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描写山:重峦叠嶂、崇山峻岭、悬崖峭壁、连绵起伏、峰峦雄伟、危峰兀立 描写水:滔滔不绝、一泻千里、波澜壮阔、惊涛骇浪、浊浪排空、波峰浪谷 描写山水:湖光山色、山清水秀、山明水秀、青山绿水、山水相依、山水一色 春天景色的成语:鸟语花香、百花齐放、繁花似锦、桃红柳绿、春色满园、春意盎然 夏天景色的成语:骄阳似火、汗流浃背、烈日炎炎、暑气蒸人、热浪炙人、烈日当空 秋天景色的成语:秋高气爽、丹桂飘香、天高云淡、红叶似火、金风送爽、硕果累累 冬天景色的成语:数九寒冬、寒气逼人、冰天雪地、天寒地冻、滴水成冰、鹅毛大雪


鬼斧生工 巧夺天工 沧海桑田 天造地设




1、山水如画【shān shuǐ rú huà 】2、如诗如画【rú shī rú huà 】5、别有洞天【bié yǒu dòng tiān】1、山水如画【shān shuǐ rú huà 】释义:山山水水的漂亮的就像一幅画,形容风景优美。



4、山光水色【shān guāng shuǐ sè】释义:解释成水波泛出秀色,山上景物明净,形容山水景色秀丽。

5、别有洞天【bié yǒu dòng tiān】释义:意思是指洞中另有一个天地,形容风景奇特或艺术创作,引人入胜。


嘀嗒、呜呜、淅淅、稀里哗啦 、淅淅沥沥。







白话释义: 歌咏声;吟咏声,也可形容大自然的声音















引证: 《暴风骤雨》第一部一:“稀里哗啦把胡子打垮。”





引证: 《苦菜花》第十一章:“雨小些,但还是淅淅沥沥地下着。”






xián yún yě hè



















One, the animal term that describes nature?

Rat of conflicting of mussel of a Triton of the minnows, small tricks, sandpiper, snake is one nest, act in collusion with each other, a scene of bustling activity, anticlimactic, rat of company of fox of liver of rat of arm of dragon horse spirit, bug, city

2, the term that describes nature elite?

1, autumn wind fallen leaves: Autumn wind swept deciduous leaf. Compare clear off, not answer exist.

2, spring scenery Cun Cao: Spring scenery: Vernal sunshine; Compare parents to be brought up to the affection of children. Cun Cao: A inch long small grass; The figurative children infinite feeling to the favour of parents that foster wears the mood.

3, Chun Lanqiu chrysanthemum: Vernal orchid, autumnal chrysanthemum. The analogy has the place that deserves commend each.

4, Cuncao spring scenery: Cun Cao: Small grass; Spring scenery: Vernal sunshine. The intention with small scanty grass cannot repay Chun Riyang's smooth deep feeling. Compare parental loving-kindness, difficult newspaper in case.

5, spring breeze is gentle: The spring breeze with vernal spring is swaying people. The analogy is amitable to the person accessibly.

6, if azure washs: Azure: The sky of shallow blue. Blue sky is so bright and clean that blue sky resemble been wash same. Appearance weather is sunny.

7, month of one plain wind: Level the land between plain hill. The heaven and earth with a beautiful scenery.

8, watch of tower above cloud: High and erect, extend high in the clouds. The high and steep such as appearance mountain peak or building is forceful.

9, language of warbler caw swallow: Warbler: Oriole. The speech of swallow, the singing of the oriole. Describe auspicious spring scenery.

10, the awaken of spring is abundant: The atmosphere of spring of the awaken of spring. Abundant and plump, grumous. Appearance. The mood that describes spring is very thick.

11, beautiful Huan of United States annulus: Annulus: Lofty; Huan: Numerous. Appearance building is lofty and luxuriant.

12, surging forward with great momentum: Appearance sea is grand, stretch to the horizon.

13, element of gay feminine attire wraps: Point to the woman of dress quietly elegant. Also describe snow acquired fine, red day reflects the view of line with white snow photograph.

14, swim eye gallopping view: Look as far as ones' eyes can see is wait-and-see, all see scenery.

15, provide timely help: In snow the day sends charcoal to warm oneself to the person. The analogy gives when others is badly in need of the help on materially or spirit.

16, double mandarin orange fights wine: Compare spring amuse oneself wonderful scenery.

17, swallow of song warbler dance: Oriole of singing Wan Zhuairu, dance appearance is lightsome be like flying swallow. Also describe attractive scenery, the situation is auspicious. Provenance: Su Shi of · of the Song Dynasty " bright and beautiful be welled balanced " word: "Wind of green dawn of smoke red dew is sweet, caw spring day grows Yan Wuying. Caw spring day grows Yan Wuying..

18, water sends hill to greet: Enjoy scenery, lovemaking landscape. Also show journey continous is long.

19, scene of charming and gentle: Charming and gentle: Downy and beautiful. Downy and beautiful charm sends elegant demeanour or natural view.

20, Shan Huichuan fawn on: Glow brightness; Fawn on is good. Appearance scenery is very beautiful.

3, is appearance nature mystical term?

Clever unsurpassed of essence of life, colourful, celestial city, maritime unripe bright moon, skyline in all right now.

Mirage, a cloud and mist becomes rain, weather channel good metempsychosis, celestial lens, celestial woods, only clever only spruce, cloudless, wonderful, harships rainbow, emerge, spit knows to tell time, when spring happen therefore, slip into night along with wind, benefit other people is fine breathed.

Day develop everythings on earth, tuck diveseethe of sea of clouds, cloudless, marine zoology is civilized

4, what does the term that describes nature have?

Depict hill: Heavy hill rows of mountains, high mountain ridges, cliff, continuous rise and fall, ridges and peaks stand upright of grand, Wei Feng depict water: Dash along, landscape of depict of cereal of billow of sky of platoon of billow of bold and flowing, surging forward with great momentum, a situation full of danger, chaotic, wave crest: Depend on each other of green water of the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, picturesque scenery, green hills and clear waters-picturesque scenery, green hill, landscape, landscape is monochromatic spring the idiom of the scenery: Charactizing a fine spring day, let a hundred flowers blossom, full garden of numerous Hua Shijin, pink Liu Lu, spring scenery, the awaken of spring is abundant summer the idiom of the scenery: The idiom of scenery of autumn of high above in the sky of person of broil of person of evaporate of sorching of scorching, streaming with sweat, burning sun, summer heat, heat wave, burning sun: Dry,crisp air of autumn, orange osmanthus waves weak, red autumnal leaves is like sweet, Tian Gaoyun the idiom that fire, Jin Feng sends winter of again and again of bright, great achievements the picture: The coldest days of the year, algidity heavy snow of aspic of ground of threatening, a world of ice and snow, Tian Han, dripping water freezes, goose feather

5, the term that describes nature to take a look?

Ghost axe gives birth to fine to seize created by nature of Nature's engineering time brings a great change to the worlds

6, the term that describes an animal to return to nature?

It is the term of nature of regression of animal of a few appearance below: Regression is natural: In stating the animal returns nature afresh, cast off by the condition of captivity or domestication. Free captive animals: Show the animal relay captivity or domestication puts in nature 's charge, make its can live freely. Wild biochemistry: State the animal got used to environment gradually below the environment that raises artificially, in returning nature finally afresh. Home: Show the animal returns his den or habitat afresh after leaving period of time. Return uncut jade to return true: State the animal returned primitive, natural condition, was far from factitious interpose and influence. These terms conveyed an animal to return the meaning in nature and value, emphasized the close connection between animal and nature.

7, what does the term with appearance peculiar nature have?

1, landscape is picturesque [à of Hu of ú of R of ǐ of Sh ā N Shu] 2, if the poem is picturesque [à of Hu of ú of R of ī of R ú Sh] 5, see a new world [N of ā of Ng Ti of ò of U D of ǒ of Bi é Y] 1, landscape is picturesque [ǐ R of Sh ā N Shu: Of hill landscape water beautiful draw like, appearance scenery is beautiful.

Paraphrase: Like be like poem and picture beautiful, describe scenery beauty, the life is rich.

Paraphrase: Water of means hill landscape ten cent quiet and beautiful are beautiful, appearance scenery is beautiful.

4, Shan Guangshui is lubricious [è of ǐ S of Ng Shu of ā of Sh ā N Gu] paraphrase: Explain into Shui Bo extensive gives elegant look, the scenery on hill is bright and clean, appearance landscape picture is pretty.

5, see a new world [N of ā of Ng Ti of ò of U D of ǒ of Bi é Y] paraphrase: Means shows the hole is medium have a scope of operation additionally, peculiar or appearance scenery is artistic creation, fascinating.

8, what does the sound term that describes nature have?

Tick, toot, wash rice wash rice, rare in, wash rice drop of the sound of rain.

One, tick

Colloquial paraphrase: Appearance water falls or horological swinging sound, also can describe the sound of nature

Dynasty: Contemporary

Author: Bai Wei

Adduce: " by the grange chairman of besiege " : "In terrible dreariness is immersed in in the office, only the wall clock on the wall still is in tick tick ground to ringing. Only the wall clock on the wall still is in tick tick ground to ringing..

2, toot

Colloquial paraphrase: Sound of chant of singing tone; , also can describe the sound of nature

Dynasty: Clear

Author: · Tian Lanfang

Adduce: " Yuan Gong of Qu of letter of Huang Qingtai's student (Yuan Ke stands grandson) epitaph " : "Still hear its chant to toot toot did not rest also. "Still hear its chant to toot toot did not rest also..

Interpreter: Still hear he does not take chant of inactive toot toot

3, wash rice

Colloquial paraphrase: Wind, pitter-patter, also can describe alarm clock sound, also can describe the sound of nature

Dynasty: Clear ·

Author: Golden farming

Adduce: " the seasonable rain below red peach blossom " poem: "Hear good rain to wash rice suddenly wash rice cry "

Interpreter: Hear good rain to wash rice suddenly wash rice the ground bleats

4, rare in

Colloquial paraphrase: Sound of collapse of appearance pitter-patter, building, also can describe alarm clock sound, also can describe the sound of nature

Dynasty: Contemporary

Author: Zhou Libo

Adduce: " tempest " the first one: "Rare in mustache crumple up. "Rare in mustache crumple up..

5, wash rice drop of the sound of rain

Colloquial paraphrase: Pitter-patter, also can describe alarm clock sound, also can describe the sound of nature

Dynasty: Contemporary

Author: Feng Deying

Adduce: " bitter cauliflower " eleventh chapter: "Somes rain is little, but still wash rice underground of drop of the sound of rain is worn. But still wash rice underground of drop of the sound of rain is worn..

4 words term:

Spring Chan Chan, running water gurgle, running water clang, birdie chirp, small duck, chickling Ji Ji, small bug chirps, mice Zhi Zhi, the doggie is tearful, north wind howl, north wind cry out in distress, spit rustle, wave is surging, ping ping-pong to bang, bite dingdong is become, tinkle tinkles, murmur murmur, part of speech of part of speech, chirp, giggle, the murmur in Ji, rare in, dong Dong clangs,

9, the term that appearance leisure time goes embracing nature?

Idle Yun Yehe


è of H of ě of N Y of ú of Xi á N Y


Idle: Unbridled. Float cloud, feral crane. Old point to the life the disengaged, person that breaks away from affairs of human life.


· of the Song Dynasty blame Mao " word of complete Tang poetry " roll 6: "The city also is added hard, shi Yinan changes, like that crane of idle cloud Gu, he Tian and cannot fly. He Tian and cannot fly..


Idle cloud wild crane makes object, attribute; Compare the unrestrained, person that will freely.

Close justice word:

Carefree and crane of idle cloud Gu, comfortable, be content with one's lot

10, appearance wind snow the term with special nature difficult condition?

Make a clean sweep of sth, goose feather heavy snow, heavy snow flies violently,

Goose feather heavy snow,

Tao of snow cruel wind,

White snow is pure white,

Flying snow of all over the sky,


A world of ice and snow,

