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大自然为何多姿多彩? 画大自然的画_?英文双语对照


大自然为何多姿多彩? 画大自然的画_?英文双语对照


















春色满园鲜花盛开是自然界最美季节。每当冬去春来自然界开始焕发勃勃的生机。小草绿了,花儿红了 , 树木发新芽,春天踏着春风的脚步频频向我们走来,从冬季里的白雪皑皑变成了眼花缭乱多姿多彩的世界,所以花红柳绿鲜花盛开是大自然,多姿多彩生机勃勃!







我们画些横纵线,像大树分枝,再画些枝条线格 在在枝条线上写上大自然学习的内容思维图,就可以了


One, nature why is much appearance colorful?

Because nature breed gave 1000 appearance the life of 100 condition, like to look like a lot of people " animal world " this TV program, among them wonderful depend on mutual contest is born between life and bursting forth a fistfight of life and death of one act act, live those who come down is individual make this kind of picture unripe be born not to cease through multiply again. People often is obsessed with again what go up at be in zoology catenary is advanced the person that prey, for instance, the lion, tiger, leopard, crocodilian, elephant, rhinoceros, these animals often are the leading role in film, also be the focus that millions of people fixes eyes upon, their general character is lofty, beautiful, martial, magnificent, it is the glaring window of nature so, also be admiral species. These species are the cosset of nature, nature gives them each top class configuration, let them deduce countless stirring strong beautiful picture. But as a result of the mankind greedy, wanton hunt kills these courses developmental 1000000 and those who come is beautiful species, let vast earth become bleak becomes silent, only Zhang scamper off like a rat goes, whole world becomes shamelessly seek personal gain, also gallop without powerful gas again freely, those fascinating life are in gradually die out, became go gradually like dinosaur gradually far fokelore, this is earthly distress, also be human distress! Taking the advantage of all returning not late, it is moment make a change!

2, the picture _ that draws nature?

Can use crayon brushwork, drawing the cent secant that a river draws on paper with black crayon first, reoccupy blue besmears river water chromatically, with blue sky echo, draw meadow and tree with green in fluvial two sides next, can draw flower with different color finally, again whole adjusts a picture can.

Graph of give typical examples:

3, the picture of concerned nature?

Is Wei Ke much? Yalishandeluoweiji? Bei Kefu is well-known Russia Zuo view picture painter. He is goot at the affection of good He Shu of singing Russia nature. His picture makes confluence mix realistically Tong Qu's atmosphere. Concise tonal, clear air, light and pure and fresh make Wei Ke much? Bei Kefu's picture is made and be welcomed in Russia and abroad and private collector by huge.

Polish artist tower of thin pieces of wood used for writing on in ancient China of Ma Er case? Assorted cuts Qin Sika is aquarelle painter. Her picture wind is gentle, her creation resembles be in pour out oneself to be opposite natural beautiful ceremony support. Her body realized forest, breeze, green grass, flowers, light and colorific confluence, use paintbrush to depict its.

4, the picture of the nature that paint a picture?

You should feel first love nature, ability inspired. Consult the dead picture that the picture of others is a picture, without vitality of its this some. Also do not have larger pictorial space.

5, how is the picture of I and nature drawn?

Draw picturesque scenery, wang Lushan is decorated cruel, there is beautiful kiosk on hill, the scenery is beautiful

6, is nature vibrant is much appearance colorful from the back what be?

Nature is vibrant, be well-rounded! Look, chun Nuanhua leaves, everythings on earth anabiosises. Sunshine illuminate all things is worn the earth, the small grass of leisurely one, the safflower that admires colourfully blossoms, the branch on the tree is gemmiparous already. Spring, can smell everywhere beautiful fragrance.

Huang Huang's cole is beautiful, golden winter jasmine spends the azalea with bright red; , still have light peach blossom? .

Those are tender tender yellow, novel green, light pink, elegant white... those extensive are green. Branch, vernal sunshine, wet clay... eyeful is spring breath, make a person satisfied and clinking; lets a person be intoxicated; makes a person infinite touch the force that we allowed to experience life in; spring!

7, the plant of what is nature is much appearance colorful vibrant?

Flower of spring scenery full garden blooms is nature the most beautiful season. Every time the winter goes spring come nature begins the lease of life with exuberant coruscate. Small grass is green, flower is red, tree sends new shoot, spring is stepping the footstep of spring breeze to go to us again and again, from the Bai Xueai in winter white turned dazzling much appearance into colorful world, so green flower of beautiful red willow blooms is nature, much appearance is colorful vibrant!

8, the picture that paints a nature?

A few woods are drawn on rice paper with brush, draw landscape again, chute, little bridge running water, tu Shangguo draws dye.

9, how is the beautiful nature in rain drawn?

The picture gives the small ripple that the brook is made by rain, draw the people that the umbrella maintains on the outlet again, that one an umbrella is beautiful it is the most beautiful scenery.

10, how does the thinking of nature guide the graph is drawn?

Thinking guides graph, those who appear in your brain is a setting of a beauty, make a person impressive, often use core image however oneself, guide image can be used to use image on the other hierarchy of the graph in thinking,

We draw some of horizontal ordinate, ramose like large tree, draw some of vimineous line division to be being written on vimineous line again on the content thinking graph of nature study, OK
