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1. **选择合适的位置:** 在供奉关公铜像之前,需要选择一个合适的位置。通常这个位置会放在房间的正中央或者显眼的地方,以示尊敬和肃穆。

2. **准备供奉台或祭坛:** 可以使用供奉台或者祭坛来摆放关公铜像。可以选择一个装饰精美、洁净整齐的台子或者桌子,并在上面摆放鲜花、香烛等供品。

3. **摆放关公铜像:** 将关公铜像放置在供奉台或祭坛上,通常会面朝正门或者是主人的位置。

4. **祭拜仪式:** 在供奉关公铜像时,可以进行简单的祭拜仪式。可以点燃香烛,合掌祈祷,表达对关公的崇敬和祈愿。

5. **定期供奉:** 为了保持对关公的崇敬,可以定期进行供奉和祭拜,例如每月或每周一次。



Passing fair bronze statue is consecrate normally in temple or in the family, esteem in order to show and pray blessing. The kind that consecrate involves fair bronze is OK according to the individual traditional perhaps and consuetudinary and differ somewhat, but common practice includes the following measure:

1.** chooses proper place: ** passes fair bronze statue in consecrate before, need chooses a proper place. Normally this position can be put in the place with the conspicuous perhaps midpoint of the room, be respected in order to show and solemn and respectful.

2.** prepares consecrate stage or altar: ** can use consecrate station or altar will put pass fair bronze statue. Can choose the desk with a clean and elegant, orderly adornment or table, and above put the offerings such as flower, joss sticks and candles.

3.** puts pass fair bronze statue: ** will close fair bronze to place go up in consecrate stage or altar, know the place with master perhaps front door of regular meeting look out.

4.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: ** passes fair bronze statue in consecrate when, can undertake simple hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony. Can ignite joss sticks and candles, add up to a palm to pray, expression is fair to closing esteem and invocatory.

5.** fixed consecrate: ** closes to esteem fairly to keep right, can undertake consecrate and hold a memorial ceremony for are done obeisance to regularly, for example every month or once a week.

Above is the kind that general consecrate involves fair bronze, but particular way may differ consuetudinarily because of area, belief and individual and somewhat difference.
