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Invitation - 邀请

Invite - 邀请某人

Guest - 客人

Event - 活动

Party - 聚会

Wedding - 婚礼

Dinner - 晚餐

Gala - 盛会

Formal - 正式的

Informal - 非正式的

RSVP - 请回复(Répondez s'il vous plaît)

Plus One - 加一人(通常指伴侣或朋友)

Acceptance - 接受邀请

Decline - 拒绝邀请

E-vite - 电子邀请函


"I'm delighted to invite you to my birthday party."

 - 我很高兴邀请你来参加我的生日派对。

"Please RSVP by next Friday to confirm your attendance." 

- 请在下周五之前回复以确认你的出席。

"The invitation includes a dress code of black tie." 

- 邀请函中包含了着装要求,需要穿正装。

"She sent out the invitations two weeks in advance."

 - 她提前两周发出了邀请。

"We were honored to receive the invitation to the prestigious event." 

- 我们很荣幸收到这个盛大活动的邀请。


Dear [Name],

I am writing to extend a cordial invitation for you to join us at the annual charity gala organized by the [Organization Name]. The event will take place on [Date] at [Venue] and promises to be an evening filled with music, dancing, and fine dining. All proceeds from the evening will go towards supporting [Cause].

We would be truly honored by your presence and hope you can attend. Kindly RSVP by [RSVP Date] to let us know if you will be able to join us.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]







❶ 你想加入我们吗?Do you want to join us?

同类表达 Do you fancy coming along? 你想一起来吗?

这样回答 Yes, I'm so happy. 好的,我太高兴了。

❷ 你愿意留下来吃饭吗?Would you like to stay for dinner?

对话 A: It's really great that you came to see me. Would you like to stay for dinner? 很高兴你来看我。你愿意留下来吃饭吗?

B: Of course, I'd love to. 当然,我很乐意。

❸ 这个周末你有空吗?Are you free this weekend?

对话 A: Are you free this weekend? 这个周末你有空吗?

B: Yes. Why? 有啊。怎么了?

A: Great! Do you want to have dinner with me this Saturday? 太好了!周六你想和我共进晚餐吗?

B: Good idea. 好主意。

❹ 你什么时候方便?When is it convenient for you?

对话 A: When is it convenient for you? 你什么时候方便?

B: Seven is OK for me. 七点对我来说可以。

❺ 我很乐意。I'd be delighted.

同类表达 I'd love to.

对话 A: Hey. Do you want to go to see a movie with me? 嘿,你想和我一起去看电影吗?

B: I'd be delighted. 我很乐意。

❻ 我会按时到。I'll be there on time.

对话 A: Do you want to come to my birthday party tomorrow? 明天你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗?

B: I'd be glad to. When will it start? 我很乐意。什么时候开始?

A: At six o'clock. 六点开始。

B: I'll be there on time. 我会按时到的。

❼ 抱歉,我有约了。Sorry, I have an appointment.

同类表达 Sorry, I have plans for tonight. 抱歉,我今晚有安排了。

❽ 另找时间可以吗?How about a rain check?

同类表达 Some other time. 再找其他时间吧。

❾ 要我开车去接你吗?Shall I come to pick you up?

❿ 下次吧。Maybe next time.

对话 A: Can you come tomorrow? 明天你能来吗?

B: Sorry. Maybe next time. 抱歉,下次吧。

上一篇:我的春节 My Spring Festival
下一篇:名篇背诵:Unhappiness 愁苦