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1. **吉祥花卉**:如吉祥草(四季平安)、幸福树(发财树)、吉祥蕙草等,这些植物在中国传统文化中被视为能够带来好运和财富的象征。

2. **观赏植物**:如吉祥果、招财树(金钱树)、发财树(幸福树)、紫叶榕等。这些植物因其独特的叶形或颜色而被认为具有招财或者福气的象征。

3. **绿色植物**:任何可以在家中养护良好的植物都可以增加生活的活力和财富。绿色植物可以改善家居环境,带来积极的能量和财富气息。



The plant that is thought to bring money to carry on a few traditions includes:

1.** of ** lucky flowers: Like lucky grass (the four seasons is restful) , happy tree (get rich tree) , grass of lucky a species of orchid, these plants are regarded as in Chinese traditional culture can bring lucky with fortune indicative.

2.** ornamental plant ** : If money of lucky fruit, action is cultivated (money is cultivated) , get rich tree (happy tree) , violet Xie Rong. These plants because of its distinctive leaf form or color be thought to have action money or of good luck indicative.

3.** greenery ** : Any can the vigor that can add the life in the plant with the good conserve in the home and fortune. Greenery can improve household environment, bring active energy and fortune breath.

Nevertheless, money carries and the relation more between the plant is a kind of symbolistic belief, the scientific fact of authentic of and rather than. The most important is, no matter grow what vegetable, should with safeguarding good growth environment and intention attend give priority to, such ability enjoy the happiness that brings to the plant and energy truly.
