xining city, it is a few proposals below the item that you head for the need when Xining travels to notice in winter:

Traffic: Winter is Xining city traffic has the season that block up quite, suggest you inquire the order of each station and fare ahead of schedule, so that you choose right vehicle. In addition, winter air temperature is inferior, suggest you carry thick coat, heat preservation shoe and prevent slippery glove to wait, lest frostbite.

Weather: Winter is Xining city's coldest season, air temperature is inferior, suggest you carry thick coat, heat preservation shoe and prevent slippery glove to wait, lest frostbite. In addition, winter Xining city can have snowfall weather, suggest you understand weather situation ahead of schedule, so that your ready-made.

Tourist attraction: Winter is the good time that Xining city views and admire Xue Jing, the tourist attraction such as garden of amorous feelings of past tower is Er temple, big before you are OK hill, coadjutant the Tu nationality, admire Xue Jing. In addition, winter still has the activity such as winter swimming, ski, you can choose to fit your athletic project according to your interest interest.

Cate: Winter is Xining city samples the good time of cate, you can sample pure Qinghai cate, wait like tea of Qinghai lake beer, ghee, yoghurt, highland barley.

Note: Winter is busy season of Xining city travel, it is good to suggest you plan ahead of schedule the journey, lest appear,have the case that block up and queues up. In addition, winter air temperature is inferior, suggest you notice heat preservation, lest frostbite. A pleasant time is spent in hoping you head for Xining to travel in winter!

Is Xining close child travel strategy?

It is Xining kisses below child viatic strategy:

1.Visit Qinghai lake: Qinghai lake is China's biggest lagoon, attractive scenery, there still are prairie and snow mountain all round. You can hire a bicycle to perhaps delimit row sees lake face, still can be in lakefront picnic and the sunset that view and admire beauty.

2.Temple of visiting tower Er: Tower Er temple is Qinghai saves the most important Cang Chuanfo to teach one of cloister. Here, you and child can study Buddhist culture, admire grand edifice and grandiose figure of Buddha.

3.To Qinghai folk-custom museum: This museum revealed the traditional culture of Qinghai area and folk-custom. You and child can know the history of the minority such as Tibetian, the Hui nationality, culture and way of life.

4.Explore the pagoda temple of expensive heart: Pagoda temple is located in expensive heart county, it is Xining periphery most one of tourist attractions with attractive picture. You are OK ascend cat head, look down at whole the beautiful scenery of expensive heart county.

5.Head for Qinghai to visit museum: In this museum, you and child can know the nature of Qinghai and humanitarian history, still can visit those who reveal Qinghai lake to make a person at the same time exclamatory model.

6.Visit boreal urban district: In the north of Xining city, a lot of parks and square are loosened for you and child with amuse oneself. You can go to boreal hill park, the garden that appreciates beauty and laky.

7.Try local cate: Qinghai dish is given priority to with yoghurt with flesh of flocks and herds, still have the cooked wheaten food of a few characteristic and mug-up. You can look after children to sample together local cate, experience different local color.

8.Visiting nation village: Xining periphery has village of a few nations, if village of Dong Jun Tibetian, tea blocks saline,wait. You can look after children go these dorp, know the culture of local minority and way of life.

These are a few proposals only, it is other and worth while that Xining still has a lot of the place of exploration. According to the interest of you and child and timeline, you still can see other tourist attraction and activity. Hope you and child spend a happy journey!

Does Yinchuan arrive is Xining optimal travel course?

1, Yinchuan sets out

 Yinchuan is famous city of Chinese history culture, having the natural view of rich historical culture legacy and beauty. Set out from Yinchuan, can visit Ningxia museum, drum-tower first, south the tourist attraction such as door big mosque. Next, sail to westing along 103 nations line, wait for a tourist attraction through hill of Yinchuan urban district, congratulate orchid, Sha Hu, reach halfback city.

2, halfback city

Halfback city is the administrative center of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, also be the city with a long history. The natural view that there is beauty here and rich culture legacy, be like beauty spot of Sha Po head, gorge,

3, Ningxia grand heart

Ningxia grand heart is a county of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, be located in between Yinchuan and Wu Zhong. The natural view that there are rich culture legacy and beauty here, channel of county of the heart that be like grand, large dams, vacate the desert in case,

4.Wu Zhong city

Wu Zhong city is the city of level of a ground of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, also be the hub of principal liaison man of Ningxia. Here is having rich culture and natural landscape, wait like museum of channel of hole of desert park, Sha Hu, water, Wuzhong.

5.Solid former city

Solid former city is the city of level of a ground of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, be located in Ningxia mid. Channel of hole of hill of king of the Lan Shan that be like congratulate, Chong Rensi, the Western Xia regime, water.

6.Xining city

Xining city is the provincial capital that Qinghai visits, also be the culture that Qinghai saves, economy and traffic center. If Qinghai lake, tea blocks museum of temple of Er of saline, tower, folk-custom,wait.

Does Chengdu travel to suitable heart strategy?

Chengdu arrives suitable heart is a paragraph longer itinerary, it is the strategy that travels to suitable heart from Chengdu below:

1.Traffic means: Can choose the vehicle such as plane, Gao Tie or long-distance car. Current, chengdu has non-stop flight to to arrange the scheduled flight of heart, also have the tall iron line that heads for suitable heart. You can choose suitable traffic pattern according to your time and budget.

2.Airline ticket / Gao Tie books: If choose plane or tall iron, the proposal reserves airline ticket or ticket ahead of schedule, in order to ensure the distance is great. You can carry airline official network, carry Cheng, where to go to waiting for platform to undertake booking.

3.Accommodation arrangement: In suitable heart, the hotel that you can choose different class or civilian constellation serves as accommodation. Recommend in downtown the hotel perhaps is reserved near scene area, go out in order to go to the lavatory to go and visit a tourist attraction.

4.Arrange heart characteristic cate: Suitable heart is the ground of China's famous cate, you can taste the cate of Guangdong dish He Shunde with numerous and authentic savor. For example, popular dish is tasted bolus of beef of arenaceous boiler congee, suitable heart, shrimp explodes eel paste.

5.Visit a tourist attraction: Suitable heart has a lot of travel tourist attractions to be worth to swim. Among them famous tourist attraction includes to arrange De Qinghui town of relics of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.established by Hong Xiuquan during the Taiping Revolution. the largest of pleasant uprisings in China's history of garden, Chen Cun, old good people.

6.Local culture experiences: In suitable heart, you still can experience culture activity of place and traditional handicraft are tasted. For example, wait in house of craft of the ramble on the ancient town of suitable heart, visiting tradition.

7.Suitable heart shops: Suitable heart is a shopping good place, you can buy all sorts of characteristic commodity and local special local product. And, suitable heart still has a few large market and shopping center, offer the shopping alternative of diversification.

8.Note: In viatic process, what notice safety and individual property please is custodial. Respect custom habit of place even, the life of noninterference place dweller.

When making specific journey, you can be liked according to your interest and time arranges the route. In the meantime, relevant travel strategy and information can inquire before the journey, with understanding the open time of the local customs of suitable heart and travel tourist attraction better.

Wish you arrive in Chengdu of suitable heart itinerary in happy!

Does Chengdu travel to Er sea strategy?

Travel strategy line is as follows

1, whole journey kilometer counts 1300 kilometers left and right sides, chengdu - Xi Chang, kapok - Dali Er sea.

2, on the way tourist attraction: Ancient city of sea of Qiong sea, Er of 2 beaches hydroelectric station, Dali, Dali, double corridor.

3, car choice: General 1.4 quantities car can.

4, whole journey oil expends 1000 yuan or so.

上一篇:汉口江滩最贵美食? 汉口轮渡攻略?英文双语对照
下一篇:李玫瑾育儿作品? 李玫瑾育儿有哪些书籍?英文双语对照