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1. **开场白:** 主持人致辞,介绍今日的供奉仪式意义及目的。

2. **献香:** 由主持人或者代表献香,表达虔诚之意。

3. **诵经:** 以恭敬的心态诵读相关经文或祷文,示意对神明的敬畏和信仰。

4. **献 offerings:** 献上食物、水果、鲜花等物品,表达虔诚之心,以供神明享用。

5. **祈祷:** 主持人或者代表为参与者及家人祈福,祈求神灵保佑。

6. **闭幕:** 主持人总结仪式,感谢参与者的到来,并表达对神明的敬意。




The word of deities consecrate ceremony writes a law to be able to consult the following format:


** of ceremony of ** deities consecrate

** date: **

** place: **


** ceremony flow: **

1.** opening remarks: ** compere makes a speech, introduce the consecrate ceremony meaning now and purpose.

2.** displays sweet: ** perhaps is represented by compere display sweet, express sincere desire.

3.** Song classics: ** the chant of state of mind with respect is relevant lection or prayer, signal is right of deities awe-stricken with belief.

4.** displays Offerings: ** is displayed on the article such as food, fruit, flower, convey devotional heart, enjoy in order to offer deities.

5.** prays: ** compere perhaps is represented for participator and family pray blessing, invocatory deities is blessed.

6.** concludes: ** compere sums up a ceremony, thank the arrival of participator, express the respect to deities.


This is a simple consecrate ceremony pattern plate, can undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to particular case.
