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1. 准备一个小的供桌或者柜子,并清洁它,确保它是一个干净的地方。

2. 将你的佛牌放在供桌或柜子上的中央位置,可以用一块红色布或者一块干净的布来垫底。

3. 在佛牌的周围摆放一些供品,比如鲜花、水果、香烛、香炉、清水等,以示虔诚。

4. 在供桌或柜子的一侧放一个香炉,点上香,并祈祷佛牌给予你平安和幸福。

5. 可以每天定时来供养佛牌,以保持心灵的宁静和平衡。



Card of Buddha of consecrate is in the home can be a ceremony with simple and far-reaching meaning. You can choose a quiet place, put a little credence or cabinet, undertake according to the following measure next:

1.Prepare a little credence or cabinet, clean it, ensure it is a clean place.

2.Put your Buddha shop sign in the central position on altar or cabinet, can use a gules cloth or a clean cloth will pay a copy.

3.In Buddha card all round put a few offerings, for instance flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, censer, clear water, in order to show devotional.

4.A censer is put in a side of altar or cabinet, on the dot sweet, pray Buddha card gives you to be mixed in safety happy.

5.Can time everyday will make offerings to Buddha card, in order to maintain halcyon peace of the heart judge.

This process is OK undertake adjustment according to your individual belief and be fond of, important is to retain sincere desire and respect.
