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1. 祭祀:民间会定期或在特殊时刻举行祭祀仪式,献上食物、酒水、香烛等物品,以表达对神灵的尊敬和敬意。

2. 点灯祈福:在寺庙或家中点燃香烛,祈求神灵庇佑家人平安健康、事业顺利等。

3. 祈祷:民间会在特定时间或地点诚心祈祷,表达对神灵的虔诚之情,祈求保佑和指引。

4. 神龛供奉:在家中设置神龛,摆放神像或神符,供奉并尊敬所信仰的神灵。

5. 赞美歌舞:有些地区会通过歌舞等形式来赞美神灵,表达对神灵的感激和敬意。



The means of civilian consecrate deities is varied, depend on normally district, culture and individual belief. A few familiar pattern include:

1.Sacred: Folk is met fixed or sacred ceremony is held in special hour, display on the article such as water of food, wine, joss sticks and candles, in order to express the respect to deities and respect.

2.Light a lamp pray blessing: Joss sticks and candles is ignited in cloister or home, invocatory deities blesses family is restful healthy, career is successful etc.

3.Pray: Folk can be in specific time or ground to nod sincere desire to pray, express the religious feeling to deities, invocatory bless and how-to.

4.Shrine consecrate: Shrine is installed in the home, put God or divine magic figures drawn by Taoist priests to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune, consecrate respects a devotional deities.

5.Paean dance: Some areas can praise through the form such as singing and dancing deities, express the gratitude to deities and respect.

These means are the common practice of civilian consecrate deities, but actually the belief of everybody and practice may differ somewhat.
