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1、 VJ师   VJ师网属于素材共享平台网站,主要内容有:视频素材、VJ素材、LED视频、演出背景视频、影视素材等。如果你想找一些专业性的视频这上面较好,但是它上面的素材量相对大型网站较少。而且需要少量付费。 

  2、视觉中国   视觉中国是这几个当中做的比较大一个,素材分类比较简洁,是集图片视频音乐为一体的网站,还比较新颖的有一个编辑图片。     

 3、 V播网   V播网主要提供视频创作素材,主打4K视频素材、延时摄影、航拍素材还有松巴版权音乐。是一个集图片,视频,音乐为一体的网站,找素材比较方便,个人比较喜欢这种一站式服务。他们提供素材交易同时,近期举办“创客100”活动,打造创客基地,引导创客的创作和交易,为创客带来资金流。里面的素材也不是全部免费的。  

 4、4K中国   4K中国是一家比较老的超清视频素材网站,采用的是论坛模式,素材资源长时间没有更新,资源也相对陈旧,元老级,网站体验比较差,内容杂乱,直接略过。而且需要下播放器或者存到云盘才能观看,较复杂。   

5、全景网   全景网是一家专注图片素材的网站,相对于视觉中国,它比较高大上,又比较亲民。以图片为主,图片素材质量较高,网站体验比较好,不过图片价位相对较高,土豪随意。偶尔玩玩编辑的人不是特别推荐。   

6、 摄图网   摄图网也是一家主要做图片的网站,也有少量视频素材,清晰度不太高,画面质量稍差,内容杂乱,如果上面其他网站没有合适的素材,可以上去找找;总体来说不推荐给专业人士,初级者可以作为备选图库。但是很多都是免费的。  

 7、千图网   相对与全景网,千图网就非常亲民了,千图网是中国免费素材最多的网站之一,拥有800多万张免费素材,在某宝上,一些和图片制作相关的都会用到。提供矢量图、psd源文件、图片素材、网页素材等热门主流素材免费下载服务,总体来说还好,对于专业者不推荐;当然偶尔玩玩的话,肯定是你不二的选择!毕竟不收费嘛













第二、Free video clips(也可以搜Mazwai)

Free video clips是一个风景类主题的视频素材网站,如果你需要风景类的视频素材,打开这个网站就没错了,该站视频类型很丰富,包括日出、日落、道路河流、城市、星星、海洋等几乎所有的风景镜头和特色,视频质量高而且免费,做风景类的博主赶快收藏吧!














第二、Free video clips(也可以搜Mazwai)

Free video clips是一个风景类主题的视频素材网站,如果你需要风景类的视频素材,打开这个网站就没错了,该站视频类型很丰富,包括日出、日落、道路河流、城市、星星、海洋等几乎所有的风景镜头和特色,视频质量高而且免费,做风景类的博主赶快收藏吧!


80s 电影天堂 新片场 破晓电影 预告片世界







One, website of material of free cate video?

A lot of choose a pretty good option is Pixabay website Pixabay it is a free picture and video material library, contained much cate video material among them. You can search the keyword related cate on this website, wait like food, cooking, bake, can find material of a lot of free video of high quality cate. These material can be used at making cate tutorial, cookbook share, dining-room promotion is waited a moment. Use these material to be able to save your time and monetary cost, also can promote your video quality and appeal at the same time. In addition, still have a few other, wait like Pexels, Videezy, you also can try to search cate video material on these websites. As a whole, the choice can help you find the material of high quality, the video that promotes you makes the result, also saved your cost at the same time.

2, video material net?

1, net of division of VJ of   of VJ division   belongs to material to share platform website, does main content have: ? Material of video of material of J of  of copy of leisurely Deng die young, LED, show setting video, movie and TV. If you want to look for a few professional video above this better, but the material amount above it is relatively large the website is less. And need a few paying to expend.

2, China of vision of visual China   is this a few in the center the comparison that do is big, material group comparison is concise, it is the website that music of market picture video is an organic whole, noveller have an editor picture.     

3, V sows V of net     to sow a net to basically offer video to produce material, advocate material of the video that hit 4K, time-lapse photography, boat pats material to still have a pine cling to copyright music. It is picture of a market, video, music is the website of an organic whole, look for material to go to the lavatory quite, the individual prefers this to plant one-stop service. They offer material to trade at the same time, the near future is held " achieve an objective 100 " activity, make the base that achieve an objective, guide the creation that achieves an objective and trade, flow to achieve a guest to bring capital. The material inside also is not all and free.  

4, China of 4K of   of 4K China   is a website of older material of video exceeding Qing Dynasty, those who use is forum mode, material resource was not updated for long, resource is relatively dated also, patriarch class, website experience is poorer, content is mixed and disorderly, direct skip over. And the player below need perhaps puts Yun Pancai to be able to be watched, more complex.   

5, the website that panoramic net of panoramic net   is material of a dedicated picture, opposite at visual China, it is loftier go up, kiss quite again civilian. Give priority to with the picture, picture material quality is higher, website experience is better, picture price is opposite nevertheless taller, local tyrant is optional. Now and then play employing editorial person is not special recommend.   

6,   of the net that photograph a map photographs graph net also is a website that basically makes a picture, also have a few video material, definition is not quite high, picture quality is a bit poor, content is mixed and disorderly, if above other website does not have proper material, can search in order to go up look for; overall for do not recommend professional personage, primary person can choose graph library as equipment. But it is free more very.  

7,   of 1000 graphs net is opposite with panoramic net, 1000 graphs net is very close civilian, 1000 graphs net is one of websites with Chinese free most material, have many pieces of 800 free material, on some treasure, a few make relevant metropolis be used with the picture. Offer material of file of source of vectorgraph, Psd, picture, webpage material to wait for popular mainstream material to download a service freely, overall for not bad, to major person do not recommend; of course now and then play the sentence that play, it is you for certain not the choice of 2! Do not collect fees after all

3, Mv material website?

1, love gives a network

The advantage of website of material of video of this editing and rearrangement is: Material of phonic effect, dub in background music is rich, and very Duodouke is used with business, and be in library of effect of sound of this Cc agreement and business are classified with dub in background music inside, can use freely!

2, Cover

Advantage: Force high the website of free video material of case, video category enclothes expression of feeling of vista of nature, food, city, science and technology, mood to wait, video material is very rich, the choice is multiple!

4, what is material website?

Material website is the website platform that provides resource of all sorts of digital media material. Material is the resource such as the picture that points to all sorts of at creation and design using, frequency, video, font, illustration, pattern plate. Material website can be collected normally, the material that arrange and classifies all sorts of different types, help user makes the material that waits for a respect to find place to need quickly in design, originality, media, save time and energy.

Material website is acting important role in creation and design process. The user can pass these websites free or the material that pays cost download all sorts of high quality, so that be in,design of conduct propaganda of individual project, commerce project, advertisement, website, App is developed wait for a respect to use. These material websites can offer all sorts of material that appoint format and resolution to download option normally, in order to satisfy different requirement.

The sort of material website and function each different, some websites provide free material resource, some need to pay fee or undertake ability gets more and advanced material subscribing to. Some websites still provide community function, as the opus that the user can release him, interactive as other stylist communication, share originality and inspiration to wait. Material website raised respect of content of work efficiency, substantial work and promotion creation quality to produce main effect in help stylist.

5, net of nearsightedness frequency material?

The first, videvo

Videvo is website of a special moral, basically offer high-definition HD and 4K video to download freely for us, especially a lot of movie and TV kind need resource of newest movie and TV from media, here can be found, at the same time here still has many free frequency, can download freely with years, mere this one website is enough the core material problem in solving video to make from media novice.

The 2nd, Free Video Clips (OK also search Mazwai)

Free Video Clips is a scenery kind video material website of the theme, if you need a view kind video material, open this website right, type of this station video is very rich, include river of sunrise, sunset, road, city, star, ocean to wait almost all scenery camera lens and characteristic, tall and video quality is free, make a view kind rich advocate be collected at once!

6, rank of video material website?

Before the rank leans quite, general advanced 10.

7, beg Word material website?

Can go download of site of a few material is OK

For instance

Big picture net

Close graph net

Love graph net

Material China

Pretty good

8, website of nearsightedness frequency material?

The first, videvo

Videvo is website of a special moral, basically offer high-definition HD and 4K video to download freely for us, especially a lot of movie and TV kind need resource of newest movie and TV from media, here can be found, at the same time here still has many free frequency, can download freely with years, mere this one website is enough the core material problem in solving video to make from media novice.

The 2nd, Free Video Clips (OK also search Mazwai)

Free Video Clips is a scenery kind video material website of the theme, if you need a view kind video material, open this website right, type of this station video is very rich, include river of sunrise, sunset, road, city, star, ocean to wait almost all scenery camera lens and characteristic, tall and video quality is free, make a view kind rich advocate be collected at once!

9, what does material website have?

80s film heaven is new a field dawn film prevue world

10, website of high-definition video material?

Do video network Https://www.zuoshipin.com/

Making video net is the website of video material download with a powerful function, resource of pattern plate of the AE that provides all sorts of setting, PR, C4D, fact pats music of video of video, stage setting, specially good effect, dub in background music

VJ division Http://www.vjshi.com/

VJ division net is pattern plate of China's banner video material, AE trade reach download website, here stylist can make money quickly
