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1. **位置选择:** 尽量选择一个安静、干净的地方作为供奉祖先的案桌位置,最好不要与厕所相邻,也不要摆放在床头或者厨房等不合适的地方。

2. **案桌摆放:** 将供奉祖先的案桌摆放在房间的一角或者特定的位置,面朝东方是一个常见的选择,因为在中国传统文化中东方被视为吉祥之地。

3. **供品摆放:** 在案桌上摆放供奉品,包括水、水果、糖果、香烛、鲜花等。其中,水和水果是必备的供品,代表着孝道和对祖先的尊敬。

4. **烛台摆放:** 在案桌上放置烛台,可以使用红色的蜡烛或者白色的蜡烛,以表示尊敬和纪念。

5. **香炉摆放:** 在案桌上摆放香炉,并点燃香火,表示尊敬和纪念祖先。

6. **照片摆放:** 如果有祖先的照片,可以放在案桌上,以便家人们能够更加真切地感受到祖先的存在。

7. **整理清洁:** 定期清理案桌和更换供品,保持整洁和清新。



The desk desk of consecrate ancestor puts need to abide by certain tradition and ceremony. Normally the circumstance falls, you can put according to the following measure:

1.** position chooses: ** chooses a quiet, clean place to regard the case table of consecrate ancestor as buy as far as possible, had better not with toilet photograph adjacent, also do not put in the head of a bed or the improper place such as the kitchen.

2.** desk desk puts: ** puts the desk desk of consecrate ancestor the position with the one specific perhaps role that is in a room, look out east is a common choice, because be in China,the east in traditional culture is regarded as lucky land.

3.** offerings puts: Consecrate is put to taste on desk of ** on record, include water, fruit, candied, joss sticks and candles, flower to wait. Among them, water and fruit are necessary offerings, representing filial piety path and the respect to the ancestor.

4.** candlestick puts: Candlestick is placed on desk of ** on record, the candle that can use red or white candle, in order to represent respect and commemoration day.

5.** censer puts: Censer is put on desk of ** on record, ignite burning incense, express to respect and commemorate an ancestor.

6.** photograph puts: If ** has ancestral picture, can put on record desk, so that people can feel the home more clearly,be in to ancestral putting.

7.** arranges cleanness: ** clears regularly desk desk and change offerings, keep neat and pure and fresh.

Above is desk of desk of general consecrate ancestor put a method, specific of course it is OK also to put way undertake adjustment according to the be fond of of familial tradition and individual.
