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大自然的奥秘摘抄? 大自然的语言好词摘抄?英文双语对照


大自然的奥秘摘抄? 大自然的语言好词摘抄?英文双语对照





























2、《咏柳 / 柳枝词》 |作者:贺知章


3、《绝句 》|作者:杜甫







1. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。——陆游《游山西村》

2. 天高地迥觉宇宙,乾坤乘气任我游。——李白《将进酒》

3. 远看山有色,近听水无声。——郭沫若《山行》

4. 日照香炉生紫烟,遥看瀑布挂前川。飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。——李商隐《夜泊牛渚怀古》

5. 空山不见人,但闻人语响。返景入深林,复照青苔上。——王维《山居秋暝》






《惠崇春江晚景二首 / 惠崇春江晓景二首》

宋 · 苏轼



唐 · 韩愈


《渭城曲 / 送元二使安西》

唐 · 王维



唐 · 杜甫



唐 · 贺知章



唐 · 张志和



唐 · 刘昚虚



南北朝 · 谢灵运



唐 · 李白


《春中喜王九相寻 / 晚春》

唐 · 孟浩然



宋 · 叶绍翁



汉 · 汉乐府



宋 · 朱熹



唐 · 张若虚



唐 · 李白



南北朝 · 谢灵运


《春中喜王九相寻 / 晚春》

唐 · 孟浩然



唐 · 李白




One, the mystery estreat of nature?

1, ant moves: Humidity of the airy before raining will be higher! Ant makes the check this kind in subterranean biology, live for a long time the sense that evolution makes they change to air humidity is very keen, when humidity is increased, ant can have the feeling in small part danger, be about to be moved toward altitude! Our mankind also is very clever, see ant moves, the day rains!

2, dragonfly is low fly: Because be in,the air before wanting to rain can compare moisture and the wing of dragonfly very thin the damp with so medium air will be adherent go up in the wing of dragonfly! The pressure with was brought constant to dragonfly cannot fly so tall! This namely why people sees low the dragonfly that fly can say to be about to rain! Or dragonfly is low around brook or water beach flying also is to stem from same reason.

3, the formation of lightning: The cloud that carries positive electricity is touched on the cloud that carries negaive electricity, the deflection with electronic many happening produces electricity, the amount is then huge generated luxuriant lightning.

4, the sheep is " work is hygroscopic " , if the goat lies below eave, the day has rain; And the sheep skips on the meadow, it is sunshine surely.

2, the excerpt of language good word of nature?

The language of nature. Next moves that small drip-drop drips. Frog is crying in what quack in the river. These are the languages of nature.

3, the language estreat of collect nature?

June 6 autumn, receive evening early to lose.

Sunrise red cloud rises, mo Yuan advising supreme ruler goes; Sunset red cloud rises, some day is sunshine.

Magpie branch cries, go out sunshine newspaper.

Solar halo 3 more rain, wind of lunar halo the period of the day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. . Swallow is low flying snake corridor, ant moves hill wears a hat. A rain during springtime warms.

Alpenglow does not go out, afterglow travel a thousand li.

Do not be afraid of first one shade, be afraid of first 2. Long fine big mist needs shade, long pluvial big mist needs fine. 10 mist 9 fines.

Sunrise red cloud rises, mo Yuan advising supreme ruler goes; Sunset red cloud rises, criterion day is sunshine.

East wind is wet, west wind works, north wind is cold, south wind is warm.

Black clouds bars east, no less than rain also have wind. Nimbus zenith is wrung, harships comes not small.

4, is the language good word of nature good an estreat?

Summer, lotus receives a day, faint scent 4 excessive, summer, it is the most bold and unrestrained season. Sunshine is aspersed to the earth, flourishing of everythings on earth, see butterfly dance warbler fly, count yew colour kite, send opportunity of survival.

In the orchard, red apricot filariasis, peach blossom overflows glow, pear tree flying snow, cicada snatch a moment of leisure, chatter in succession.

Night, look at Na Fanxing to sparkle, shed firebug point, below light moon, everything on the earth became quiet, the thing tomorrow will send opportunity of survival again.

5, be intoxicated the line of nature?

Be intoxicated nature line has " illuminate between bright moon pine, qing Quanshi is genteel " .

Dimension of king of out Tang Dynasty " Shan Juqiu sets "

Line means: Bright moon shine upon is worn between peaceful pine forest, clear spring water drips in the gurgle on hill stone stream.

6, the line of depict nature?

1, " Chun Xiao " | Author: Meng Hao like that

Spring Mian does not become aware dawn, hear caw bird everywhere. Evening arrives harships sound, the flower falls how much to know.

2, " the willow that chant / sallow word " | Author: He Zhizhang

Jasper makeup Cheng Yishu is tall, 10 thousand lop green silk silk ribbon. Do not know fine Xie Sheicai to go out, spring breeze was like scissors in Feburary.

3, " a poem of four lines " | Author: Du Fu

Two Huang Li cry emerald green willow, group as just judge on egret. The window contains snow of Xi Ling a thousand years, men Bodong Wu Moli boat.

Patulous data:

" The Book of Songs " it is Chinese the Han nationality the earliest poetry total volume on literary history, income from the Western Zhou Dynasty first year to year middle period poetry of about more than 500 years (before before 11 centuries come 6 centuries) . Additionally still 6 have a title not to have content, namely eye does not have demit, call sheng poem. " The Book of Songs " say again " poem 300 " . First the Qin Dynasty is called " poem " , or take its integer to say " poem 300 " . When the Western Han Dynasty by honour for the Confucianist classical, only then say " The Book of Songs " , and continue to use up to now. Ceng Zhu of Chang of go smoothly of Chinese face wool, wool commentate " The Book of Songs " , because this says again " Mao Shi " .

1, month of spring flower autumn when, how much does the past know. -- Li Yu " corn poppy " 2, kind below the hill austral the beans, careless Cheng Doumiao is rare. -- Tao Yuan bright " put in vegetable garden 's charge to reside " 3, desire will ride gently chase, knife of heavy snow full bend. -- Lu Guan " the music below a place of strategic importance " 4, clear Jiang Yiqu holds a village in the arms to flow, at every turn of village of long summer river is deep and remote. -- Du Fu " Jiang Cun "

7, the line that walks into nature?

Nature gives us endless inspiration, it is a few line that walk into nature below:

1.Answer doubt does not have hill heavy water road, promising another village. -- Liu You " swim Shanxi village "

2.Day upland fars away become aware the universe, heaven and earth holds the post of me to swim by gas. -- Li Bai " will drink wine "

3.Far coloured seeing hill, listen to water nearly breathed. -- Guo Mei if " hill goes "

4.Sunshine censer gives birth to violet smoke, before Yao sees chute hang plain. Fly flow to issue 3000 rule continuously, doubt is the Milky Way falls empyreal. -- Li Shang concealed " nocturnal berth Niu Zhuhuai is ancient "

5.Empty hill does not see a person, but famous man signal is loud. Return scene into deep forest, a note in reply is lichenous go up. -- Wang Wei " Shan Juqiu sets "

8, the sound line of nature?

The month falls black caw frost is all over the sky, river maple lights on fishing boat is right anxious Mian.

Outside aunt Su Cheng cold hill temple, midnight ding arrives passenger ship

9, the line of close nature?

The peach blossom outside bamboo 29 branches, warm duck of Chun Jiang water is prophetic

" evening scene of Hui Chongchun river 2 / Hui Chongchun Jiang Xiaojing 2 "

Su Shi of · of the Song Dynasty

If embellish of weather market spit is crisp, careless lubricious Yao looks to be not had however nearly

" early spring shows water department piece 18 outside (firstly) "

The Tang Dynasty · Han Yu

Small this world of of rain of government of city of short for Weihe River, the guest abandons green green Liu Sexin

" music of city of short for Weihe River / send yuan 2 install to make on the west "

The Tang Dynasty · Wang Wei

Two Huang Li cry emerald green willow, group as just judge on egret

" a poem of four lines "

Don Dufu

Jasper makeup Cheng Yishu is tall, 10 thousand lop green silk silk ribbon

" the willow that chant "

The Tang Dynasty · He Zhizhang

The egret before Xi Saishan flies, fish of mandarin fish of peach blossom water is fat

" fisherman's song child "

The Tang Dynasty · Zhang Zhihe

Fall from time to tome the flower comes, far along with running water sweet

" Que Ti "

The Tang Dynasty empty of · Liu

The pond gives birth to Chun Cao, garden willow changes songbird

" ascend a pool to go upstairs "

· of the Northern and Southern Dynasties thanks effective use

If Chun Cao has feeling, the Shanghan in hill is green

" golden gate answers Su Xiucai "

Don Libai

Lake water is clear in Feburary, domestic home Chun Diao cries

" Wang Jiu searchs Chun Zhongxi / evening spring "

The Tang Dynasty · Meng Hao like that

Spring scenery does not close field completely, one branch red apricot gives a wall to come

" pleasance nots worth "

Old man of carry on of leaf of · of the Song Dynasty

Spring cloth De Ze, everythings on earth gives birth to brightness

" long song goes "

Government office of Chinese · Han Le

Get the better of day to search fragrant Si brink, immensity about one stylish

" spring day "

Zhu Xi of · of the Song Dynasty

Shui Lianhai makes the same score Chun Jiangchao, maritime bright moon in all tide is unripe

" Chun Jianghua is moonlight "

The Tang Dynasty empty of · Zhang Re

Use up in cold Xue Mei, return on spring breeze willow

" the word indulges in pleasures in palace 8 "

Don Libai

Spring late green wild show, collect of cliff tall Bai Yun

" mouth of lake of the gourd ladle that enter Peng "

· of the Northern and Southern Dynasties thanks effective use

Lin Hua is swept more fall, diameter grass steps to still be born

" Wang Jiu searchs Chun Zhongxi / evening spring "

The Tang Dynasty · Meng Hao like that

East wind is followed spring return, send the flower on my branch

" setting sun recalls hill in "

Don Libai

10, the line that blends in nature?

Have. The passion that shows pair of nature in work because of a lot of poets and blend in, for example of Li Bai " cottage hill ballad " in have " complacent beard uses up life joyous, not make golden goblet sky right month, inherent my material needs useful, a thousand pieces of gold comes loose to return answer come, boil sheep slaughters a cattle and for happy, can need one water 300 cups " this paragraph of line, among them " not make golden goblet sky right month " showed people to be in happy get-together when the landscape that likes nature, and " boil Yang Zainiu and for happy, can need one water 300 cups " it is the fun that behaved what people admires nature more. Still have a lot of similar line in addition, behaved people to nature blend in with praise.

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