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1. **吉祥树(Money Tree)**:象征财富和好运,据说放在家里可以招财进宝。

2. **幸运竹(Lucky Bamboo)**:在中国文化中被视为吸引好运和财富的象征。

3. **吊兰(Spider Plant)**:被认为具有净化空气和吸引好运的功效。

4. **红掌(Anthurium)**:因其鲜艳的花朵而被视为吉祥之物,能带来喜悦和繁荣。

5. **发财树(Lucky Plant)**:也称为吉祥木,被认为是增加财富和幸福的象征。

6. **仙人掌(Cactus)**:在风水学上被认为能够吸收负面能量,为家中带来平静和保护。

7. **紫罗兰(Violet)**:被认为有助于吸引爱情和幸福。



A few plants that are thought to have lucky sense are put to be able to increase in the home indoor life and energy. It is a few common plants that are thought to conduce to flourishing luck below:

1.** lucky tree (Money Tree) ** : Indicative fortune become reconciled carries, put in the home to be able to enrol money to enter treasure allegedly.

2.** lucky bamboo (Lucky Bamboo) ** : Be regarded as to attract in Chinese culture lucky with fortune indicative.

3.** bracketplant (Spider Plant) ** : Be thought to have purify air and draw lucky effect.

4.** red palm (Anthurium) ** : Because of its bright-coloured flower be regarded as lucky other people, can bring joyance and prosperity.

5.** gets rich tree (Lucky Plant) ** : Also call lucky wood, what be considered as to increase fortune and happiness is indicative.

6.** cacti (Cactus) ** : In geomantic learn to go up to be thought to be able to draw negative energy, to calm and protection are brought in the home.

7.** violet (Violet) ** : Be thought to conduce to attract love and happiness.

No matter which you choose to cultivate substance, want to remember offerring proper conserve and care, such their ability are in the home thrive, bring for you lucky.
