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The condition that house property guaranty borrows money

1, have legal status (have normal and lawful Id, registered permanent residence to wait for identification material originally namely) ;

2, the economic income that has stability, paid the ability that returns loan principal and interest;

3, the age is in in above of 25 one full year of life or real work fixed number of year 5 years of above (this complement that is pair of economy capacity actually) ;

4, lawful and effective housing trades contract, the due still and actual building that skill room trades books contract or relevant credential;

5, mortgage with buying housing newly to make highest specified number, must have the lawful and active contract that buy a house, room age is in 10 years of less than, and stock or already paid not less than place to buy housing total cost of 30% head pay;

6, already bought and dealt with housing guaranty to borrow money, former housing guaranty borrows money already reimbursement a year of above, 60% what loan remaining sum is less than guaranty housing value, and already obtained building right to belong to certificate with on mortage housing, room age is in 10 years of less than;

7, the property right of house property of building mortgage loan is clear, accessibility market is current (10 kinds of houses cannot deal with house property guaranty to borrow money) ;

8, what can offer the Construction Bank to approbate is effective assure (security of the requirement in requirement of loan of mortgage of Construction Bank house property, but other bank does not need more very much) .

Need offerred application material

One, the original that relation of effective identity document, marriage proves housing loan borrower and spouse and Xerox;

2, the place of borrower and spouse often stays registered permanent residence or place to live for a long time proof material;

3, the business charter that is engaged in production managing, be engaged in a license making manage, should offer relevant administration to be in charge of business certificate original of the branch and Xerox;

4, the pay taxes that manufactures management activity proves;

5, commitment of spouse of borrower of loan of the mortgage that buy a house is common the proof; of reimbursement

6, the impawn right evidence that borrower obtains specified amount of loan of impawn, mortgage to spend place to need, touch (qualitative) the written file; that detain matter detailed list and authority belong to proof file, authority to belong to person and belongings to share a person to agree with impawn, guaranty

7, construction bank 2 class branch (contain) the assessment that above approbates branch; of issued pawn appraisal report

8, the other data that builds bank need.

Construction bank building mortgages loan conducts technological process

① borrower applies for to deal with an individual to aid course of study to borrow money, the concerned application material that must manage construction bank to set offers application all right to loan, fill in application form, refer relevant data;

After on-the-spot investigation, examine and verify agrees with two-men of ② client manager, appear in the newspaper authority examines and approve a branch, the bank is examined and approve after agreeing, sign loan contract; with the client

③ client manager deals with loan procedures, on the settle accounts account that turns money into borrower to be opened in our bank, the client can use loan fund;

④ borrower arrives business bar reimbursement, or sufficient reimbursement amount takes on deposit account or bank card, entrust loan bank generation to buckle reimbursement;

After ⑤ loan settle, business net name a person for a particular job is touched (qualitative) mortgage right certificate returns a client.

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