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  • 离婚是解除婚姻的法律过程,终止随之而来的法律义务和责任。它涉及财产分割、确定子女监护权和探视权,有时还包括支付赡养费或配偶赡养费。离婚的原因多种多样,包括不可调和的分歧、不忠、虐待或仅仅是沟通破裂。这个过程在情感上可能充满挑战,复杂难解,通常需要法律援助来应对家庭法的复杂性。
    Divorce is the legal process of dissolving a marriage, terminating the legal duties and responsibilities that come with it. It involves the division of assets, the determination of child custody and visitation rights, and sometimes the payment of alimony or spousal support. The reasons for divorce can vary widely, including irreconcilable differences, infidelity, abuse, or simply a breakdown in communication. The process can be emotionally challenging and complex, often requiring legal assistance to navigate the intricacies of family law.   关于离婚的英语词汇及短语: - Divorce: 离婚 - Legal separation: 法律分居 - Annulment: 婚姻无效 - Irreconcilable differences: 不可调和的分歧 - Infidelity: 不忠 - Abuse: 虐待 - Alimony: 赡养费 - Spousal support: 配偶赡养费 - Child custody: 子女监护权 - Visitation rights: 探视权 - Mediation: 调解 - Family law: 家庭法 - Prenuptial agreement: 婚前协议   关于离婚的英语句型: - They are seeking a divorce due to irreconcilable differences.(他们因为不可调和的分歧寻求离婚。) - The couple has decided to end their marriage through a legal separation.(这对夫妇决定通过法律分居来结束他们的婚姻。) - The court granted her full custody of the children after the divorce.(离婚后,法院授予她完全的子女监护权。) - He is required to pay alimony to his ex-wife.(他被要求向前妻支付赡养费。) - The divorce process was emotionally draining for both parties involved.(离婚过程对双方来说都是情感上的消耗。)   关于离婚的英语短文: Divorce can be a difficult and life-changing event for individuals and families. It often marks the end of a significant relationship and requires careful consideration of the emotional, financial, and legal implications. The process can be contentious, especially when it comes to matters of child custody and asset division. Mediation and legal representation can help parties reach fair and equitable agreements, minimizing the stress and conflict that often accompany divorce. It's important to approach this transition with patience, understanding, and a focus on the well-being of all family members, particularly children. In the aftermath of divorce, individuals may find new opportunities for personal growth and a fresh start.   离婚对个人和家庭来说可能是一个困难和生活改变的事件。它通常标志着重要关系的结束,并需要仔细考虑情感、财务和法律方面的影响。当涉及到子女监护权和财产分割时,这个过程可能会充满争议。调解和法律代表可以帮助各方达成公平合理的协议,减少离婚常常伴随的压力和冲突。重要的是要以耐心、理解和关注所有家庭成员,特别是孩子的福祉来应对这个转变。在离婚之后,个人可能会发现新的个人成长和重新开始的机会。