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1. 愿佛光普照,心灵安宁。
2. 心存善念,求得福报。
3. 一念清净,万事皆安。
4. 愿以虔诚之心供养佛前,祈求诸事平安。
5. 愿观世音菩萨慈悲庇佑,众生无苦。
6. 皈依三宝,愿得菩提。
7. 愿以虔诚之心供奉佛前,祈愿家人平安幸福。
8. 世间万象,皆系因果。愿种善因,结福果。



The sentence of consecrate niche for a statue of Buddha can choose according to the individual's belief and mood, can express the feeling of the respect to Budda, belief and pray blessing generally speaking. It is sentences of a few common consecrate niche for a statue of Buddha below:

1.Wish Buddha smooth illuminate all things, the heart is quiet.
2.The heart puts be apt to to read aloud, get blessing reply.
3.Read aloud kosher, all things all is installed.
4.Wish to make offerings to with devotional heart before Buddha, invocatory all things are safe.
5.Wish to watch mercy of world sound Bodhisattva to bless, all living creatures does not have suffering.
6.The ceremony of proclaiming sb a Buddhist 3 treasure, wish to get bodhi.
7.Wish with devotional heart consecrate Buddha before, invocatory family is restful and happy.
8.Worldly every phenomenon, all fasten cause and effect. Wish to plant be apt to because, knot blessing fruit.

The sentence that you can be experienced according to your and devotional choice suits comes consecrate niche for a statue of Buddha.
