- 吉祥花:象征着幸福和繁荣。
- 芙蓉花:象征着纯洁和高贵。
- 菊花:象征着长寿和吉祥。
- 紫藤花:象征着团聚和幸福。
- 兰花:象征着高雅和吉祥。
Cultivate lucky flowers to be able to bring lucky energy of life. A few common lucky flowers include:
- lucky flower: Indicative happiness and prosperity.
- lotus is beautiful: Indicative chasteness and nobility.
- chrysanthemum: Indicative macrobian He Jixiang.
- the wistaria is beautiful: Symbolic move reunites and happy.
- orchid: Indicative decorous He Jixiang.