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  在韩国人们通过下班后一起喝一杯的形式或减轻一天高度紧张的工作压力、享受闲暇与惬意或交流信息、相互沟通、联络感情。越是节日和年末一起喝一杯的频率就越高。每年年末各单位、各团体都会举行送年会与同事们聚在一起开怀畅饮互道过去一年的辛苦互相祝福在新的一年里事业有成家庭美满。这种送年会已经成为韩国绝大多数单位的惯例成了一种企业文化因此每到年末各家酒店生意兴隆顾客盈门高级一点的酒店往往需要提前一个多月预定。年末是酒店老板们最忙碌、最兴奋的时候。听有的酒店老板说12月份的营业额往往能占全年营业额的30%至40%因此这个月无论有什么事都要忍着酒店必须天天开张。  在韩国敬酒喝酒有很多讲究。在与韩国人的交往中慢慢也懂得了一些韩国的酒道和礼节与韩国人一起喝酒不能自己给自己倒酒而必须别人为你倒酒当然你也得为对方斟酒。韩国人的解释是自己给自己倒酒喝了有害健康。但这只是一种说法而实际上却是通过相互斟酒来表示友谊和尊重。年轻人和长辈在一起喝酒要首先敬长辈。长辈先喝后辈则端起酒杯侧过脸去喝以表示对长辈的尊敬。  为别人斟酒一定要用右手拿瓶即使你是个左撇子也要暂时克服一下因为在韩国人看来用左手斟酒意味着看不起对方就像主人向下人赐酒一样是不礼貌的。斟酒时右手拿酒瓶左手要扶着右手以示尊重。而接受者也要双手捧杯以示谢意。韩国人喝酒不喜欢续酒而喜欢一杯喝完再倒。这与中国人不断地为客人续洒有很大的不同。  韩国人的敬酒也别具一格向别人敬酒时首先将自己杯中的酒喝完然后把空杯递给对方对方接过杯后再为递杯者斟满酒。递杯者一饮而尽后又把酒杯递回去再斟满杯回敬敬酒者。有时有酒席上韩国的主人拿着自己的酒杯绕着桌子向客人——敬酒此时如不接受主人的敬酒是不礼貌的行为因此即使不会喝酒也要在征得主人的谅解后做一做喝酒的样子。  【韩国饮酒礼仪:互相斟酒以示尊重】  年轻人和长辈在一起喝酒,要首先敬长辈。长辈先喝,后辈则端起酒杯,略朝左侧过脸去喝,以表示对长辈的尊敬。为别人斟酒,一定要用右手拿瓶,即使你是个左撇子,也要暂时克服一下,因为在韩国人看来,用左手斟酒意味着看不起对方,就像主人向下人赐酒一样,是不礼貌的。斟酒时,右手拿酒瓶,左手要扶着右手,以示尊重。而接受者也要双手捧杯,以示谢意。  韩国人喝酒时不习惯续酒,都是一杯喝完之后再添酒。不过,他们随时都可以说“干杯”,可是并不象我们理解的那样,就一定要把酒喝干不可,他们说“干杯”是表示心里高兴愿意相互分享愉快,碰一碰杯烘托酒宴气氛的意思。  韩国人的敬酒也别具一格,向别人敬酒时,首先将自己杯中的酒喝完,然后把空杯递给对方,对方接过杯后,再为递杯者斟满酒。递杯者一饮而尽后,又把酒杯递回去,再斟满杯,回敬敬酒者。据说这种习惯是发端于祭祀上喝一口祭祀酒之后,把酒杯呈给长辈的风俗。因而在韩国文化中,把自己的酒杯递给同伴或初次见面的人是在表达人情和亲近感。  韩国人家里如有贵客临门,主人感到十分荣幸,一般会以好酒好菜招待。客人应尽量多喝酒,多吃饭菜。吃的越多,主人越发感到有面子。在饮酒时,韩国人很讲究礼仪。在酒席上按身份、地位和辈份高低依次斟酒,位高者先举杯,其他人依次跟随。级别与辈份悬殊太大者不能同桌共饮。在特殊情况下,晚辈和下级可背脸而饮。传统观念是“右尊左卑”,因而用左手执杯或取酒被认为不礼貌的。经允许,下级、晚辈可想上级、前辈敬酒。敬酒人右手提酒瓶,左手托瓶底,上前鞠躬、致词,为上级、前辈斟酒,一连三杯,敬酒人自己不饮。要注意的是,身份高低不同者一起饮酒碰杯时,身份低者要将杯举的低,用杯沿碰对方的杯身,不能平碰,更不能将杯举得比对方高,否则是失礼!


In Korea people is passed the form that one cup drinks together after coming off work or ease a day of high-strung actuating pressure, enjoy leisure and satisfied or communication information, mutual communicate, contact feeling. The frequency that the more festival and year end drink a cup together is taller. Every annual end each unit, each organization can hold the painstaking and mutual blessing that sends annual meeting and work in the same placing to gather line of each other of carouse of to one's heart's content goes one year to there is a family in the career in a new year perfect. This kind of convention that sends annual meeting to had become unit of Korea great majority became culture of a kind of company accordingly every arrive client of grand of each hotel unripe enthusiasm is filled with year end the hotel with a bit more advanced door often needs to shift to an earlier date a many month is booked. Year end is a hotel when bosses are the the busiest, most excited. Listen to some hotel bosses to say the turnover December often can occupy annual turnover 30% to 40% no matter have what thing,want to bearing a hotel to must open business every day because of this month. Propose a toast in Korea drink a lot of is pay attention to. In with the wine that a few Korea also knew slowly in Korean association and ceremony and Korean drink together cannot oneself pour wine to oneself and must people falls wine for you of course you also must be wine of pour of the other side. Korean explanation is he poured wine to drink ill health to oneself. But this is a kind of view only and it is to pass mutual pour wine to show friendship and respect however actually. Youth and elder drink together should respect elder above all. Elder drinks posterity to carry goblet side to cross a face to drink first in order to show the respect to elder. Although you are a left-hander,must take bottle with the right hand for others pour wine because be in,also should overcome temporarily Korean look like looking down on the other side to be down a person to give wine like host, be being meant with wine of left hand pour is clodhopping. The right hand when pour wine takes bottle left hand to want to helping the right hand up to be respected in order to show. And the person that accept also wants both hands to hold in both hands cup in order to show gratitude. Korean drink not to like add wine and like a cup to be drunk fall again. This and Chinese are aspersed for guest add ceaselessly have very big different. Propose a toast Koreanly also when having a unique style proposes a toast to others above all oneself chaliced wine is drunk hand the other side of the other side to had received cup hind to be again empty cup next give cup person pour full wine. Give cup person give goblet again after quaff go back again pour brimmer retaliates the person that propose a toast. The goblet that sometimes the host of the Korea on feast is taking him is circling a table to the guest -- proposing a toast to be like what do not accept host to propose a toast right now is clodhopping behavior although won't drink,also want to be in those who ask for masterly to forgive accordingly. [Korea drinks formal: Mutual pour wine is respected with showing]   youth and elder drink together, want to respect elder above all. Elder is drunk first, posterity carries a goblet, summary face is left cross a face to drink, in order to show the respect to elder. For others pour wine, must take bottle with the right hand, although you are a left-hander, also want to be overcome temporarily, because be in Korean look, mean with wine of left hand pour look down on the other side, like giving wine to the servent like host, it is clodhopping. When pour wine, the right hand takes bottle, left hand should support the the right-hand side, in order to show respect. And the person that accept also wants both hands to hold in both hands cup, in order to show gratitude. Korean when drinking unaccustomed add wine, it is wine is bought again after one cup is drunk. Nevertheless, they can say at any time " cheer " , but do not resemble what we understand in that way, must raise his wine cup drink to the lees cannot, they say " cheer " it is to represent a heart in glad to be willing to be shared each other happy, touch a cup of foil the meaning of convivial atmosphere. Propose a toast Koreanly also having a unique style, when proposing a toast to others, above all oneself chaliced wine is drunk, hand the other side empty cup next, the other side has received cup hind, it is again give cup person pour full wine. Give cup person after quaff, give goblet again go back, again pour brimmer, retaliate the person that propose a toast. Allegedly this kind of habit is inchoative at sacred go up after drinking a sacred wine, show goblet to the custom of elder. It is consequently in Korea culture, hand a companion his goblet or the first time meeting person is to be in expressive favor and close feeling. In Korean home if expensive guest faces the door, host feels be honoured very, general meeting is entertained with good wine good food. The guest should drink more as far as possible, eat meal more. Those who eat is more, host feels even more have outer part. When drink, korean very exquisite and formal. The identity, position and generation portion discretion are pressed on feast ordinal pour wine, tall person lift first cup, someone else is ordinal follow. Level and generation portion wide gap are too big person cannot be the same as desk compotation. Below special situation, junior and inferior can carry a face on the back and drink. Traditional idea is " right honour left low " , use left hand consequently hold cup or take wine to be thought clodhopping. Via allowing, inferior, junior can think ranking, elder proposes a toast. Propose a toast person right hand lifts bottle, left hand holds bottom in the palm, before going up, bow, deliver a speech, for wine of pour of ranking, elder, in succession 3 cups, propose a toast him person not drink. Those who want an attention is, the person that identity discretion differs drinks together when cheers, the capacity is small person want will cup those who lift is low, touch the cup body of the other side with cup edge, cannot make the same score touch, more cannot will cup lift higher than the other side, it is discourteous otherwise!
