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1. 陕西历史博物馆:这是中国最大的历史类博物馆之一,收藏了大量的历史文物,展示了陕西地区从古至今的历史文化。
2. 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆:这是世界上规模最大、保存最完整的兵马俑博物馆,展示了秦始皇陵兵马俑等珍贵文物。
3. 西安博物院:这是一座综合性博物馆,收藏了大量的历史、艺术和文化遗产,展示了西安及周边地区的文化历史。
4. 西安碑林博物馆:以收藏石刻碑拓为主,展示了中国古代石刻艺术的发展历程。
5. 西安钟楼博物馆:位于西安钟楼内,展示了钟楼的历史沿革及文化内涵。



Xi'an has a lot of museum, wh some of which is the famousest include:

1.Shaanxi history museum: This is China's greatest history kind one of museum, collected many historical cultural relic, showed Shaanxi region from ancient up to now historical culture.
2.Museum of tomb figure of military forces of Qin Shi emperor: This is the dimensions on the world the biggest, save museum of the most complete military forces tomb figure, revealed the precious cultural relic such as tomb figure of military forces of imperial tomb of Qin Shi emperor.
3.Xi'an museum: This is an omnibus museum, collected many history, art and culture bequest, showed the culture history of Xi'an and circumjacent area.
4.House of content of Xi'an tablet Lin Bo: Give priority to in order to collect lapidarian tablet develop, revealed the development course of art of carved stone of Chinese ancient time.
5.Xi'an belfry museum: Be located in inside Xi'an belfry, showed the historical evolution of belfry and culture intention.

Of course, besides these, xi'an still has a lot of other museum and culture place, revealed the historical culture of rich and colorful.
