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武术肌肉和健身肌肉在一定程度上是相似的,都是通过锻炼获得的肌肉。然而,它们之间也有一些区别。1. 强度和目的:武术肌肉训练的目的是为了提高战斗能力和技术,在高强度的武术训练中专注于提高力量、速度、爆发力和敏捷性。而健身肌肉训练的目的是为了改善身体外貌和健康,注重塑造体形和增加肌肉质量。2. 动作和技术:武术肌肉训练强调特定的武术动作和技术,如拳击、踢腿、套路等。健身肌肉训练则更侧重于使用自由重量、器械、体重训练等多种方式来刺激和发展肌肉。3. 身体比例和外观:由于武术肌肉训练的重点是提高战斗技能,所以肌肉发展可能会更均匀,而且相对较低。而健身肌肉训练的目标是增加肌肉质量和强度,可能会更注重特定的肌肉群,获得更突出的外观。4. 训练方法:武术肌肉训练通常包括自身体重训练、敏捷性、灵活性和爆发力等训练方式。而健身肌肉训练则涵盖更广泛的重量训练、有氧运动、柔韧性训练等方式,以帮助塑造全身肌肉。总之,武术肌肉和健身肌肉的区别在于其训练目的、动作和技术、外观和比例等方面。然而,无论是哪种方式,锻炼肌肉都需要持之以恒的训练和专注。





1. 做重量训练:使用适当的重量进行力量训练,这可以刺激肌肉生长。选择复合动作,如深蹲、卧推、硬拉等,这些动作可以同时刺激多个肌肉群。

2. 增加训练强度:逐渐增加训练强度,例如增加重量、减少休息时间或增加训练次数。这有助于刺激肌肉适应并促进生长。

3. 控制饮食:确保在饮食中摄入足够的蛋白质,因为蛋白质是肌肉生长的关键营养素。此外,保持适当的热量摄入,以支持肌肉生长和修复。

4. 给肌肉充分休息:肌肉在休息和恢复期间才能生长。确保每天休息充足时间,给肌肉足够的时间来修复和适应。

5. 增加训练频率:增加每周训练的次数,可以增加肌肉的刺激和生长机会。但要确保给肌肉足够的休息时间来恢复。

6. 保持适当的水合状态:水合对于肌肉生长和恢复至关重要。确保在训练前、期间和训练后都饮足够的水。

7. 保持积极的心态:健身是一个长期的过程,要保持积极的心态和耐心。肌肉生长需要时间,不要过度追求快速结果。







































Are wushu muscle and gymnastical muscle distinguished?

Wushu muscle and gymnastical muscle are similar on certain level, it is the muscle that obtains through taking exercise. However, there also are a few distinctions between them. 1. Intensity and purpose: The purpose that wushu muscle trains is to improve warfare capability and technology, dedicated in the wushu training of high strenth Yudigaoli quantity, speed, erupt force and nimble sex. And the purpose that gymnastical muscle trains is to improve body appearance and health, pay attention to model bodily form and increase muscle quality. 2. Movement and technology: Wushu muscle training emphasizes specific wushu action and skill, like boxing, kick a leg, cover a road to wait. Gymnastical muscle trains criterion more a variety of means such as training of weight of side overweight use freedom, appliance, weight will stimulate and develop muscle. 3. Body scale and exterior: Because the key of wushu muscle training is to enhance battle technical ability, so muscle develops may evener, and relatively inferior. And the target that gymnastical muscle trains is to increase muscle quality and strength, may pay attention to specific muscle more group, achieve more prominent outward appearance. 4. Train a method: Wushu muscle training includes oneself weight normally training, nimble sex, flexibility and erupt the training manner such as force. And gymnastical muscle training covers the kind such as training of more extensive weight training, motion having oxygen, flexibility, model systemic muscle in order to help. Anyhow, wushu muscle and gymnastical sarcous distinction are training the respect such as purpose, movement and technology, exterior and scale at its. However, no matter be which kinds of means, the training that exercises muscle to need to perserve and dedicated.

Have on the leg tattoo the skin, does the muscle after fitness change to you can be out of shape greatly?

Affirm meeting metabolic, your muscle protruding shows, also maintain the skin, tattoo the skin to be able to produce change for certain.

How does fitness grow muscle?

Hello, want to grow muscle, it is the method of a few keys and note below:

1.Do weight training: Use appropriate weight to undertake force trains, this OK and exciting muscle grows. Choose compound action, if crouch greatly, lie push, pull forcedly etc, these movements can stimulate many muscle at the same time group.

2.Increase training strength: Increase training strength gradually, add weight for example, reduce breathing space or increase training number. This conduces to exciting muscle suiting and promote grow.

3.Control food: Ensure enough protein is absorbed in food, the crucial nutriment that because protein is muscle,grows. In addition, the quantity of heat that keeps proper is absorbed, grow in order to support muscle and repair.

4.Rest adequately to muscle: Muscle is resting and just can grow between convalescence. Ensure rest everyday enough time, to muscle enough time comes repair and suit.

5.Increase training frequency: Increase the number that trains every week, can increase sarcous stimulation and unripe long chance. But the breathing space that should ensure muscle is enough will restore.

6.Hold proper hydration position: Hydration is crucial to muscle grows and restoring. Ensure before training, during with training hind the water with enough water.

7.Maintain active state of mind: Fitness is a long-term course, want to maintain active state of mind and patience. Muscle grows need time, not excessive pursuit is rapid result.

Ask an attention, these methods apply to average muscle growth, specific training plans and dietary arrangement should be made according to individual circumstance. Fitness had better undertake below the guidance of professional coach, mix correctly in order to ensure safe training method.

Ache of muscle of gymnastical whole body?

After motion, muscle can alleviate through a few methods sorely or treat. After fitness ends, because momentum of the carry in gymnastical process is too big,the body basically is sorely, muscle metabolizes without oxygen, bring about a large number of lactic acid inside body, cause sick at heart thereby toxic with muscle ache. After moving so, can rest appropriately loosen muscle, massage appropriately, outside making the lactic acid of the generation in muscle metabolizes quickly to give put oneself in another's position side by side, reduce muscle to feel sorely thereby. In addition, still can take weak alkalescent water, alkalescent water put oneself in another's position inside, can counteract lactic acid, reduce lactic acid concentration, phenomenon of ache of slow down muscle

Fitness each muscle names?

The familiar muscle name in fitness includes: Chest muscle: Include small flesh of pectoralis major and bosom, it is the main muscle of bosom. Back muscle: Include to carry broad flesh, inclined square flesh, lozenge flesh on the back to wait. Humeral ministry muscle: Flesh of sleeve of deltoid, shoulder group wait. Arm muscle: 2 flesh, triceps. Abdominal muscle: Outside including celiac straight flesh, abdomen inside inclined flesh, abdomen inclined flesh. Leg ministry muscle: Flesh of flesh of rope of quadriceps, Mo , musculus glutaeus maximus, crus group wait. Coxal muscle: The flesh in buttock, buttock small flesh. Core flesh group: Include the waist and abdominal deep-seated and stable muscle. This is a few familiar muscle names only, the muscle system of human body is very actually complex, in still a lot of other muscle enlist all sorts of campaign. In addition, disparate gymnastical movements can undertake taking exercise in the light of different muscle. Understanding and the training that identify these sarcous names to have specific aim to undertaking are very important, but more important is correct training skill and pose, train the effect with avoiding to get hurt and obtain first-rate. If you have the information with specific gymnastical target or more detailed need, the gymnastical coach that suggests to seek advice from major or referenced and relevant fitness data.

How does fitness prevent lump muscle, does practice give strip muscle?

My answer is the most scientific, believe me! Why am I so self-confident? Because of your problem: Do not think practice gives big muscle piece, still want to go after strip muscle at the same time, there are a flock of people in reality is this appearance, they are brother of our respected peasant worker worker! Because they often work physical strength, have muscle so, but because work,use up very big, have a meal at the same time go up to do not have conditional compensatory protein again, muscle piece is not so big. Muscle piece is not big, body fat is low, can see strip muscle so. This is us often say " a suit dried up is strong! " .

How should this kind of muscle train as to sedulous pursuit, the reason had, it is OK to take exercise by this kind of method!

One is iron of great weight Lu, pectoral shoulder carries a leg on the back to want to drill, specific plan did not say in detail, one is control food, eat the flesh to eat staple food less more, the quantity of heat that absorbs everyday wants little at the quantity of heat that use up. Be similar to add flesh to decrease fat to undertake at the same time. But the control on food is stricter.

Such you can drill a dried up is strong!

The photograph that looked for brother of worker worker of a few peasants from the net offers reference! Respect them!

How does fitness avoid muscle to dissolve?

Fitness wants to avoid muscle to dissolve, be about to control the amount of good fitness above all, when just cannot beginning fitness in order to be in too too violent, fitness increases to measure bit by bit while need is suiting, ability won't cause flesh to dissolve

Does gymnastical muscle train right order?

Abide by pectoral → to bear nut of → of ministry of leg of → of arm of → shoulder → (pectoral back can be exchanged orderly) ordinal principle

First bosom or back: Because need the " of shoulder and arm to assist " to complete an action, you must allow humeral department arm is to maintain strong position to assist ability the meeting is firm and strong. If the arm followed a shoulder to drill first,do not have force, turn a chest or pull unlucky, the movement is easy and flabby do not have force, practice of exercise effect nature is bad!

Make a shoulder next: What also need arm because of training movement of the shoulder is auxiliary, should stay so from the back practice manages together.

02. upper part of the body finishs below redo half body

A. Strength of training of below half body is greater, if drilled below half body gave out effort first, that upper part of the body need not drill.

B. The heart is in the upper part of the body, do training of upper part of the body to let warm up of skeletal flesh hyperaemia first, such order is better.

03. core (lumbar abdomen) stay to finally

Because all movements need the " of core to stabilize " , the movement that stands especially, say to stay power of need rife waist greatly for example. If made core first, that trains " stability " of the movement at the back of natural effect.

How does correct fitness add muscle?

Want to undertake the muscle strength of great strength trains above all, let muscle bear namely peak load, undertake below peak load systole trains refusing block, can make muscle fast grow. Specific means recommends advance gradually type to fight block training. Need to measure the weight of muscle peak load above all, choose peak load next. . .

Besides the training of strength of muscle of high load capacity that refuses block, still need to notice food. Must add more nutrient substance, contain a lot ofprotein food especially, for instance beef. If the condition allows, also can have albumen white.

The compasses plasticity of muscle training movement and scientific sex, not be the muscle that says every position the number that make is more, weight is heavier, muscle must be jumped over with respect to chairman fast. Contrary, the set number with equal number, only equal course and reasonable weight, ability can let muscle grow more quickly.

Food wants reasonable, must low oily low salt, be far from smoke wine, eat a few food that contain a lot ofprotein as far as possible.

How does fast fitness add muscle?

1, appliance: Barbell is given priority to

Dumbbell does not apply to the exercise mode of advance gradually excess load.

Although dumbbell photograph is compared,barbell can help stable muscle more. But should become strong, should gain strength, be about to raise greater weight. Power is greater, muscle is bigger. Barbell can let you use greater weight compared with dumbbell.

2, movement: Compound movement practices

Not necessary and direct the muscle that exercises a certain place makes its grow.

Having a great weight when you compound model if the movement lies when pushing, had exercised chest muscle, deltoid and humerus triceps. Exercise many place muscle at the same time with greater weight, can help you win more even bodily form, still can burn more quantity of heat.

3, frequency: Please frequent

Jump over frequent training muscle, those who grow is more also.

Be in every time after fitness, time of sarcous weightening finish is to be in 48 hours or so probably, if take exercise every week same a place 2 or 3, can see incredible effect
