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1. 花草:选择适合当地气候和土壤的花草,如玫瑰、牵牛花、郁金香等,使屋前色彩丰富、花香四溢。
2. 绿植:摆放各种绿色植物,如仙人掌、多肉植物、常绿灌木等,增添生机。
3. 树木:种植一些高大的树木,如柳树、榉树等,可以提供阴凉,改善环境。
4. 路径:修建美观的石子、砖块或木板路径,增加屋前的整体美感。
5. 花园装饰:摆放一些花园装饰品,如水泉、花园灯、雕塑等,营造浪漫或艺术氛围。



Before house most the appearance of flourishing may depend on different element, include condition of situation, climate, agrotype and individual love. But generally speaking, before a few common adornment can allow room more exuberant:

1.Flowers and plants: The choice suits the flowers and plants of local climate and soil, wait like rose, morning glory, tulip, make the colour before house rich, beautiful sweet 4 excessive.
2.Green plant: Put all sorts of greenery, wait like cactus, meaty plant, Chang Luguan wood, add lease of life.
3.Arboreous: Plant a few lofty tree, wait like tree of willow, Ju, can offer shady and cool, improve an environment.
4.Method: Build beautiful cobble, brick or board way, increase the integral aesthetic feeling before house.
5.Garden adornment: Put adornment of a few gardens, wait like lamp of Shui Quan, garden, sculpture, build romance or artistic atmosphere.

Of course, choose what kind of adornment finally or want to consider individual be fond of and real case.
