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健身餐做法? 健身餐文案?英文双语对照


健身餐做法? 健身餐文案?英文双语对照


1. 南瓜糙米饭






2. 香煎鸡胸肉







3. 牛肉炒西芹

















































- 煮鸡蛋三个

- 燕麦粥一碗(加入少量葡萄干、核桃仁、蜂蜜)

- 香蕉一个


- 希腊式酸奶一杯(加入少量坚果和蜂蜜)


- 鸡胸肉 200g,用盐、黑胡椒、柠檬汁调味烤熟

- 地瓜 100g(烤或蒸熟)

- 番茄沙拉(番茄、黄瓜、紫洋葱切丁撒上少许海盐和橄榄油)


- 坚果、干果合计50g


- 三文鱼 200g(烤或蒸熟)

- 红薯 200g(烤或蒸熟)

- 生菜沙拉(生菜、胡萝卜切丝,点缀少许核桃仁和葡萄干,加入自制的减脂酱汁)


- 半个杏仁、半个牛油果



Gymnastical eat practice?

1.Meal of pumpkin unpolished rice

Advocate makings: Unpolished rice (unripe) 50 grams, pumpkin 150 grams;

Complementary makings: Clean water

The practice of meal of pumpkin unpolished rice

(1) unpolished rice immerses, filter, pumpkin cuts Cheng Xiaoding to reserve;

(2) wash immersing unpolished rice clean, put into boiler, pour right amount clear water, pumpkin fourth superpose, according to at ordinary times cook it is OK that the program is done;

2.Flesh of sweet decoct chicken breast

Advocate makings: Pigeon breast flesh 200 grams, spend dish, chinese cabbage;

Complementary makings: The egg is clear 1, egg, cooking wine, salt, gallinaceous essence, green Chinese onion, old garlic 2 valve, olive oil a few;

The practice of pigeon breast flesh

(1) pigeon breast flesh first section, again scald water comes half ripe. Lay the egg, do not touch broken yoke, with carefe mouth to yoke yoke epispastic (or the hand is taken also but) , the gallinaceous brisket that pours the egg white that remain to had been cut (cut man) in, rejoin cooking wine, souse 10 minutes.

(2) good processing beautiful food, scald of the boiled water in pouring boiler arrives 8 minutes ripe, give boiler to cool with cold water. (Mouthfeel will be better)

(3) add a few oil, put garlic and bowl of boil in water for a while of green Chinese onion, enter decoct of pigeon breast flesh to fry again, wait for beautiful course is joined after frying Ding Wei of pigeon breast flesh to fizzle out, add a few water to cover tightly beautiful dish completely a little ripe, gallinaceous essence can be added to often perhaps do the sauce such as Mom to expect flavour is much better according to him taste before having pot.

3.Beef fries Xi Qin

Table of gymnastical eat article?

Gymnastical eat ought to be high protein of low caloric low adipose low carbohydrate form, meal food configures many egg milk, a few black bread, the vegetable salad of large portion, such good.

A few food should fitness eat?

Gymnastical food plans cosmopolitan requirement you eat 6 eat left and right sides everyday, below, my general tells you, why to want such arrangement, and how to arrange more scientific.  

Why should eat 6 food everyday? Because eat only everyday,not be 3 to 4 eat bad, it is better to because eat 5 eats to compare everyday,just eat 4 foods, and eat 6 eat to be compared everyday it is better to eat 5 foods only. More and more evidence make clear: Grow in stimulative muscle and reduce body fat respect, it eat much food less to take little eat effect than how is better to eat much food less to take little eat effect than how. Eat 6 food everyday more perhaps eat, can make body physical ability digests food more efficiently, can make you absorb more protein so, with etc important nurture pledges. Of course, what the specification wants here is, every feed of much food should a few.

Is table of gymnastical eat article humorous?

1. just can get a health so only, get perfect figure, fitness is fed gently, only such ability suspect him body the most healthy position!

2. should let him know health, all meanings, fitness is fed gently, only such, ability lets him have a healthy body, give oneself life a healthy power, the health that enjoys instantly well lives!

3. should let him face healthy life, give oneself a good arrangement, fitness is fed gently, just be oneself best enjoyment condition, !

Is gymnastical eat sale politic?

1. rolls out a formula

Actually, in current market, gymnastical eat still is young many class, face a group narrower, help new cost than other category taller, want to promote profit, more appropriate method is to make a client much be bought a few times, perhaps make a client one-time buy a place more, the gymnastical friend that thinks method lets a client taking her is bought together.

2. is rolled out warm feed salad to answer Chinese stomach and winter

Traditional Leng Sha is pulled, although jointly owned of special accord with is raised,learn a characteristic, can appear well all kinds of feed capable person, make sure nutrition is balanced absorb, but not quite accord with compatriots food habit, accept numerous scale opposite narrower.

For this, also have dining room through adjusting product and operation, additional monarch paths another product line, heat up salad make it, can make sure dietetics effect suits Chinese taste more again already. Leave this Chaan light food for instance advocate dozen warm feed salad.

Of course, give priority to with cold salad, join in product line right amount warm feeding salad also is possible, still can achieve so add optional pick gender and increase the action that covers a multitude.

3. and gym cooperate

Common saying says " 3 minutes of practice, eat 7 minutes " , fitness cannot leave dietary control, and the person that has gymnastical food is basic also the target user that is gym, the collaboration with gym sold to become automatical issue outside gymnastical eat.

What oil does gymnastical eat use?

Oil of nutrition of low quantity of heat had better choose when fitness, wait like sunflower seed oil, olive oil, soybean oil, because these oil have good balanced not saturated fatty acid, the person that can be fitness provides nourishment.

Does gymnastical eat place dish of skill?

Put span wants big, the bowl that fills eat and dish want shallow

Does gymnastical eat run strategy?

1. rolls out a formula

Actually, in current market, gymnastical eat still is young many class, face a group narrower, help new cost than other category taller, want to promote profit, more appropriate method is to make a client much be bought a few times, perhaps make a client one-time buy a place more, the gymnastical friend that thinks method lets a client taking her is bought together.

2. is rolled out warm feed salad to answer Chinese stomach and winter

Traditional Leng Sha is pulled, although jointly owned of special accord with is raised,learn a characteristic, can appear well all kinds of feed capable person, make sure nutrition is balanced absorb, but not quite accord with compatriots food habit, accept numerous scale opposite narrower.

For this, also have dining room through adjusting product and operation, additional monarch paths another product line, heat up salad make it, can make sure dietetics effect suits Chinese taste more again already. Leave this Chaan light food for instance advocate dozen warm feed salad.

Of course, give priority to with cold salad, join in product line right amount warm feeding salad also is possible, still can achieve so add optional pick gender and increase the action that covers a multitude.

3. and gym cooperate

Common saying says " 3 minutes of practice, eat 7 minutes " , fitness cannot leave dietary control, and the person that has gymnastical food is basic also the target user that is gym, the collaboration with gym sold to become automatical issue outside gymnastical eat.

The practice of eat of fitness reducing weight?


Eat reducing weight: Gram bud fries pigeon breast flesh. Measure:

Green 3 paragraphs, garlic valve 3 head, carrot cut into shreds half times reserve


100g of pigeon breast flesh is thoroughlied cook rip silk


Gram bud 80g is abluent accuse water


The 2 spoon in boiler are oily, oily heat adds valve of garlic of chopped green onion to explode sweet put carrot silk again, pigeon breast shredded meat is fried sweet, add one spoon oyster sauce


Put gram bud to break up fry, the 2g that add salt breaks up fry, can give a few water, fry moisture work almost. Enter 1 spoon white vinegar, break up fry can give boiler equably.


Ringing and goluptious, it is good that bud of gram of ' of dish of low fat health reducing weight fries ' of pigeon breast flesh

Does gymnastical eat add flesh cookbook?

The need that add muscle emphasizes particularly on the food of high protein, low adipose, right amount carbohydrate, make sure enough quantity of heat and nutriment are absorbed. It is a gymnastical eat cookbook that suits to add muscle below:


- the egg that boil 3

- oatmeal a bowl (join a few currant, walnutmeat, honey)

- banana

Add meat in the morning:

- Greek type yoghurt a cup (join a few nut and honey)


- 200g of pigeon breast flesh, with salt, black peppery, lemon juice flavors bake ripe

- pachyrhizus 100g (bake or evaporate is ripe)

- tomato salad (sea salt of a few on Qiedingsa mixes tomato, cucumber, violet onion olive oil)

Add meat afternoon:

- nut, dried fruit is aggregate 50g


- 200g of 3 article fish (bake or evaporate is ripe)

- yam 200g (bake or evaporate is ripe)

- lettuce salad (lettuce, carrot cuts into shreds, adorn a few walnutmeat and currant, join the self-restrained sauce that reduce fat)

Meat adds before sleeping:

- fruit of oil of half half almond, ox

Those who need an attention is, the constitution of everybody and body situation are different, dietary requirement is endless also and identical, if need to undertake adding flesh food and drink really, the doctor that consults major first please protects personnel and nutrient division guidance, lest happen hidebound wait for a risk.

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