1. 财神像:代表财富和好运,放置在家中可以带来财运亨通。
2. 钱币或金银饰品:象征财富和财运,放置在家中可以增加财气。
3. 水晶摆件:水晶具有净化和吸纳负能量的作用,可以辟邪驱邪,保护家庭安宁。
4. 盆景:盆景寓意着团圆和繁荣,可以增加家庭的和谐氛围。
5. 福字或福画:代表幸福和吉祥,放置在家中可以带来好运和福气。
Decoration most the household goods of flourishing money exorcise evil spirits includes:
1.Mammon resembles: Represent fortune become reconciled to carry, it is OK in the home to place bring money carry be prosperous.
2.Coin or bullion act the role of article: Indicative fortune and money carry, it is OK in the home to place add money energy of life.
3.Crystal places: Crystal has the effect that purify and inducts negative energy, can exorcise of exorcise evil spirits, protective family is quiet.
4.Miniascape: The implied meaning wears miniascape to reunion and flourish, can add harmonious atmosphere of the family.
5.Blessing word or blessing draw: Represent happy He Jixiang, it is OK in the home to place bring lucky with good luck.
These decorations can be mixed according to individual be fond of household style undertakes choose and be puttinged.