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1、名称: 干炒叉烧意

介绍: “干炒叉烧意”把中西文化溶合得天衣无缝,是不折不扣、此地独有的“香港风味”。它是用酱油炒意大利面拌以肥美的广东叉烧。中西材料俱备,再加上香港的茶餐厅一向以火炉足、镬气够而成名。

2、 名称: 鸳鸯

介绍: 它是标准的香港发明。混合了奶茶的香滑以及咖啡的浓郁香味。喝下去,有一点儿酸,一点苦涩…总之是难以形容。

3、 名称: 冻柠啡

介绍: 冻柠啡可绝对是香港的茶餐厅才喝得到的诡异饮料,比起鸳鸯更加新奇!冰凉苦涩的咖啡,加上酸到心坎里的柠檬片,入口后浓烈的酸苦味,再惺忪的双眼也会变得犀利有神。

4、 名称: 鲜虾云吞

介绍: 香港的鲜虾云吞就像上海的小笼包一样,是不得不尝的美食杰作。云吞个个有婴儿拳头大,馅全部是完整的大个鲜虾做的,不象上海吃的大半都是肉末。

名称: 芒果班戟

介绍: 班戟是pancake的音译,很西方的点心,但经过香港人的打磨,已经变成港式甜品的经典之一。

5、名称: 糖不甩

介绍: 顾名思义就是甩不掉的东西,形似汤圆,取其甜蜜美满之意。糯米团用糖浆煮熟。彼时糖浆浓稠正相宜。

6、名称: 白雪黑珍珠

介绍: 里面货色众多,有明列子龙眼香蕉椰果以及永远的芒果,配上浓滑的冷牛奶。

7、名称: 双皮奶

介绍: 双皮奶有冻和热两种,一定要点冻的,上面那一层微微皱起的奶皮是整款美点最精华的部分,醇厚的奶香足以绕舌三日而不绝。

8、名称: 煎酿三宝

介绍: 这是香港人对三种同类的常见街头小吃的统称。做法与肉酿豆腐类似,是把搅碎成肉泥的鲮鱼肉酿在茄子、青椒和豆腐这三种食品中,然后放入油锅里煎,于是称作“煎”“酿”“三宝”。吃的时候通常会使用竹签串着,像吃鱼蛋一样.再醮上酱油。除了以上三种食物之外,间中会有鲮鱼肉酿大香菇、酿红肠、云吞皮、香肠、灯笼椒等。

9、名称: 鸡蛋仔

介绍: 香港地道街头小吃之一。以鸡蛋、砂糖、面粉、淡奶等造成汁液,倒在两块特制蜂巢状铁制模版的中间,放在火上烤成。倒出来的鸡蛋仔呈金黄色,有蛋糕的香味,加上中间是半空的,咬下时口感特别。

10、名称: 车仔面

介绍: 是香港一种廉价面食。贩卖熟食的小档挤满街道,贩卖车仔面的木头车中放置金属造的“煮食格”,分别装有面条和配料,配料通常有鱼蛋、牛丸、猪皮、猪红、萝卜等平价菜色。顾客可为面条自由选择配料,通常十多块钱就可饱吃一顿。

11、 名称: 碗仔翅

介绍: 香港常见的街头小吃之一,以前通常由小贩在街边贩卖,因以小碗盛载而得名。在从前,不少小贩向酒家拿些零散的鱼翅,加入冬菇、木耳、猪肉丝、高汤加入味精、马蹄粉等煮成。吃时通常加入胡椒粉、浙醋、麻油等调味,亦可以加入鱼肉、生菜丝等。




Hong Kong traditional cate:

1, name: Dry fry fork to burn meaning

Introduce: "Dry fry fork to burn meaning " fuse culture of Chinese and Western flawless, it is one hundred percent, here is particular " Hong Kong gust " . It is to use soy to fry Italian face to mix burn with the Guangdong fork of fat. All of material of Chinese and Western has, the tea dining-room plus Hong Kong all along with burner sufficient, Huo is enraged enough and become famous.

2, name: An affectionate couple

Introduce: It is Hong Kong invention of the standard. Those who mixed tea with milk is sweet slip and the full-bodied fragrance of coffee. Drink go down, have a bit sick at heart, agonized... anyhow is indescribable.

3, name: Aspic lemon Fei

Introduce: The tea dining-room that aspic lemon Fei can be Hong Kong absolutely just drinks gotten weird beverage, compared with an affectionate couple more fancy! Icy and agonized coffee, the lemon that adds acid in the bottom of one's heart piece, the powerful acid after the entrance is acrid, again the double eye of Xing Song also can become biting have a mind.

4, name: Bright shrimp cloud is swallowed

Introduce: What the bright shrimp Yun Tun of Hong Kong resembles Shanghai is small basket package is same, it is the cate classic that must taste. Each has Yun Tun infantile fist is big, entirely big complete bright shrimp does stuffing, the most that eats unlike Shanghai is ground meat.

Name: Mango class halberd

Introduce: Ban Ji is the transliteration of Pancake, very western mug-up, but the burnish that passes Hong Kong person, what had turned harbor type into sweetmeats is classical one of.

5, name: Candy is not swung

Introduce: Just as its name implies throws the thing that does not drop namely, stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup of be similar in shape, take its sweet and perfect idea. Group of polished glutinous rice is thoroughlied cook with syrup.

6, name: White snow black pearl

Introduce: Inside goods is numerous, have bright kind child fruit of longan banana coco and forever mango, deserve to go up thick slippery cold milk.

7, name: Double skin is suckled

Introduce: Double skin grandma has aspic and heat two kinds, must nod aspic, above that one slightly pursy skin on boiled milk is dot of entire section beauty most the part of elite, full-bodied grandma sweet enough is chatty 3 days and incessant.

8, name: Decoct brews 3 treasure

Introduce: This is a general designation with Hong Kong person's congener to 3 kinds common fastfood street. Practice and fleshy wine bean curd are similar, be mash the dace flesh wine of fleshy mashed vegetable or fruit is in aubergine, green pepper and bean curd in these 3 kinds of food, put the simmer in water in oily boiler next, call then " decoct " " wine " " 3 treasure " . When eating, normally autograph of meeting use bamboo is being strung together, like egg having a fish. Again the soy on Taoist sacrificial ceremony. Besides above besides 3 kinds of food, in can dace flesh makes great Xianggu mushroom, wine any of several hot spice plants of skin of red bowel, Yun Tun, banger, lantern.

9, name: Egg young

Introduce: Hong Kong pure street is fastfood one of. Wait with egg, saccharic, flour, weak grandma cause juice, make stencil in iron of two tailor-made and honeycomb shape among, put on fire to be baked. The egg young that comes out shows golden scene, have the sweet smell of cake, half sky is between Jiashangzhong, bite the mouthfeel when falling special.

10, name: Car son face

Introduce: It is Hong Kong a kind cheap cooked wheaten food. The small grade that sells cooked food is swarmed street, the metal places to build in the wood car that sells car young range " boil feed case " , mix of noodle respectively burden, burden has piscine egg, Niu Wan, pigskin, pig normally the par famished look such as red, turnip. The client can select burden for noodle freedom, normally more than 10 money but full eat.

11, name: Bowl young wing

Introduce: Hong Kong's common street is fastfood one of, traffic in street edge by butcher normally before, because get a name with bowls of small Cheng Zai. Once upon a time, many butcher take some of scattered fim to wineshop, join silk of dried mushrooms, agaric, pork, soup-stock to join pink of gourmet powder, horse's hoof to wait boil. Vinegar of pepper, short for Zhejiang Province, sesame oil is joined to wait normally when eating flavor, also can wait in order to join silk of cruelly oppress, lettuce.

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