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1. 祭祀用具:有人认为,红山文化玉猪龙最初可能是作为祭祀用具出现的。在古代社会中,人们常常通过祭祀神灵来祈求丰收、平安等好运。因此,玉猪龙可能最初被用来作为祭祀仪式中的道具之一。

2. 象征物:还有人认为,红山文化玉猪龙可能是一种象征物。在中国传统文化中,猪一直被视为吉祥之物,代表着财富、幸福和美好的未来。因此,玉猪龙可能最初被用作一种象征物,代表着人们对美好生活的向往和追求。

3. 艺术品:最后,也有人认为,红山文化玉猪龙是一种艺术品。在古代社会中,人们常常通过艺术来表达自己的情感和思想。因此,玉猪龙可能最初被用作一种艺术品,代表着人们对美好生活的追求和表达。


0238 红山文化玉龙 2,000.00-2,000.00万 2,160.00万 2015-08-29

0202 红山文化玉猪龙 1,666.44-1,851.60万 1,806.00万 2018-05-17

0204 红山文化C字龙 481.42-691.26万 588.00万 2018-05-17

0887 红山文化后期玉猪龙 220.00-220.00万 550.00万 2018-01-31

0897 红山文化玉猪龙 300.00-300.00万 495.00万 2018-01-31

0209 红山文化C型玉龙勾 300.00-300.00万 352.00万 2018-05-24

1278 红山文化 C型玉龙 25.00-25.00万 308.00万 2017-11-08

2123 红山文化玉猪龙 240.50-481.00万 275.00万 2015-06-27

1574 红山文化后期 玉猪龙 220.00-220.00万 253.00万 2017-06-30

0735 红山文化 玉龙形钩 200.00-300.00万 253.00万 1996-11-15

1670 红山文化 玉猪龙 220.00-220.00万 253.00万 2017-06-3






















One, how does introductory Gong Shanwen change jade pig dragon?

Jade pig dragon has discovery more in red hill culture, its head portrait pig head, whole implement the embryo that appears a hog. The pig changes period and remote antiquity in Gong Shanwen first civilian daily production and department of the test of rigorous living conditions are very close, it represents money already, show again bold and powerful. The figure unlike of antediluvian pig is foolish like now, symbolize idly, our ancestor prefers the bodily form with doughty boar, dare the spirit with wrestle of tiger leopard photograph. How pig head is on the body of dragon, the figure that shows a pig gradually abstraction and apotheosis.

Actually, jade pig dragon is not dragon, however pig. People had finished the feed to the pig at that time, because of this appearance the pig, make it fittings. Call dragon, because be when first discovery,be, archaeologist stems from some kind of reason to be its mistake dragon, this jade pig that Gong Shanwen changes, the China that be called the first dragon.

Of course, do later was clear about this is a black dragon incident, yulong is jade pig so, when be however late already, its figure socially already wide for transmission, even the mark that bank of an ancient name for China regarded a bank as his. To do not contuse the ethical sense of pride of people, name this jade pig the pig that it is jade dragon, reflect its essence already, OK and promiscuous concept: Although be head pig, it is head dragon pig however.

Hong Kong always benefit international auctions a limited company to will hold large China china and auction of craft high-quality goods to be met a few times in Hong Kong, jade article of the high-quality goods of be handed down from ancient times that the auction goes to from collect of a note of the ancient Chinese five-tone scale of complete each district or precious of palace involuntary discharge of urine, rare world, reach bright, curiosa of clear home all, attract world each district to hide an intense contest to cast, maintain close tie with of each great artistic opportunity and famous and private collector. Artwork of cultural relic of scope of business auctions a project to cover: Coin of a rubbing from a stone inscription of horn of tooth of wood of jade article of Chinese painting and calligraphy, canvas, china, bamboo, classic furniture, ancient books, stamp, and creativity ground was opened professional very strong sale item, be like " calligraphy special performance " , " snuff crock special performance " , " jade article special performance " , " article room special performance " , " carpentry special performance " , " Jin Tongfo resembles " etc, ever accepted abroad Tibet home to entrust for many times, hold special performance of artwork of abroad circumfluence cultural relic or special subject auction to meet. In the past a few years, asia and international art hide the home to grow day and day to Chinese antique self-identity, guide this to auction special performance to grow continuously at the same time. Heretofore Hong Kong always benefit international auctions a limited company to already was held large and medium-sized artwork auction is met 100 Yu field, pat taste quantitative amount to exceed 130 thousand, furniture of figure of Buddha of horn of tooth of wood of jade carving of sculpture of a rubbing from a stone inscription of picture of the credential in auctioning a project to cover, ancient books, canvas, pottery and porcelain, bamboo, Jintong, carpentry, contemporary handicraft.

2, the antecedents of dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture?

Dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture is one of civilization of Chinese ancient time important cultural relic, it is one of China's earliest jade article. According to archaeological research, before the jade pig dragon of red hill culture appears in BC to came 4000 about between 3000, those who belong to a The Neo-lithic Age is terminal.

Turn the past history of jade pig dragon about Gong Shanwen, have the following kinds of views:

1.Sacred appliance: Somebody thinks, dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture may appear as sacred appliance at first. In archaic society, people often petitions through sacred deities bumper harvest, restful etc lucky. Accordingly, jade pig dragon may be used to at first one of prop in serving as sacred ceremony.

2.Indication: Return somebody to think, dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture may be a kind of indication. In Chinese traditional culture, the pig is regarded as lucky other people all the time, representing fortune, happiness and good future. Accordingly, jade pig dragon may be used as a kind of indication at first, those who representing people to live to happiness is yearning with pursuit.

3.Artwork: Finally, also somebody thinks, dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture is a kind of artwork. In archaic society, people often conveys his affection and idea through art. Accordingly, jade pig dragon may be used as a kind of artwork at first, representing the pursuit that people lives to happiness and expression.

3, the particular value of dragon of Gong Shanyu pig?

Dragon of jade of culture of 0238 red hill 2, 000.00-2, 0 2, 1.6 million 2015-08-29

Dragon of pig of jade of culture of 0202 red hill 1, 666.44-1, 8.516 million 1, 8.06 million 2018-05-17

481.42-691.26 of dragon of word of C of culture of 0204 red hill 10 thousand 5.88 million 2018-05-17

220.00-220.00 of dragon of pig of jade of later period of culture of 0887 red hill 10 thousand 5.5 million 2018-01-31

300.00-300.00 of dragon of pig of jade of culture of 0897 red hill 10 thousand 4.95 million 2018-01-31

C of culture of 0209 red hill Yu Long ticks off 300.00-300.00 10 thousand 3.52 million 2018-05-24

25.00-25.00 of C of culture of 1278 red hill Yu Long 10 thousand 3.08 million 2017-11-08

240.50-481.00 of dragon of pig of jade of culture of 2123 red hill 10 thousand 2.75 million 2015-06-27

220.00-220.00 of dragon of pig of jade of later period of culture of 1574 red hill 10 thousand 2.53 million 2017-06-30

Form of dragon of jade of culture of 0735 red hill hooks 200.00-300.00 10 thousand 2.53 million 1996-11-15

220.00-220.00 of dragon of pig of jade of culture of 1670 red hill 10 thousand 2.53 million 2017-06-3

4, dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture can buying and selling?

Cultural relic of national treasure class is not OK of buying and selling, the dragon of pig of so called jade that can see on market is basic it is copy is tasted, fake, copy of this kind of fake is tasted, informal buying and selling, uncared-for, have a plenty of a person to be duped.

5, what distinguishing feature does dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture have?

Yu Long is the typical implements of culture of red hill of The Neo-lithic Age. Dragon is the animal in people illusion, dragon of jade of red hill culture is heretofore place knows the earliest Yu Long. Jade dragon modelling is peculiar, sculpture is careful. Dragon body is curly, show " C " glyph; Dragon kisses extension forward, become warped up slightly, secretive is shut, nose Duanping is neat; Double eye is protuberant submit comb form, palate and palate bottom carve engrave close lozenge mane grows since backbone of neck of meshy grain; , wrap around to carry; dragon end on the back backward incurvate, extreme circle is pointed; Place of back close neck has one round opening, dragon body section shows circle.

6, is auction of dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture lawful?

Dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture is a country one class cultural relic, henan showing Tibet visits museum, impossible go off with is auctioned.

Silkworm of jade of red hill culture such thing, you did not want to buy, that is husk, not buy. Of course, you also do not make other decision, that risk is too big.

7, what price is dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture worth?

About 3 million yuan

The sale price that Long Jizhen of pig of jade of red hill culture tastes is very tall, at present expert appraisal is controlled in 3 million yuan. Foreign sale price may want a few taller, ask your Zuo accept.

8, is dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture what material pledges?

Caving cliff nephrite

Dragon of Gong Shanyu pig. Name: Jade pig dragon. Category: Jade article. Time: The Neo-lithic Age. Cultural relic belongs to formerly: Gong Shanwen changes hangover. Cultural relic current situation: Liaoning saves Niu Heliang of approach source city to come up out of land, hide at Chinese country museum now. Brief introduction: 7.2 centimeters tall, 5.2 centimeters wide. Baldric, material is caving cliff nephrite character, quality of a material is close, hardness hardness is taller, show white.

Liaoning province builds the jade pig dragon that smooth county disentombs, if body curl up is big on both sides of annulus, fat head, round the eye has knit, the mouth shows long and sharp teeth, the breach between head end disconnects not completely, the head has one circle to get a mouth, after wearing a strap, admire makes eardrop.

9, the market price of dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture?

About 3 million yuan

The sale price that Long Jizhen of pig of jade of red hill culture tastes is very tall, at present expert appraisal is controlled in 3 million yuan. Foreign sale price may want a few taller, ask your Zuo accept.

10, is dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture costly really?

Dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture is a country one class cultural relic, have representative thing most as red hill culture, its are famous child all knows Fu of degree of it may be said, its are precious degree is different from every noise. So we can ask, how many money is dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture worth after all? The senior lover that be collected to Gu Yuqi as and studied nearly 20 years, I still am necessary to answer this question. Basis of dragon of pig of jade of red hill culture comes up out of land statistic, put world capacity to be in about at present 100 less than, among them great majority by domestic and international big museum and each cultural relic unit are collected, folk of driftage of only and few number. Beijing vast ever auctioned 2000, clinch a deal valence is 2.64 million yuan, the country undertook be superintendencied strictly to unearthed relics later, because this Gong Shanwen changes jade pig dragon already very difficult arsis, but small sale goes in each district there still is a sale occasionally below illicit, because foreign auction travel does not suffer effect of policy of domestic cultural relic, because this still can be checked,clinch a deal record

. The sale price that Long Jizhen of pig of jade of red hill culture tastes is very tall, at present expert appraisal is controlled in 3 million yuan. Foreign sale price may want a few taller, ask your Zuo accept.

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