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淅淅沥沥:一般指小雨落下的声音象声词,形容轻微的风雨声、落叶声等。 淅沥的叠词(多形容春雨或秋雨)。




























凄风苦雨 冷风冻雨 烈风箭雨 冬雨刺骨 

雪雨如针 雷声大 雨点小 冬雨如冰

淅淅沥沥 淅淅 噼里啪啦 寒雨凄历

雨雪霏霏 冬雨沉闷 绵绵细雨 滴滴答答

叮咚 丝丝细雨 柔柔细雨 烟雨迷蒙

雨帘 冷雨 阴雨 细雨 骤雨 冻雨 梅雨

雨蒙蒙 雨纷纷 雨飘飘 雨淋淋

细雨如丝 细雨如烟 牛毛细雨 细雨蒙蒙

丝雨蒙蒙 和风细雨 雨花纷扬 雨幕茫茫

沙啦沙啦 雨声沙沙 雨帘悬挂













One, the sound of nature divides pitter-patter, rumour, what does thunder still have?

We are flooding all sorts of audio worlds in alive in, person ear can hear, rumour thunder pitter-patter is one part only, go in river side to have underwater acoustic, fish jump a surface to pat underwater acoustic... go between hill to have twitter, bug cry, wind has blown froufrou from brushwood, the buzz that there is apian fan wing in the flowers... the heart that one is good at discovering, total meeting finds enchanted voice.

2, nature besides rumour, pitter-patter, underwater acoustic, the sound of the animal still has what voice, urgent?

Should you ask me what the most beautiful sound is? Is be composition of that Klaxon in big city symphonic? Be the happy laugh of the children in the small town of that peaceful? Of the loud and clear when still be versed in people works then " hey oh " sound? Perhaps you can say the laugh that is children, because it lets you,as if returned childhood. And I, have to the phonic noise affection of nature however alone in.

Be in that one on the high mountain, perhaps, you can be heard " Ding Dong " sound, that sound is ringing and beautiful, tiny and make you buoyant. When you climb thirsty, wanted you to hear that ringing only -- Ding Dong, you can call sound like what heard nature: "Come quickly, I should ask you to drink the spring water that I install for you designedly. " then agitato run to it, the spoonful since dip, ground of very pleased with oneself drinks on one.

In that thick woodses, you can enjoy the free concert that gives you to nature. You listen, birdie people positive-appearing image musician is same, singing beautiful song, they sang aspirations, also sang your soul. You can as if insensibly the bird that oneself also are that joy, in free blue sky, the edge sings to fly freely by the side of. Move back and forth in the flowers when you when, you saw arduous bee " buzz " the ground hum move ditty, they are saying it seems that: "This is the song that we write oneself, you listen carefully, orphean? Orphean??

In you now and then when sitting to rest, you can hear " rustle " sound, oh, it is small ant so, they begin again " move " , should the day rain again? In night " Qu Qu, qu Qu " the heart that sound lets you calm. Be cricket then bleat sound, it slowly, take you into dreamland slowly.

The sound much appearance of nature is colorful, all sorts of tone mix crisscross, resembling is rising and falling violin sound.

You can deny the phonic sound that likes nature, perhaps, after be being experienced personally when you, the sound that you can understand nature is how wonderful, it is beautiful unsurpassed absolutely, unique. This is the phonic noise of nature.

3, what voice does pitter-patter have?

Spit tick tick, moderate rain washs rice drop of the sound of rain, heavy rain

4, characteristic of audio of rain during springtime?

The sound of rain of rain during springtime

Listen to the tenderness of rain during springtime

Rain during springtime: Delicate

Rain during springtime is close and tender

How is the sound of rain during springtime described


The sound of rain during springtime: The word of echoic word can be used " rustle is sanded " , " whistle whistles " " Da Da " etc. Adjectival word can use: "Wash rice drop of the sound of rain " etc.


Wash rice drop of the sound of rain: Point to the sound onomatopoeia word that spit falls commonly, describe slight harships sound, deciduous leaf sound to wait. Of the sound of rain fold a word (polymorphous Rong Chunyu or Qiu Yu) .


Beautiful sentence can use: Rain is effeminate, it is the world go up most the thing that spends light spirit, knock not noisy the knows reinforced concrete building of that massiness. And made of baked clay house is different, drip-drop above, bite dingdong becomes, give out the sound of euphonic path instantly.

5, what does Qiu Yusheng sound resemble?

1, pitter-patter tick tick, resemble horological in ambulate.

2, pitter-patter is sanded sanded, saying a private words like children.

3, the ballad that pitter-patter does not have a word like, rise from floating in the air of far and near.

4, the sound when the pitter-patter of Shua Shua brushs his teeth like us.

5, the bead that raining sound resembled a string, fall to heaven and earth, moist the earth.

6, the one night pitter-patter of winter of fourth Ding Dong, strike the gong that removed spring ploughing, the beat that beat a drum rang to sow.

7, raining sound, resemble a wonderful tune, drip to with a tick answer, brush brush sound, be like,your person listens crazy be like drunk.

8, raining sound resembles definitely the large dams of the bank, bend basin and below, the force with which sth breaks out is feral.

9, pitter-patter the sound of rain, if azalea is low,cry, cantabile, be like sob.

10, raining sound resembles manna in that way, irrigate slowly the heart that I dry up then, repair my pain gradually.

11, raining sound resembles the sadness in my heart, if silk is like detailed, be continuous incessant, cut ceaseless manage to return chaos.

12, the sound that raining sound drips like fontal current, resemble the clock roll in tick tick, how pitter-patter is wonderful.

13, raining sound resembles aerial sweat, brandish is aspersing its beauty.

14, pitter-patter is like closely beat, drip-drop is like greatly bead.

15, raining sound resembles a concert, all sorts of sound have, pitter-patter, rumour, leaf sound, the sound of puppy.

16, rained, that ringing pitter-patter, resemble attractive music, your person is intoxicated.

17, the sound of silks and satins that the pluvial acoustic image of rustle chafes, those who resemble branch is light quavery, resemble petty needle.

18, raining sound is tender in that way like the mother, fatherly, stroking the earth gently, bring full lease of life.

19, the child that raining sound resembles crying ceaselessly child, for a long time does not have inactive meaning, still accompanying lightning from time to time.

20, pitter-patter, huffish like the sky roaring.

6, what sound is sound of rain during springtime?

Sound of rain during springtime is the wonderful news that rain makes banana, this kind of wonderful tone can ecbolic everythings on earth. You look, vernal dusk, misty rain confuses , decline misty rain an anxious, whole city is in misty rain all the more cold and cheerless is lonesome.

"Di, da, da Da. . . . " wonderful sound from empty and fall, depressing mood immediately clear come. Push a window to look, the tree shows banana to send the picture with full the awaken of spring in the ablution in rain during springtime, hope green jade is cultivated and clear heart, listen to murmurous embellish heart.

7, term of winter rain audio?

Rain of winter of rain of arrow of strong gale of sleet of air cooling of wailing wind and weeping rain-wretched circumstances is biting

Xueyu is like ice like rain of winter of needle much cry and little wool

Wash rice drop of the sound of rain washs rice wash rice the bang in Pi all previous of cold rain chilly

Rain of winter of Fei of pluvial Xue Fei is depressing and unbroken fine drip-drop with a tick answers

Babble filar silk drizzle is soft mist of soft drizzle misty rain

Brash of drizzle of overcast and rainy of pluvial shade cold rain sleet plum rains

Pluvial mizzle in succession rain waves wave pluvial dripping

Drizzle is like smoke like filar drizzle drizzle drizzle is drizzly

Rain of drizzly in a gentle and mild way spends filar rain act of confused raise rain is boundless and indistinct

Sanded sanded shade of pitter-patter rustle rain is pensile

8, in hill table of article of urgent pitter-patter news?

Car travel is in hazy hill on the road, rain is blown in keep busy, one billow crosses the pitter-patter outside the window high one billow. Pitter-patter, from time to time is short, from time to time puts delay, extremely elephant April an emphatic air, spring apply colours to a drawing is gotten more bold and unrestrained.

Urgent pitter-patter is like chute, close Xue Sheng compares broken jade.

"Tick -- tick -- wash rice drop of the sound of rain -- " this is rain that clever sound, with the sound of life knock world, rain, drippy between eave rows of tiles on a roof, facile and graceful is in tree of flowers and plants, blended in Jiang He over lake sea.

9, the article table with next pitter-patter Orphean sound?

About this problem, rain falls on the window, give out a chain of slow drumbeat sound, asing if is a beautiful song in side side delay delay rings, let a person feel halcyon and comfortable.

Pitter-patter woke up the life of the earth stealthily, cleaned subcelestial trouble, brought pure and fresh breath and good humor.

Let us drop busy work, static next hearts come, the sound of listen respectfully rain, experience nature to bestow our halcyon with happiness.

10, is news of the pitter-patter below attic scuttle big?

Can give attic a straw is extended above scuttle, can the wallop of amortize rainwater, next pitter-patter are met of decrescent

Also can give cover of a rain is installed above scuttle, build as rain, canopy, in the country there basically can be one cut block pluvial cover before the door of every family, can have the particular function that block rain already, can prevent doorway place to form seeper again, also can let radial illuminate come in

上一篇:青岛宠物托运步骤? 烟台——青岛宠物托运,急?英文双语对照