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  • 化妆和护肤是现代生活中不可或缺的部分,它们不仅有助于提升外貌,还能增强自信。在学习化妆和护肤的英语表达时,掌握相关词汇和短语可以帮助我们更好地理解产品说明、跟随教程以及与他人讨论这些话题。


    1. Eyelash - 眼睫毛

      • "She used mascara to make her eyelashes look fuller."
      • "她使用睫毛膏使眼睫毛看起来更加浓密。"
    2. Foundation - 粉底

      • "A good foundation can create a smooth base for your makeup."
      • "好的粉底能为你的化妆创造一个光滑的基础。"
    3. Concealer - 遮瑕膏

      • "Use concealer to cover up dark circles under your eyes."
      • "使用遮瑕膏来掩盖眼睛下方的黑眼圈。"
    4. Blush - 腮红

      • "Apply blush to the apples of your cheeks for a natural glow."
      • "在脸颊的苹果肌上涂抹腮红,给人一种自然的光泽感。"
    5. Highlighter - 高光

      • "Highlighter helps to accentuate your cheekbones and brow bones."
      • "高光可以突显你的颧骨和眉骨。"
    6. Bronzer - 修容粉

      • "Bronzer can give your face a sun-kissed look."
      • "修容粉能让你的脸部看起来像晒过太阳一样。"
    7. Lipstick - 唇膏

      • "Choose a lipstick shade that complements your skin tone."
      • "选择一种与肤色相配的唇膏颜色。"
    8. Lip gloss - 唇彩

      • "Lip gloss adds shine and a bit of color to your lips."
      • "唇彩能为你的嘴唇增加光泽和一点颜色。"
    9. Eyeliner - 眼线笔

      • "Eyeliner can help define your eyes and make them look larger."
      • "眼线笔可以帮助勾勒眼睛,使眼睛看起来更大。"
    10. Mascara - 睫毛膏

      • "Applying mascara can make your lashes appear longer and thicker."
      • "使用睫毛膏可以让你的睫毛看起来更长、更浓密。"
    11. Eye shadow - 眼影

      • "Eye shadow can be used to add color and dimension to your eyelids."
      • "眼影可以用来为眼睑增添颜色和层次感。"
    12. Makeup remover - 卸妆液

      • "A good makeup remover will help to clean your face thoroughly."
      • "好的卸妆液能帮助你彻底清洁脸部。"
    13. Moisturizer - 保湿霜

      • "Applying a moisturizer helps to keep your skin hydrated."
      • "涂抹保湿霜有助于保持皮肤的水分。"
    14. Sunscreen - 防晒霜

      • "Sunscreen protects your skin from harmful UV rays."
      • "防晒霜可以保护你的皮肤免受有害紫外线的伤害。"
    15. Serum - 精华液

      • "Serum is used to target specific skin concerns like wrinkles or dark spots."
      • "精华液用于解决皮肤特定问题,如皱纹或黑斑。"
    16. Toner - 收缩水

      • "Toner helps to balance the pH of your skin after cleansing."
      • "收缩水有助于在清洁后平衡皮肤的pH值。"
    17. Cleanser - 洁面乳

      • "A gentle cleanser will remove dirt and makeup without stripping your skin."
      • "温和的洁面乳可以去除污垢和化妆品,而不会损伤你的皮肤。"
    18. Exfoliator - 去角质产品

      • "Exfoliators help to remove dead skin cells and reveal a fresher complexion."
      • "去角质产品有助于去除死皮细胞,展现更清新的肤色。"
    19. Face mask - 面膜

      • "A face mask can provide deep hydration and nourishment to your skin."
      • "面膜可以为你的皮肤提供深层的滋润和营养。"
    20. Eye cream - 眼霜

      • "Eye cream is designed to address issues like puffiness and dark circles."
      • "眼霜旨在解决浮肿和黑眼圈等问题。"
    21. Lip balm - 唇膏

      • "Lip balm helps to keep your lips moisturized and prevent chapping."
      • "唇膏有助于保持嘴唇的滋润,防止干裂。"
    22. Clay mask - 泥膜

      • "Clay masks are excellent for drawing out impurities from the skin."
      • "泥膜非常适合去除皮肤中的杂质。"
    23. Micellar water - 溶液水

      • "Micellar water is a gentle way to remove makeup and cleanse your skin."
      • "溶液水是一种温和的卸妆和清洁皮肤的方法。"
    24. Facial scrub - 面部磨砂膏

      • "Facial scrubs help to exfoliate and smooth the skin."
      • "面部磨砂膏有助于去角质和平滑皮肤。"
    25. Hydrating mask - 保湿面膜

      • "A hydrating mask is great for adding moisture to dry skin."
      • "保湿面膜非常适合为干燥的皮肤增加水分。"
    26. Night cream - 夜间修复霜

      • "Night cream works to repair and rejuvenate your skin while you sleep."
      • "夜间修复霜在你睡觉时修复和滋养你的皮肤。"
    27. BB cream - BB霜

      • "BB cream offers light coverage and additional skin benefits like hydration and SPF."
      • "BB霜提供轻薄的遮盖效果,还具备保湿和防晒等额外功效。"
    28. CC cream - CC霜

      • "CC cream is designed to correct color imperfections and provide a more even skin tone."
      • "CC霜旨在修正肤色不均匀,使肤色更加均匀。"
    29. Pore primer - 毛孔修饰膏

      • "Pore primer helps to minimize the appearance of pores before applying foundation."
      • "毛孔修饰膏有助于在涂抹粉底前缩小毛孔的显现。"
    30. Setting spray - 定妆喷雾

      • "Setting spray helps to lock in your makeup and keep it looking fresh all day."
      • "定妆喷雾有助于固定化妆,让妆容整天保持新鲜。"


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