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爱的笺言原唱? 笺言和箴言意思?英文双语对照


爱的笺言原唱? 笺言和箴言意思?英文双语对照



词曲:罗大佑 编曲:罗大佑

我将真心付给了你 将悲伤留给我自己

我将青春付给了你 将岁月留给我自己

我将生命付给了你 将孤独留给我自己

我将春天付给了你 将冬天留给我自己





我将春天付给了你 将冬天留给我自己









笺 言(jiān yán) :规劝,告诫 现意为信上的话。箴言是一个汉语词汇,拼音为zhēn yán,基本意思是形容规谏劝诫的话。这个没有上下级的这层意思。出自《书·盘庚上》:“相时憸民,犹胥顾于箴言。”


箴,动词。(1) 规劝,告诫(2) 又如:箴谏(劝谏别人改正过失)。


词曲:罗大佑, 编曲:罗大佑。

我将真心付给了你 ,将悲伤留给我自己。

我将青春付给了你, 将岁月留给我自己。

我将生命付给了你, 将孤独留给我自己。

我将春天付给了你 ,将冬天留给我自己。



“素笺”亦作“素牋”,读音sù jiān,汉语词语,代表的意思是:指白色的笺纸。出自于唐·白居易《同微之赠别郭虚舟炼师五十韵》:“素笺一百句,题附元家诗。”





















我将真心付给了你 将悲伤留给我自己

我将青春付给了你 将岁月留给我自己

我将生命付给了你 将孤独留给我自己

我将春天付给了你 将冬天留给我自己

爱是没有人能了解的东西 爱是永恒的旋律

爱是欢笑泪珠飘落的过程 爱曾经是我也是你























1. 所有育儿经验都仅供参考,每个宝宝都是一个独立的个体,别人的育儿良方并不一定适合你的宝宝!

2. 成功教育的奥妙在于:先设立一个较低的目标,让孩子体验到成功的快乐,然后再追求更高一级的目标。

3. 不要整天将别人家的孩子挂在嘴上,那样会伤孩子的自尊心。 可以在合适的时候通过适当的方式让孩子了解到差距,并鼓励孩子,你也可以!


Is the annotation character of love sung formerly?

The admonition of love is sung formerly is Deng Lijun,

A general term for ci and qu: Luo Dayou composes: Luo Dayou

My general sincerity paid you to leave myself sadness

My general youth paid you to leave myself years

My general life paid you to leave myself loneliness

My general spring paid you to leave myself the winter

Love is the thing that can know without the person

Love is lasting air

Love is mirth teardrop waves falling process

Love once was me also be you

My general spring paid you to leave myself the winter

I leave myself your back

Gave you oneself however

Meaning of admonition of annotation make peace?

1, if writinging paper character is to show appearance compasses expostulate with is dissuasive. And admonition represents an admonish, this does not have this meaning of fluctuation class. Out clear Ceng Guofan " admonition academy of classical learning writes down " : "Push Hubei talent acme at that time, shi Lang says: The Yo in my forefathers admonition the law of ability is such, my Ju can afterwards is narrated, straight assorted one ear. Straight assorted one ear..

2, syntactic: Associated type; Make subject, attributive, adverbial modifier; Contain commendatory.

3, contemporary Wang Xiyan " Gu Wu " the 3rd 6: "' friendship is the thing with the most commendable life ' . I recite the admonition of big philosopher of a Rome. I recite the admonition of big philosopher of a Rome..

4, one person is done advocate counterpoise only political times, there always is a lot of fawning on beside dictator official of fawn on given to flattery, dictatorial love listens to all sorts of praising his fine words, do not listen to the expostulation that criticizes him.

The distinction that annotation make peace admonitionses?

Annotation character (á N of Ji ā N Y) : Admonish, admonish now meaning if going up for the letter. Admonition is vocabulary of a Chinese, phoneticize is N of á of Zh ē N Y, basic means describes the word with compasses dissuasive expostulate with. This does not have this meaning of fluctuation class. Out " on book · Pan Geng " : "The when the photograph civilian, you Xu considers Yu Zhen speech. You Xu considers Yu Zhen speech..

Ceng Yunqian is reading: "Admonition, the character of expostulate with toing admonish also. The character of expostulate with toing admonish also..

To admonish, verb. (1) admonish, admonish (is 2) like: again? Piao? persuades expostulate with others to correct error) .

Who writes the annotation speech of love?

A general term for ci and qu: Luo Dayou, compose: Luo Dayou.

My general sincerity paid you, leave myself sadness.

My general youth paid you, leave myself years.

My general life paid you, leave myself loneliness.

My general spring paid you, leave myself the winter.

Heart of element annotation character what meaning?

 The meaning is: The language of the bottom of one's heart of the express on white scrip.

"Element writings paper " also make " element " , n of ā of Ji of pronunciation S ù , chinese term, the representing's means: Point to annotation paper of white. Out at the Tang Dynasty · Bai Juyi " give division of refine of the Xu Zhou that fasten Guo smally 50 charm together " : "Element writings paper 100, the problem adds Yuan Jiashi. The problem adds Yuan Jiashi..

Of the annotation character of love who is be being sung formerly?

" the admonition of love " it is the song that sings by Deng Lijun.

This the earliest version is by writer of speech of Luo Dayou compose, Japan feather ridge benevolence compose a poem to a given tune of ci, Deng Lijun sings " ス of リ of リ of マ of white い ア " (in interpret: " white Gu is quite beautiful " ) , the Japanese special that collects Mr Yu Dengli to was published in June 1983 " traveller " in. The mandarin edition that Deng Lijun sings " the admonition of love " the mandarin special that is deferred to published in June 1984 by its " the love song of insularity the 8th collect, the emissary of love " (stage edition name: " the past is like yesterday " ) in.

Chinese name

The admonition of love

What belong to special

The emissary of love

Grow when song

0 when 04 minutes of 00 seconds

Compose a poem to a given tune of ci

Luo Dayou

Music music

Luo Dayou

Japanese edition libretto

Chinese edition libretto

The admonition of love

Deng Lijun 1984 special " the past is like yesterday " disc envelope

Write words: Luo Dayou

Compose: Luo Dayou

Sing: Deng Lijun

My general sincerity paid you to leave myself sadness

My general youth paid you to leave myself years

My general life paid you to leave myself loneliness

My general spring paid you to leave myself the winter

Love is the air that the thing love that can understand without the person is eternity

Love is mirth teardrop waves falling process love once was me also be you

My general spring paid you

Yo does experience share Yo knowledge?

Yo knowledge is as follows

Addition of round the clock of time of 1. child Morpheus is not gotten little at 12 hours. Remember, enough sleep is the safeguard of child health.

Outdoors motion having oxygen can increase 2. immune force of the child, fluctuation midday all not less than outdoors activities of 40 minutes, best can land of bring into contact with, of course haze mist weather wants exception.

If install 3. wants the child, 3 minutes of be hungry and cold. Must not eat too much to the child, those who wear is too thick, the change that should follow environmental temperature changes to the child the dress.

4. is medicine 3 minutes poison, should believe dietetic have curative effect truly.

5. can try the four seasons to wash a face to the child with cold water, can increase its cold-resistant capacity, reduce a cold.

6. feed respect, initial stage is with the mother breast or acting milkings are given priority to, increase later in 56 months complementary feed, such ability satisfy the need of body development

7. is make infant can nurturance dines smoothly habit, proposal parent notices will complementary during feeding time to adjust adult to dine or after dining. Adult dines have behavior guiding effect to the child; Feed complementary when feeding, food is chewed at the same time in adult mouth, even if be chewing gum only.

 8. darling before one one full year of life as far as possible the food that edible little candy does not have salt; Although darling a week after year old, also answer to avoid to add salt and candy when making food for darling as far as possible; Examine food label without fail, check you to buy alimental to contain salt is measured or contain candy amount; Flavor and condiment are used in cookbook, or citric, lime and tomato mud replace salt.


Yo truth?

The husband and wife that 1. has the child is happier.

Many first parenting person, those who face darling cry be troubled by, mischievous, carry feed wait to often lose his head, call the child even " small devil " . However, river of American California university bank Professor Nielsen of cent school considers to discover, the joy that the child brings to parents is far over anguish. Especially father is met from quite a few is obtained over there the child energy and happy feeling. Accordingly, proposal pa Mom experience joy from inside the experience that takes care of the child more, is not to complain blindly. Yo regard as achievement, state of mind is placed more easily also.

2. puts the child the first happier.

The Ashendu Zhanmusi of university of Holand Amsterdam freedom teachs discovery, the father and mother that puts the child in the first is happier, can comprehend more life true meaning. But what need reminds is, this does not represent OK and doting child. The child makes a mistake, OK and appropriate punishment; The thing that the child means, what ought not to buy is determined do not compromise.

3. does not turn round the child all the day.

Some parents think, love even if all day long turns round the child, resemble " helicopter " same, on horse of thing having a place " fly " go " fire fighting " . American Ma Li Huacheng pauses Professor Xifulin of the university thinks, the care of meticulously makes the child easier depressed, provide for oneself ability is poor. The parent should learn to let go moderately, let him child solve a problem. Feel to be in charge of too much when the child especially when, the parent should be accepted and not be to complain " be not understood " .

Yo tutorial?

Yo the core of the respect must pay attention to a child namely of 3 view, thought and accomplishment and good convention form, other behavior respect belongs to periphery, an adage says " 3 years old look big, 7 years old look old " those who say is this meaning.

Yo logion?

1.All Yo experience offers reference only, every darling is an independence is individual, the Yo of others the darling that effective prescription does not suit you certainly!

2.Does the secret of successful education depend on: ?

3.Do not hang the child of others home on the mouth all the day, can hurt the child's proper pride in that way. Can be in appropriate when let the child know difference through proper way, encourage the child, you are OK also!

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