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1. Human whole body fluctuates, the muscle with the strongest strong pliable but strong, it is a tongue.

2. Stretching eye sneeze is impossible.

3. Choke with resentment the suicide is impossible to succeed.

4. Every time the back glue that you lick a piece of stamp, be equal to absorb 10 calorie of 1 / .

5. Right cast aside child live on average 9 years more than left-hander.

6. Crocodile cannot extend their tongue.

7. Polar bear is left-hander.

8. The eye of ostrich is bigger than the head; Starfish still does not have evolution to give a head up to now.

9. Flea can have jumped to compare them the distance of 350 times height, be equivalent to a person jumping over field of a soccer.

10. The cockroach that is picked to turn around only can survive 9 days, the reason that dies after 9 days is excessive hunger.

11. Giraffe does not have method cough.

12. Owl is exclusive can differentiate of blue avian.

13. Whale throbs one minute to have 9 times only.

14. Average for, a grow upping goes up high when the dusk in early morning comparing 0. 4 . Because vertebral cartilage organizes days,oppress easily.

15. We drink the water of abdomen within to had had 300 million years old.

16. Chocolate contains a kind of chemical material that calls phenyl. (this is Tan Lian when love, cerebrum within can make the) of a kind of thing that come out.

17. Only the person of 30 % can magnify contractible oneself nostril.

18. English is the place in all languages contain individual character most, have be close to million, the glossary of German is little at 180 thousand word, and French more flooey, be less than 10 thousand words only.

19. The sexual distinction of grown ricefield eel meets one end by male become female, still can change in after this lifetime a few.

20. The lay open of draft blue print of iron tower of moxa humble Er will have the area of of more than 14000 square.

21. According to the law that passed by England 1845, the suicide is very serious crime, can be in the death penalty with hang by the neck again most.

22. In aerospace astronaut is to do not have method to cry, because do not have gravity,tear shedding does not come out.

23. Double the length of chameleon tongue is itself body.

24. Of the most commonly used toothpick is American.

25. The chameleon of blind eye, capable still to become angry will suit meet with of the environment.

26. The American male undergraduate that has 27 % thinks life is the hell on earth of a meaning that do not have what.

27. The eye ministry muscle of a normal person, one balance all should be moved 10 thousand - 1. 50 thousand.

28. Power of station standing position still can retain after elephant is dead.

29. Some insects do not have a head to still can live on 1 year again. 30. Da Vinci is the lip that draws unconscious graceful Li Sha solely go up 12 years with respect to the flower. 31. When vitreous shatter, the speed per hour of vitreous fragment is highest can amount to horary 3 1000 flower. 32. Milker listens more milk can be supplied when music. 33. The rose that the rose that picks afternoon picks than early morning more can abiding not wither. 34. The embryo of bullhead shark needs a course to fight intensely in maternal uterus, conqueror is OK living the small bullhead shark that be born. 35. The octopus of a 70 pounds can cross only the hole of size of a silver, do not have because of them vertebral. 36. The habit when Beethoven is sitting to write a song pours a face with glacial water, he believes to be able to stimulate his cerebra to make better thing so. 37. Indonesian stick insect is the insect with the greatest whole world, some light are height has 1 . 38. Man body is contained than female body more blood, normally the blood on body of a man can be amounted to 1. 5 gallon, but there is 0 only however on woman body. 875 gallon. 39. The inventor of parachute lets the chance that takes parachute for the first time to a dog. 40. A Boeing the distance that the wing length of 747 is flight of first time of Lai spy brother by chance. 41. Big crab of a Japan may is as long as 12 . 42. A shark can diagnose water in only the blood of 1/1000000 content. 43. "The " of samba " dark cling to " , original means " wears belly button together " ! . 44. The comparison that children grows in spring is fast. 45. How many do you know Amazon flows into Atlantic water to have? Big talk is flowed into in the river the Atlantic of 100 miles of less than, the water that you drink returns fresh water. 46. The turkey-poult that just was born should have pa Mom to teach how to have a thing, the meeting is otherwise starved to death. 47. The moon has 81 billion pound to weigh. 48. Bat is exclusive the mammal that can fly. 49. One have more than 2 on caterpillar body only 1000 muscle. 50. Hippo runs more quickly than the person.

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