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杜邦安全文化? 杜邦的安全文化是怎样的?英文双语对照


杜邦安全文化? 杜邦的安全文化是怎样的?英文双语对照










1. 安全意识阶段:在这个阶段,杜邦公司主要关注员工对安全的认识和理解。公司通过培训、宣传等方式提高员工的安全意识,让员工认识到安全对于生产和个人的重要性。

2. 安全行为阶段:在这个阶段,杜邦公司开始注重员工的安全行为。公司通过制定安全规章制度、开展安全培训等方式,引导员工养成良好的安全习惯和行为,从而减少事故的发生。

3. 安全文化阶段:在这个阶段,杜邦公司将安全视为企业文化的一部分。公司将安全管理融入到企业的各个方面,如生产、销售、服务等,使安全成为员工的一种自觉行为和企业的一种共同价值观。

4. 安全领导阶段:在这个阶段,杜邦公司的高层管理者将安全管理作为企业战略的重要组成部分来推动。他们通过制定安全目标、建立安全管理体系、推行持续改进等方式,引领整个企业向更高层次的安全文化迈进。

















杜邦安全理念的提出背景可以追溯到 20 世纪初期。当时,美国工业界面临着日益严重的安全问题,例如工业事故、职业健康问题和环境污染等。这些问题引起了社会的广泛关注,促使政府和企业采取措施来提高工业安全水平。

在这种背景下,杜邦公司开始关注工业安全,并在 1912 年成立了安全委员会,提出了“所有事故都可以预防”的安全理念。这一理念强调了安全的重要性,并将其作为企业的核心价值观之一。



一、杜邦公司的核心价值是: “安全、健康和环保、商业道德、尊重他人和平等待人”。 二、杜邦文化的精髓   杜邦企业文化的精髓在于其核心价值观 , 它是杜邦在过去 200 年和今后持续发展的基础 , 杜邦在全球所有的分支机构以同样的标准遵循同样的核心价值观。不管是中国员工 , 还是在中国工作的外籍员工 , 都必须在遵守当地法律与尊重当地传统的基础上按照核心价值观来处理自己的工作事务。


一、杜邦公司的核心价值是: “安全、健康和环保、商业道德、尊重他人和平等待人”。 二、杜邦文化的精髓   杜邦企业文化的精髓在于其核心价值观 , 它是杜邦在过去 200 年和今后持续发展的基础 , 杜邦在全球所有的分支机构以同样的标准遵循同样的核心价值观。不管是中国员工 , 还是在中国工作的外籍员工 , 都必须在遵守当地法律与尊重当地传统的基础上按照核心价值观来处理自己的工作事务。











One, is Du Bangan full text changed?

" Du Bangan full text is changed " it is publication books of chemical industry press.

" Du Bangan full text is changed " it is afterwards " Du Bangan manages completely " " Du Bangan whole concept " later the another master piece that author focal point writes, formed Du Bangan with before two complete " trilogy " .

2, is safe culture of Du Bang what kind of?

Safe culture of Du Bang is special distinctive. Du Bang's safety and one of healthy principles are " no matter Du Bang employee still is in when go to work safety should notice after coming off work " .

What no less than says on journal of one our company interior in that way, " is safe ' it is a noun or a catchword not merely, it and our daily life is linked together cheek by jowl, can have a compromise anything but. But, often somebody is met covet facilitates or because of temporarily scanty now.. causes the harm that offsets hard.

If at ordinary times can be prepared for danger in times of safety, build ' crisis consciousness, can be far from accident shadow, give oneself or family the biggest safeguard " .

3, 4 level that Du Bangan full text changes?

Du Bang company is in its raised 4 level in safe government practice, be called " Du Bangan full text turns a model " . These 4 phase include:

1.Safe consciousness phase: In this phase, du Bang company basically pays close attention to the employee understanding to safety and understanding. The company is passed groom, the safe consciousness that the means such as conduct propaganda increases staff, let employee realise safety is mixed to production the individual's importance.

2.Safe behavior level: In this phase, du Bang company begins to pay attention to the safe behavior of employee. The company is passed make safe regulations system, begin safety to groom wait for means, guide the safe convention with employee good nurturance and behaviour, reduce the happening of the accident thereby.

3.Bring whole culture level: In this phase, du Bang company regards safety as the enterprise the one part of culture. The company blends in safety administration each respects of the enterprise, wait like production, sale, service, a kind of of a kind of self-conscious behavior that makes safety becomes employee and enterprise collective viewpoint of value.

4.Safety leads level: In this phase, the main component that the high-level controller of Du Bang company regards an enterprise as the strategy safety administration will drive. They are passed make safe target, build safety administration system, carry out improve continuously wait for means, lead whole industry to stride to the safe culture of higher administrative levels.

4, does Du Bangan manage marrow completely?

Is 16 words guiding principle: ? Does  of Hui of Fei of to bring up of Lu of slash  of lax laborious Lan finish Hui quail highs Ge of Wo of   generation?

Be in whole in development of 200 years, du Bang management formed 10 basic

It is, all safe accidents can prevent.

2 be, various management layer is in charge of directly to respective safety.

3 be, all safe operation hidden trouble are OK pilot.

4 be, safety is by the employee condition of employ.

5 be, employee must accept rigid security to groom.

6 be, various director must have safe examination.

7 be, discover safe hidden trouble must correct in time.

8 be, the safety outside the job and working security are likewise important.

9 be, good safety is a good business.

10 be, be being participated in of employee directly is crucial.

5, safe slogan of Du Bang company?

The safe catchword of Du Bang company is " safety first, did not harm " . This catchword means Du Bang company to devote oneself to sturdily to maintain safe level of Gao Shuiping, ensure the safety of company staff, client and environment. The safe concept of Du Bang company includes to be improved continuously and innovate, be felt to the acumen of safe problem and react quickly, and the education of safe culture and aggrandizement. Be in Du Bang company, safety is a lifelong acceptance, it is the responsibility of everybody and obligation. Pass ceaseless effort, du Bang company will ensure safety makes the core of company culture, relay in prospective development add becomes the leader of safe domain.

6, does Du Bangan whole concept put forward setting?

Of Du Bangan whole concept it is OK to put forward setting restrospect to 20 centuries are earlier. At that time, american industry interface is facing increasingly serious safe problem, for example problem of health of industrial accident, profession and environmental pollution. These problems caused wide attention of the society, make government and enterprise adopt measure to raise industrial safety level.

Below this kind of setting, du Bang company begins to pay close attention to industrial safety, established safe committee 1912, put forward " all thing onetime capital can prevent " safe concept. This one concept emphasized safe importance, regard the core of the enterprise as one of viewpoint of value its.

As the elapse of time, du Bang company is perfected ceaselessly and develop its safety concept, its health of industry of patulous take office, environmental protection is mixed the domain such as social responsibility. Nowadays, the safe concept of Du Bang company has made the model that global enterprise safety runs, the reference with was offerred important for other company and draw lessons from.

7, what meaning is Du Bangwen is changed?

One, the core value of Du Bang company is: "Other of safe, health and environmental protection, business ethics, esteem and equality need a person " . 2, the marrow of the culture of company of quintessential   Du Bang that Du Bangwen changes depends on its core viewpoint of value, it is Du Bang was mixed 200 years in the past the base that will expand continuously henceforth, du Bang in the whole world all branches abide by same core viewpoint of value with same standard. No matter be Chinese employee, still be the foreign nationality employee that works in China, oneself working work is handled on the foundation that must observing local law and esteem place tradition according to core viewpoint of value.

8, what is the core that Du Bangwen changes?

One, the core value of Du Bang company is: "Other of safe, health and environmental protection, business ethics, esteem and equality need a person " . 2, the marrow of the culture of company of quintessential   Du Bang that Du Bangwen changes depends on its core viewpoint of value, it is Du Bang was mixed 200 years in the past the base that will expand continuously henceforth, du Bang in the whole world all branches abide by same core viewpoint of value with same standard. No matter be Chinese employee, still be the foreign nationality employee that works in China, oneself working work is handled on the foundation that must observing local law and esteem place tradition according to core viewpoint of value.

9, the meaning that Du Bangan collectivity fastens?

Prevent employee to be in the job, be harmed even outside working hours, the resource that the outcome that prevents casualties is a company got more effective use, the rate of going from place to place of employee falls somewhat, the operation of the enterprise is more smooth, the earnings of the enterprise also can grow somewhat.

The policymakers of Du Bang company think, all these elements reflected a sense: Good safety administration means an enterprise to have a good commercial performance.

That is to say a chip that Du Bang company regards safety as business market competition, regard a method that earns profit as, regard an enterprise as a when live essential condition.

Top-ranking safe outstanding achievement can promote business affairs development, protective brand is in the figure in public mood.

10, colliery how whole concept of Du Bangan of carry out travel?

The colliery wants whole concept of Du Bangan of carry out travel, want to value Training Within Industry and safe education above all, enhance employee safety consciousness and safe technical ability.

Want to build perfect safety management system next, include safe regulations system, safe examination, safety to evaluate etc. In the meantime, the colliery should be strengthened equipment is safeguarded and overhaul, ensure the safety of equipment moves.

Finally, want to strengthen safe risk management, discover and eliminate potential risk, prevent the happening of the accident. Such ability implement Du Bangan whole concept truly, ensure the safe production of employee.

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