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从 成都 双流 机场出发,可根据自己选择的 泰国 目的地选择航班,从 成都 到 泰国 曼谷 ,价格在1000-1500元之间, 成都 到 普吉岛 , 甲米 、 清迈 等机票在1800-2200元左右(特价机票除外)。

泰国 主要景点:

1、 普吉岛 : 普吉岛 是 泰国 最大的一座岛,同时也是 东南亚 地区最为代表性的海滩旅游度假胜地,虽说这是一个岛屿,但是岛上的各项设施都是很完善的,到了夜晚,各个景点人来人往,魅力而又繁华的夜生活会让您忘记城市中的喧嚣,全身心的投入这次海边度假。

2、 曼谷 : 曼谷 的街头巷尾都充满了浓浓的佛教气息,各式各样精美的佛寺接二连三的出现在您的眼帘。 曼谷 这座城市是世界上佛寺最多的地方,大大小小的佛寺多达400多个,信奉佛教的信徒一定会很喜欢这里的佛教氛围。

3、 清迈 : 清迈 是 泰国 的第二 大城 市,是出了名的避暑胜地和疗养地,它还有一大美誉之称:美女和玫瑰,光凭这个名字都吸引了不少的朋友。从 曼谷 有巴士可以直接坐到 清迈 ,价格大概在600泰铢左右,要坐个9-10个小时。

4、 芭提雅 : 芭提雅 有许多好玩之处, 芭提雅 休闲娱乐之泰式按摩东芭乐园、芭堤雅海滩、蒂芬尼人妖秀、 芭提雅 附近的岛屿、等等,众多的娱乐场所与方式,定能让您过上一个丰富的假期。

5、 苏梅岛 : 苏梅岛 在 泰国 众多岛屿的大小排行中顺数第三, 苏梅岛 绝对是您想像中的热带岛屿仙境。在 苏梅岛 它的周围都有着80多个大大下下的岛屿,不过基本上都没有人居住

泰国 住宿:

高档的酒店以外,许多价格较为便宜、环境也整洁宁静、设施齐全的非正规旅馆, 比如 大学中的招待所,家庭式的旅馆, 中国 式的旅馆还有海边小木屋,费用差不多在100泰铢左右。 泰国 酒店住宿除了来年的12月—今年3月,和7月下旬—8月的月份,都是淡季,淡季时可以享受20%—30%左右的折扣,大多数的酒店都需要另外加收7%—10%的政府稅和10%的服务稅。

泰国 特产:

泰国 特色 曼谷 包, 曼谷 包包风靡整个 泰国 ,用价美物廉来形容 曼谷 包实在是太贴切了,因此到了 泰国 的您至少都得买一个纪念纪念; 泰国 的皮革制品因为品种的珍奇而格外收到光大人民群众的欢迎; 泰国 的水果干也是分外的美味,首先 泰国 本身就是一个盛产各种各类水果的国度,不过咱们去旅游是不能將新鲜的水果带回国的,因此,只能退而求其次带些地道的水果干啦;泰式大米,颗粒长长的,两头尖尖的,颜色白而透,口感相当美味,未去 泰国 之前都唱听说泰式大米的声誉,到了 泰国 必定得尝一尝。还有珠宝饰品、泰丝、陶器、 泰国 兰花、山地族手工艺品等等


From Chengdu double shed the airport to set out, the Thailand destination that can choose according to oneself selects a flight number, arrive from Chengdu Thailand Bangkok, the price is in 1000-1500 yuan between, chengdu arrives Pu Jidao, armour rice, Qing Dynasty is stridden wait for airline ticket to be in 1800-2200 or so yuan (except of special offer airline ticket) .

Thailand is main tourist attraction:

1, Pu Jidao: Pu Jidao is an island with the biggest Thailand, also be the beach travel holiday resort with southeast Asia most representative area at the same time, though this is an islands, but each establishment on the island is very perfect, arrived night, bearer of each tourist attraction person are gone to, glamour and flourishing night life can let you forget a city medium blatant, the investment of systemic heart this the seaside goes vacationing.

2, Bangkok: The streets and lanes of Bangkok was full of thick Buddhist breath, sundry elegant Buddha temple the appears in you eye of in quick succession. Bangkok this city is the place with most temple of the Buddha on the world, greatly small Buddha temple is amounted to 400 many, the believer of believe in buddhism can like the Buddhist atmosphere here very much certainly.

3, Qing Dynasty strides: Qing Dynasty strides the 2nd big city that is Thailand, it is the summer resort that gave a name and recuperate ground, it still has one great beauty praise say: Belle and rose, light attracted not little friend by this name. From Bangkok the bus can sit to Qing Dynasty to stride directly, the price is controlled in 600 peaceful an ancient unit of weight probably, should sit a 9-10 hour.

4, Badiya: Badiya has a lot of amused place, the peaceful type that Ba carries elegant recreational recreation massages Buddhist nun of fragrance of elegant beach of bank of Dong Ba Eden, Ba, the base of a fruit the islands near person bewitching show, Badiya, etc, numerous public place of entertainment and means, will surely let you spend a rich vacation.

5, Su Mei island: Su Mei island is in Thailand arranges number in the size seniority of numerous islands the 3rd, su Mei island is you envisage medium intertropical islands elfland absolutely. In Su Mei island its all round having the 80 many islands that fall greatly, basically live without the person nevertheless

Thailand lodges:

Beyond high-grade hotel, a lot of prices neat also and halcyon, establishment is not relatively cheap, environment all readily normal hotel, the hostel with for instance medium university, the hotel of domestic type, the hotel of Chinese type still has seaside cabin, charge is controlled in 100 peaceful an ancient unit of weight almost. Thailand hotel lodges besides the coming year in December, this year in March, and July the last ten-day of a month, the month August, it is off-season, off-season when can enjoy 20% , 30% right-and-left discounts, most hotel needs to be added additionally close 7% , the governmental Die of 10% and the service Die of 10% .

Thailand special local product:

Thailand characteristic Bangkok is wrapped, fashionable of Bangkok bag bag is whole Thailand, with valence beauty content cheap describes Bangkok to wrap is too apt really, because this arrived of Thailand you must buy commemoration day of a souvenir at least; The leather leather of Thailand because of breed rare and get light all the more the welcome of adult civilian masses; The fruit doing of Thailand also is especially delicate, above all Thailand itself teems with country of all sorts of of all kinds fruity namely, nevertheless we travel is cannot the fruit with fresh brings back a country, accordingly, can be retreated only and beg the fruit that bears some of tunnel next to work; Peaceful type rice, grain is long long, bicephalous spinous, color is white and fully, mouthfeel is quite delicate, did not go calling the prestige that hears of peaceful type rice before Thailand, arrived Thailand is so sure that Thailand taste. Still gem act the role ofing is tasted, handicraft of orchid of peaceful silk, crockery, Thailand, country a group of things with common features is tasted etc

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