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健身器材蹭后背好处? 锻炼后背的健身器材?英文双语对照


健身器材蹭后背好处? 锻炼后背的健身器材?英文双语对照





































Does fitness carry advantage on the back after equipment loiter?

The answer is as follows: The back after loiter is a kind of common fitness equipment uses a method, it has the following profit:

1. raises back sarcous negative charge: The back after loiter can raise back sarcous negative charge, make take exercise more effective.

2. strengthens back muscle group force: The back after loiter can let back flesh group participate in better take exercise, strengthen back muscle group force.

3. improves a pose: The back after loiter can help improvement pose, because of,avoid long sedentary, long the back problem that the undesirable pose such as the station causes.

4. reduces back to get a place difficult of access of catch a cold: The back after loiter can reduce the risk that back gets hurt, prevent the happening of back problem.

Anyhow, the back after loiter is a kind of significant fitness equipment uses a method, can help enhance back muscle power, improve a pose, decrease get a place difficult of access of catch a cold. But those who need an attention is, accurate use method and safe standard should be followed when use fitness equipment, in order to avoid needless harm.

The gymnastical equipment of the back after taking exercise?

1, barbell

Appliance of this kind of fitness can say barbell is gym necessary, ace of iron of a lot of Lu can choose to increase him muscle power with it, when using it, abdomen of our arm, waist, still have back power can sufficient play comes out, nevertheless. Everybody also wants do according to one's abilities, to these notting have oxygen moves, safety should discharge the first, do not want to be maintained by force, injure oneself body very easily so.

2, pull-up implement

This is equipment of the commonnest a kind of experienced back, even if does not have professional gym equipment, OK also outdoors perhaps undertakes on crossbeam. Generally speaking, when doing pull-up, the movement shoulds not be too fast, should maintain a smooth rhythm, send force through back as far as possible, after making body bosom stands by horizontal bar, again slowly put down, whole process tightens up coxal muscle, leg ministry keeps perpendicular do not move.

3 barbell row

Correct barbell rows pose, our elbow wants to part slightly painstakingly, articulatory flexibility meets such our thoracic vertebra flexibility and shoulder rise accordingly, thereby behavioral range is bigger.

Barbell rows behavioral range is bigger, also with respect to imply quantity of collect of this back sarcous is jumped over much, training effect can have been jumped over. So you can discover, after when you elbow is opened a little, muscle can compare back to congest more easily at ordinary times.

Elbow still has a profit apart slightly is, we can experience the feeling of back clamp already, also won't appear collapse lumbar circumstance, after so practice is over, the waist is fond of keenly feel to be able to be reduced many.

The back after what appliance can let gym attenuates?

1, the equipment of experienced back basically includes barbell, sitting position next pulling implement, pull-up implement and row machine.

     Back is the place that every gymnastical enthusiast hopes to take exercise well, but because the place is special, also ministry of unlike abdomen, leg can see easily in that way, mean the success that add muscle so, difficulty is not little.

     2, generally speaking, want practice to give strong back muscle, need the time of expenditure and energy more, use tool is more complex also.


Does fitness eat the back after is wind of the pink that add muscle mixed to grow blain of a lot of blain and every time the 2nd day of blain after fitness?

If make sure quality is no problem, it is the word of quality goods goods, that may be suffer from excessive internal heat, I had eaten also problem of it doesn't matter. Drink water more, acid taking flesh must drink water more

Is pronunciation carried on the back after?

Carry on the back after, hou the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics, bei the four tones of classical Chinese phonetics.

How is the back after is mat of the back after sofa mixed built?

Best of two kinds of color matchs, so some more good-looking

Left hind back hemp?

If left hind state of back occurrence apathetic, because cervical vertebra disease oppresses nerve place is brought about,the likelihood is, also may be local of the nerve function that is caused by traumatic place wrong. Because this suggests to still want the seasonable examination that has cervical vertebra Ct to the hospital, whether neck interverbebral disc highlights oppressive nerval situation certainly, also want to eliminate to whether have humeral Zhou Yan additionally.

Is the back ironed after headache?

Your circumstance should measure next blood pressure with thermometer, look to have a fever. Have a fever to be able to cause a head to ache commonly. Observation is had snorty, pharynx is painful wait for unwell symptom, caught a cold. If be fevered word, should heat of Qing Dynasty of profess to convinced medications alexipharmicly, if temperature exceeds 38 to spend 5, still should cure of antipyretic of profess to convinced, monitor the change of temperature closely.

Does the back always perspire after?

Of physiology sex perspire reason following disease perspires. If be ill reason,perspire, still sit in a place to often sweat for instance, and temperature is not high also, this belongs to spontaneous, long the disease is caused. Night sweat, when if be to fall asleep,considering, perspire wake from time to tome sweat be soiled. Perspire differently so the reason has different explanation, according to a moment ago a few circumstances, if be physiology,the gender need not be paid attention to. If be ill reason,perspire, the proposal goes to a hospital undertaking checking recuperating.

Does back ache cough after?

Back ache coughs after, the likelihood is the symptom of the cold, and the likelihood breathes infection, the medicaments that can take a few colds first will alleviate symptom, if had disappeared to turn, need goes to a hospital be being checked, food wants during delicate, drink hot water more, eat fresh and vegetable water and fruit more, do not eat acrimony excitant food. Notice state of mind, rest well, do not stay up late, can exercise appropriately, enhance a constitution.
