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Shoes - 鞋子

Footwear - 鞋类

Sneakers - 运动鞋

Boots - 靴子

Sandals - 凉鞋

High heels - 高跟鞋

Flats - 平底鞋

Slippers - 拖鞋

Shoe store - 鞋店

Shoe rack - 鞋架

Shoe size - 鞋码

Shoe polish - 鞋油

Shoe lace - 鞋带

Try on - 试穿

Fit - 合适

Comfortable - 舒适的

Style - 风格

Brand - 品牌

Salesperson - 销售员

Discount - 折扣


"Welcome to our shoe store! How can I assist you today?" 


"We have a wide selection of sneakers, boots, and sandals in various sizes and styles." 


"Would you like to try on these shoes to see if they fit well?" 


"These high heels are very stylish and comfortable for special occasions." 


"We're offering a 20% discount on selected items this week." 



Shoe stores are an indispensable part of urban life, offering people a variety of shoe options. A good shoe store not only sells shoes but also provides comfortable, stylish, and well-fitting footwear. Customers can find shoes suitable for different occasions and activities in shoe stores, whether it's for sports, leisure, or formal occasions. In addition to shoes themselves, shoe stores also offer various accessories and services such as insoles, shoe polish, and shoe repair services, ensuring that customers' shoes remain in good condition. Overall, shoe stores are an essential part of urban life, providing people with comfortable, stylish, and quality-assured footwear, meeting people's various needs for shoes.



❶ 今年夏天流行这种鱼嘴高跟鞋。Peep-toe heels are all the rage this summer.

同类表达 Peep-toe heels are in vogue. 鱼嘴高跟鞋正流行。

❷ 这款及踝靴非常时尚。This ankle boots are really in.

同类表达 This ankle boots are often in fashion.

❸ 这双鞋的高度刚刚好。The height of the shoes is perfect.

对话 A: What about this pair? 这双鞋怎么样?

B: The height of the shoes is perfect. 这双鞋的高度刚刚好。

A: May I try it on? 我可以试穿吗?

B: Sure. 当然。

❹ 这双鞋我穿起来刚刚好。This pair of shoes just fits my size.

同类表达 This pair fits perfectly.

对话 A: How do you like this pair of shoes? 这双鞋你合意吗?

B: This pair of shoes just fits my size. 这双鞋我穿起来刚刚好。

❺ 这双鞋对我来说太亮了。It is too flashy for me.

同类表达 I'm afraid the color is a bit too bright for me. 恐怕对我来说这颜色有点太亮了。

❻ 我的脚趾都挤到一块去了。My toes are all bunched together.

同类表达 This is a villainous pair of shoes, which has ruined my feet. 这双鞋糟透了,让我的脚受罪。

These shoes pinch my toes. 这双鞋有点挤脚。

❼ 让我帮你把鞋带系上吧。Let me help you tie your shoelaces.

对话 A: Let me help you tie your shoelaces. 让我帮你把鞋带系上吧。

B: It's so nice of you. 你可真好。

❽ 我不喜欢高跟鞋。I don't like high heels.

对话 A: I don't like high heels. 我不喜欢高跟鞋。

B: Neither do I. It makes me feel exhausted. 我也是。高跟鞋会让我感觉筋疲力尽。

❾ 这鞋是全皮的。These shoes are all leather.

对话 A: These shoes are all leather. They are very comfortable to wear. 这鞋是全皮的,穿起来很舒适。

B: Oh, then I'd better try them on both feet. 哦,那我最好两只脚都试试。

A: No problem. 没问题。

❿ 近来人字拖鞋非常流行。Flip-flops are very popular recently.
